I am happy to announce that we will be doing an E.F. Benson book club on The Daily Connoisseur. We will be starting with the first two books in the Mapp & Lucia series, Queen Lucia and Miss Mapp.

We will start the book club at the end of June, giving you plenty of time to read the books. They are readily available and can often be found for free on the kindle or other eReaders. You can always check your local library as well for the books. Here are some easy links to the books on Amazon:Queen Lucia and Miss Mapp paperback, On the kindle (99cents), Queen Lucia on audible , Miss Mapp on audible.
Thank you and I look forward to delving into this great series with you!
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Links are affiliate.
I got mine for free on Hoopla through my library. However, the actual paperbacks were rather hard to locate, except on Amazon. I'm about a third of the way through Queen Lucia and enjoying it so far. Especially the early references to yoga!
I can't wait to start this series! Thank you so much for choosing it. It has actually been on my list since you mentioned it about a year ago.
After I read the books, I'll track down the tv series.
Have a great summer Jennifer!
--Andrea Winchester
This is such a wonderful idea! I love it!
Just ordered mine from Amazon...can't wait! Thank you so much, Jennifer...you are a blessing.
This sounds like so much fun!
You can find them on gutenberg dot org for free!
Happy reading to all : )
OK, so I bought the first two books in the series in e-book form for 99 cents, started reading.... and realized quickly that I have already read the first book in the series! Now I have to check the second one.
The good news is, I really liked it, and will re-read it for the "club". The humor is very droll. Love it!
Where's the top from that you're wearing? Also looking forward to the discussion - I'm listening to the book on my commute to work. ��
Fun! Looking forward to this, Jennifer!
These books have been on my "to-read" list for awhile, thanks for the nudge to get started!
I am so excited. I have finished both books and can't wait to discuss. I want to start more "Lucia and Mapp" books but I will wait until we finish discussing these!!!
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