Hello Daily Connoisseurs,
I am completely blown away by all of your wonderful and supportive comments on Monday's Life Updates post. I was nervous to post Monday's video as it is a very personal vlog, but everyone was so gracious and supportive. Thank you!
Today, I go into more detail about our summer. Where am I with the ten-item wardrobe? Where did we travel? What revelation did I have about the mountains? How is homeschooling going? I discuss this and so much more in today's video.
This video was shot in the evening after all of the kids went to bed so I apologize for the low lighting and the hum of the dishwasher, but as always, I'm just keeping it real!
Featured in the video:
In the video, I'm drinking out of my Her Ladyship mug . While this mug is not very sophisticated, it sure is fun! I also found this Downton Abbey inspired mug on Amazon that is more affordable. I think these mugs would make great gifts for a girlfriend.
The website I mention for clothing is zulily. Zulily is a great website that has steeply discounted designer clothing.
Bloom Books released a beautiful look book of fashionable ladies posing with Lessons from Madame Chic in Vietnam. You can see the whole look book here.

Comment of the Week
Judith M. writes: I think our societal shame of talking about money is part of the reason so many people are in debt. We're pressured to live extravagant lifestyles, eat gourmet dinners, travel around the world, all the while not talking about how this is being funded. I've often wondered how some people could afford to do all this, and it wasn't until recently I realized some are going into debt in order to show how "fulfilling" their lives are. I think a finance series about living well within your means would be very helpful! Good luck with all these exciting changes in your life!
Hi Judith, I could not agree more. As a society we don't talk about spending and saving habits, and because of this, many people are drowning in debt. Thank you for your insightful comment!
Before we end today's post, I want to continue to offer my prayers for the people of Texas. We are all thinking of you and hope that you are safe during this very scary time.
See you all on Monday for a spring/ summer ten-item wardrobe look-back!
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Links may be affiliate.
I think what you are doing is wonderful!! We homeschooled our five children and are very happy we did. Those years go by so fast and it is a splendid way to spend time with them! I also would love to hear more about debt free living. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jennifer,
I am so looking forward to a new book of yours!! I also wanted to tell you about the blog "cloistered away" if you don't know it yet and would like to take a peek into it. The Lady who writes this blog homeschools her for children, is a Christian and seems to be very friendly and gentle. Even though I don't homeschool(ed) my two daughters I follow her. She is very encouraging especially to new homeschool parents, and posts a lot of ideas. Thank you for today's video and I'm looking forward to the following ones. Have a good day. Inga
You are the most refreshing and life-giving person on the internet. Your videos are so dear to me. I learn from you and feel encouraged by you. Good luck on the homeschooling! We have always done a hybrid model with our 3 kids where they attend school and are also at home a couple of days a week. It's not for the faint of heart but is certainly the most rewarding experience I've had as a mother.
God Bless you as you travel!
Since watching your last video, I'm just so excited for you and all of your life changes. Happy that we get to take the journey with you. Looking forward to a tour of your new home. I'm not moving but am inspired to go through my home and once again pare down my possessions. Always feels liberating to do that. I love the kindness and sincerity you project.
I really appreciate your planning and wardrobe videos. As I approach my 30s, I am more interested in quality clothes in smaller volumes than the "haul" approach I would have favored a few years ago, buying a large volume of cheap clothes. I just moved back to the US after spending the last decade in Europe and I have found it incredibly difficult to find good quality clothes, but your videos always help point me in the right direction! Thank you for taking the time to share the brands and styles that have worked for you.
I would love a home tour. I just love those.
We moved from California to get ahead almost 2.5 years ago and while it was hard there were so many blessings in it too. I hope you enjoy your new and exciting blessings out of the move. I am sure in a couple of years you will not regret it.
I also have noticed the need for less and downsizing as I get older too. Also, if you have time with everything that is going on what have you been reading that you are enjoying? I always love a good book recommendation. All of your ideas sound good to me on videos and I'll look forwards to watching them.
QUILTS!!! This is my love!! There is nothing better than being wrapped up in love and an art piece! My great-grandma and my grandma quilted and I have several of their quilts in my house. I am an artist and so while I was single got a tad obsessed with fabric. I know how almost a whole office full... and to save money we are using it to make baby quilts. I currently have 17 babies to make quilts for, plus, I'm making Christmas gifts this year out of all of the fabric! It is such a fun challenge. There is also such a great network of quilters on Instagram with links to how-tos on their blogs and on YouTube! Here are a few of my favorite quilt Instagram accounts. Check them out when you have the time. I ADORE Liberty of London fabric. You can find lots of material on Etsy shops and then @purlsoho is a heavenly shop! AND while you are in London go to the Liberty of London store, have tea with the girls and get fabric there, I hear it is much cheaper. We regret not doing that when we were there in 2012. @suzyquilts does some great quilts @dsquilts Denise Schmidt is a great modern quilt artist. There are always quilt-a-longs that would be a great way to build some skills. I sew a lot and I tell people that quilts are actually a great way to start sewing because it is a flat piece, there are no sleeves, tucking, etc. I'm sure you'll love the experience. Others that are fun to follow: @skinnymalinkyquilts @gnomeangel @tulapink @nydiak @lovequiltingmag and after that I'm sure you can discover others that you would like.
I've had fun shopping on Zulily, too. One caveat, though. At least when shopped with them -- no returns! You have to be sure, and ready to alter if clothes don't fit. Have they changed that policy?
Laundry rooms and linen closets ARE a treat; enjoy them! I've had them in the past couple of houses, but that was the compromise in this house. Ah well, the rest of the house makes up for the loss, I suppose.
Ladies, thank you so much for your comments and encouragement. Mandyjacks, your comment was so kind. Thank you! Thank you for all of the homeschool tips and Summer, thank you for the quilting recommendations. DD, yes, zulily does not do returns although they say to call them if you are unhappy and I think they work something out. I've never had to return anything I ordered from them so I can't speak as to the experience. Have a wonderful night, everyone!
Congratulations, Jennifer! I am so glad you are able to homeschool. We homeschool our six oldest and I can say it's a journey you'll never regret, inspite of all the craziness! Have you read "Haystack Full of Needles" by Alice Gunther? It's about "socialization" in homeschooling. Not that I've noticed homeschoolers have a problem, other than too much socialization ;-) It is a beautiful and inspiring book with fun ideas that is just enjoyable to read. And speaking of inspiring, thank you for all you do! I so appreciate all the wisdom you share with us for living a beautiful life. Best wishes for a happy year and safe travels!
Thank you for sharing more about your Life Updates Video and you've done your homework for homeschooling and I'm sure it will be a smooth ride with such wonderful "field trips" in Europe. What an education for your young children and they'll be seeing history in color. Even though you'll be traveling, I'm grateful for your continued videos. Please do cover your debt-free subjects and get as specific as you like (I can't tell you how much impact you have on me. I bought a comfortable pair of white loafers and then realized I truly didn't need them and I had you in mind when I returned them to Nordstrom and it felt so freeing), your ten-item wardrobe, cooking and especially travelogues when you are in Europe. That would be amazing. When you get home, it will be great to see you integrate into your new neighborhood and pick up life there again. I'm intrigued, and this gets back to your new debt-free world, about how you shop (clothing and food), enjoy entertainment (concerts and plays, which were a big part of your life, as well as your piano playing and whether your children are taking lessons) and personal care (saying goodbye to your favorite L. A. hairstylist, aesthetician, etc.) and how you adapt with all these things in a new location. Finally, and I've wanted to ask this question forever: Do you still speak French fluently or has it slipped away? Do you speak any other languages, like Spanish, since you live in Southern California? Will you be using any of these languages when you travel abroad? Enjoy your time with family and I look forward to seeing you online.
I hope that you can post a video about you and your family's packing for the extended trip. Will you go all carry-on?
Hello Jennifer,
Thanks for helping me to feel grateful for my laundry room and linen cabinet~ I never think about these things. It's so easy to feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I'm looking forward to your future posts.
Warm best,
Hello Jennifer,
Since you love the mountains, (I do, too!) I thought I would pass on this list of Bed and Breakfast Inns in mountain locations around the world...
Dreamcatcher Lodge, Kalispell, Montana, USA
Elk Mountain Lodge, Crested Butte, Colorado, USA
Cedar House Inn, Georgia, USA (adults only)
El Amparo B&B, Granada, Spain
Cradle Chalet, Tasmania, Australia
Erds Hoimatle, Jungholz, Austria
B&B Pado, Italy
Hope you will enjoy one of these one day~
Warm best,
Thanks for sharing some of the details about your summer & upcoming fall. I love the mountains, too. My favorite place on earth is Glacier National Park. We lived very close to it for four years, and we spend as much time there as we can when we are in the US.
Whenever I move or even just pack for a trip, I tend to get rid of things. I did that at the beginning of the summer, then we had an unexpected trip a few weeks later, and I got rid of a couple more bags. When I'm handling all my clothes or other things, I realize how much I have and I'm motivated to purge!
I'm interested to see what you do with your 10 item wardrobe while traveling in England/ Europe.
It's so wonderful to hear about all that you're doing. It feels so much like good friends and a community to have you share in this chatty manner the events of your life.
We love mountains, beautiful scenery and nature, too!
We homeschool, also, from ages two thru sixteen. (Education begins at birth, right?)
In this busy time of transition you may enjoy the book, "Teaching from Rest" by Sarah MacKenzie. It's very encouraging.
Thank you for this video,
I have neither laundry room nor linen closet here in Switzerland... however, if you enjoy mountain and lake landscapes, I really hope you may come to my neck of the woods on your travels this year!
If you are interested, I am happy to correspond by PM and I have also written about quite a few places here on my blog - I've lived here for a long long time.
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