Today I have a Christmas-themed video for you. I was tagged by Jennifer from The Family Fudge. She created this tag with Becky from A Place to Nest and the questions are quite fun. You will learn what I really think of Black Friday, whether or not I like egg nog and what my favorite ornaments are... and one of them has a funny story behind it!
I hope you enjoy today's video.
The book I mention in the video is Victoria's The Heart of Christmas. This is a beautiful book showing Victorian decorating and customs during Christmastime.

To continue the videos, I tag Jen from How Jen Does It, Melissa55, Terigigi, Kathryn Morgan, Nikki from Inspired by Nikki, Hilary from My So-Called Home and Angi from A Return to Simplicity.
In addition to the ladies I have tagged above, I would love to tag you too. Let me know your answers in the comment section, or do your own blog or video on the subject. I look forward to seeing your responses!
The Very Merry Christmas 2017 Questions:
1. What are your feelings on "black Friday" shopping? Are you brave and head out with the crowds, do you shop online or do you avoid it all together?
2. What is your favorite gift you've ever given to someone else
3. Christmas cards, yay or nay? If you do send cards what style do you go with? I.e. traditional (no photo), photo, funny or classy?
4. If you were a Christmas elf, what would your specialty be? Reindeer wrangler, chief decorator, toy maker, gift wrapper, baker or management?
5. Egg you pour a tall glass or do you throw it in the trash?
6. What is your Christmas decorating style? Classic red and green, shabby chic, country/farmhouse, colorful/jewel toned, etc? AND does your style change from year to year?
7. Favorite childhood Christmas memory?
8. If you could borrow Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve, where in the world would you go?
9. Favorite ornament (show, if possible)
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The Madame Chic series encourages and inspires you to live simply and passionately, no matter your age, background, or location. Like Madame Chic, everyone deserves a little Parisian je ne sais quoi.
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Lipstick, nail polish, a great pair of shoes and of course... Madame Chic!
... and Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic along with some weekend essentials.
Comment of the Week
Serenity writes:
Hi Jennifer,
I read Neil Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death! It's such a brilliant book, far ahead of its time! I wonder what he would have said about the current challenges we face viz. easy distractibility due to smart phones, 24*7 TV channels, internet connectivity, celebrity culture etc. it's not easy to be a social critic & I know you receive a lot of flak from some of your readers for the topics you discuss on the blog viz. dressing appropriately in public, cell phone etiquette, adulting etc. But please keep up the good work! We find your social commentary very wise & inspiring! Love!!
Hi Serenity, thank you so much! Postman's book is a very important commentary on our society that still rings true today! Thanks for your encouragement.
Thanks for joining me today for another video. I would love to hear some of your answers from the Christmas tag. Let me know in the comment section and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur!
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
I love the look of that Victorian Christmas book, thanks for the rec. It's often said that the Victorians invented a lot of modern-day Christmas traditions (indoor trees, sending cards etc) and although there were a lot of less-than-perfect aspects of Victorian day society, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for Dickensian London Christmas times. I have to watch A Christmas Carol at least once every December!
I loved your video, as usual! I'm not overly crafty and so look forward to your tutorials on the wreaths. I need step-by-step help:) Also, I love the colorful chair/sofa that you are sitting in in your school room--it looks fun! I too love Victorian Christmas decorating, especially nutcrackers. I eschew Black Friday shopping--I don't think that I like all that it stands for. However, I'm happy to order online from the comfort of my own home when I see deals, especially the Cyber Monday deals.:)
Hello Jennifer,
Oh, this is fun! I don't participate in Black Friday for a couple of reasons. One is that I start my shopping much earlier. I like to take my time and make thoughtful choices, and I'm sure this would be impossible in a mad rush and surrounded by crowds.
My elf name would have to be "thoughtful shopper" since I have been called "thoughtful" many times.
My favorite gift I ever gave to my husband was a trip to Costa Rica for us. He loved it and I did, too~
I like to send a classy photo card.
Eggnog? In theory, Yes, please! I only wish I could drink more of it. I don't think it's healthy for me, especially with the whiskey in it.
My decorating style is Old World German. We have a creche, needlepoint stockings, a collection of nutcrackers, a wooden pyramid windmill-style candle-holder, advent wreaths and candles, a wooden reusable advent calendar that looks like an Alpine chalet, and wooden tree ornaments.
My favorite memory is painting wooden ornaments with my sister when we were about 2 and 5 years old. I still have many of the ornaments.
But my favorite ornaments now are the ones that hold photos of my own children, such as a photo of my son when he was in Kindergarten and performing on stage for the first time. His eyes were wide with wonder. He loved it. If the frames for the photos were made by my kids, all the better.
If I had Santa's sleigh, I would fly to Paris, like they do in the film "Fred Claus", which one of our favorite Christmas movies.
Warm best wishes for the season,
This reminded me of a childhood Christmas memory of my own. We went to the local museum and made Victorian Christmas tree ornaments (little paper cones that hang on the tree to put sweets in) and "potato candy" which tasted like marzipan. These are my favourite kind of Christmas memory - sweet and simple!
The Very Merry Christmas 2017 Questions:
1. What are your feelings on "black Friday" shopping? I despise it, and I wouldn't leave my house for the entire weekend if I didn't have to work.
2. What is your favorite gift you've ever given to someone else? I love buying toys for toy drives!!
3. Christmas cards, yay or nay? If you do send cards what style do you go with? I.e. traditional (no photo), photo, funny or classy? Traditional.
4. If you were a Christmas elf, what would your specialty be? Reindeer wrangler, chief decorator, toy maker, gift wrapper, baker or management? Baker!
5. Egg you pour a tall glass or do you throw it in the trash? Down the garbage disposal!
6. What is your Christmas decorating style? Classic red and green, shabby chic, country/farmhouse, colorful/jewel toned, etc? AND does your style change from year to year? Classic, but I love Art Deco and Mid Century Modern too. Style changes.
7. Favorite childhood Christmas memory? Coming home from Candlelight Christmas Eve church service and gorging on the cookie tray!
8. If you could borrow Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve, where in the world would you go? North Pole.
9. Favorite ornament (show, if possible): The Hallmark Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.
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