Today, I am reviewing Classic Beauty: The History of Makeup by Gabriela Hernandez. Ms. Hernandez is the founder of Besame Cosmetics, and has created a guide to makeup all the way from antiquity to modern day, full of beautiful full-color images and pictures of vintage makeup.

The definition of a beautiful face has never been constant. See how political and social climates have molded accepted beauty rituals and the evolution of cosmetics from ancient times through today. This updated and refreshed reference book chronicles historic trends for the eyes, lips,and face, and offers in-depth aesthetic reviews of each decade from the1920s to today. Follow the fascinating history of cosmetic trends vintage ads; detailed makeup application guides;and profiles of famous makeup innovators, connoisseurs, and iconic faces. Over 450 images, timelines, and detailed vintage color palettes show the changing definitions of beauty and document makeup innovations(the first mascara, lipstick, eye shadow, etc.) that have evolved throughout the history of cosmetics. This is an ideal reference for the professional makeup artist, cosmetologist, educator, student, and general makeup enthusiasts.
This book will provide hours of interest to the makeup enthusiast. I particularly enjoyed the section on Victorian beauty as the Victorian era is my favorite in history! The two Victorian books I mention in my video are: How to be a Victorian and Inside the Victorian Home.
Please note: There is a discrepancy in the timeline on page 30, as Queen Elizabeth l died in 1603, but the timeline references her in 1630. I contacted the publisher about this and I have a statement from Ms. Hernandez on the matter. I asked if the timeline implies that Queen Elizabeth l 's influence for makeup came after her death.
"Yes, the idea is that makeup was popularized by her influence, not necessarily just during her life. These movements take time, and popular opinion and customs change very gradually, in decades of time. Thank you for pointing that out."
I appreciate Schiffer publishing and Gabriela Hernandez's response to my query!
I hope you enjoy taking a look inside Classic Beauty in today's video.
Off the Shelf lists Lessons from Madame Chic as one of 7 Books for Unabashed Francophiles.
Join our E.F. Benson Mapp & Lucia book club! It's not too late to start to read the books. Gather your questions as in an upcoming post I'll be taking your questions you'd like to discuss in the book club.

Comment of the Week
Regarding Monday's post, What I Look Like in the Middle of the Day, Lauren writes:
Hi Jennifer, This was honestly one of my favorite videos you've posted on The Daily Connoisseur. I have three very small children and have been wearing my hair lately in a top knot most days of the week. (So much so that my three year old started drawing my likeness with a top knot, haha.) I felt if I didn't have my hair or makeup done nicely, I couldn't put on nice clothing. This past week I've been trying a little harder and remembering that washed hair in a topknot and presentable clothes are better than the alternative. This video gave me so much encouragement in continuing. Also, thank you for the tip about the cookie batter!
Hi Lauren, I loved your anecdote about your daughter drawing the top knot. That just goes to show that our children are paying attention to how we present ourselves, whether we know it or not!
Thank you to Schiffer Publishing for sending me Classic Beauty: The History of Makeup to review. My favorite era is the Victorian period. Today, I would love to know what your favorite time period is in history for beauty and fashion and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog!
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Hello Jennifer,
Thank you for the book review! Thanks to you, I will give this book to my daughter for Christmas. She is too young to wear make-up outside the house yet, but she has a collection with which she likes to play. I know this book's lovely pictures and the subject matter will catch her interest. It will be a wonderful way to sneak some history into her reading!
Warm best,
Hi Jennifer!!
I am a long time lover and follower of your blog and have read all of your books. (Hoping that you are writing more !)
I was wondering if you could please post the weekly cleaning schedule that you use to keep your house tidy. I rented all of your books from my library, otherwise I would reference the weekly list printed in- at home madame chic book.
Thank you so much for this beautiful blog and YouTube videos. I'm a mother of 2 young kids and I throughly enjoy reading it!!!
Thank you for the post, Jennifer. I enjoy learning about makeup through the ages, especially through watching some of the Youtube videos that show it in a sped-up version. It's so interesting how beauty ideals change over time - a good reminder that everyone is beautiful even if they don't fit in with the beauty standards at that time.
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