**Update** Please note that Nudu has changed their name to Pellu. Their updated discount code is JENN20, which will give you 20% off any item of your choice.
It's skincare week on The Daily Connoisseur! I have had many requests to review a natural skincare line. I'm excited to share my in-depth review of Pellu Natural Beauty today.

Here are some of the many benefits of the Nudu skincare products.
Premium botanical actives with proven skin benefits.
Antioxidants for powerful anti-aging defense and repair.
Pure, nourishing plant oils to reduce water loss.
Calming ingredients to sooth red and irritated skin.
Skin-friendly compounds for tone, softness and elasticity.
Working together these ingredients help to combat visible signs of aging. They protect against pollution and the cellular damage caused by free radicals.
You'll love the silky textures and subtle natural scents of your Nudu beauty ritual.

Today's video shares my first impression of the skincare and comes back over a month later for an update.
I personally think this is a fantastic skincare line. My skin has become clearer and more radiant since I started using Pellu. I love the toner especially. It always picks up extra dirt and makeup even after using the makeup wipe and cleansing. I can happily recommend this to anyone looking for a high quality natural skincare line. Thank you, Pellu!

My new eCourse, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, is receiving rave reviews! Thank you to all who have taken the course and commented. Here is a testimonial from Vinusha, who writes, "I am so happy, and I feel so blessed that I was able to take this course. I am more motivated and inspired to save and pay off the student loan. This course also helps me to prepare for the future. Thank you for this beautiful course, and thank you for making our lives brighter!
With Love,
Vinusha from Norway"
Vinusha, I am excited for you! Thank you for sharing your testimonial with us.
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Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic in Saudi Arabia...
Comment of the Week
Noel writes, "I saw your TED talk and I thought your concept was incredible. I have always looked for ways to live a very minimalist lifestyle. This is an amazing fix to a real problem. Too much laundry, taking too much time to choose what to wear, hanging on to clothes I don't wear. Thank you."
Thank you, Noel. I'm happy that my TEDx talk sparked interest for you in the ten-item wardrobe. I know you will enjoy the process and the freedom involved with creating your own!
I hope you enjoyed today's skincare review. See you on Thursday as skincare week continues. I will try on a new mask and share a funny story with you! See you then.
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FTC: This post is not sponsored by Nudu. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
Hello Jennifer,
Since you're focusing on skin this week, I thought I'd share a little story about the relationship between skin condition and stress, in case it may be helpful to others.
Most of last year, I suffered with a persistent infection on my skin. I couldn't wear necklaces, perfume or apron strings on my neck because they were too irritating. I couldn't shower with hot water. I tried creams and taking vitamins and minerals. I stopped drinking wine and stopped eating sugar and starches. Nothing worked. But, I noticed that, when I went on a trip on a couple of occasions, my skin improved, and when I returned home, my skin problem returned. I finally realized that my skin problem was caused by stress. So, I decided to make a few changes at the beginning of the new year.
1. I unsubscribed from all of my email senders, including retailers, environmental, and political organizations. I'd been receiving hundreds of emails per day. Now I only receive a few.
2. I stopped preparing sandwiches for my children's school lunches. I now give them burritos or wraps which I buy ready-made. Trying to make homemade sandwiches in a rush had made my mornings crazy.
3. I also asked my teenage son to drive my daughter the one hour to her school. I'd resisted this idea in the past because their schools start at different times. But where there is a will, there is a way. Now I only need to make the drive in the afternoon which makes a huge difference for me.
It can be a hard decision to put one's self first and to ask for help, but these few changes in my life reduced my stress level. My skin problem has finally disappeared! In short, I'd like to emphasize emotional self-care and stress reduction in the health of one's skin!
Warm best,
Hi Alexandra, I agree that stress has a direct correlation with skin condition. I love that you tailored your routine to be less stressful. As always, thank you for commenting!
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