The Daily Connoisseur is never short of clips to add to a bloopers video! You get to see Mr. Connoisseur losing it a bit, Jamie Cat Callan's generous offer, my stuttering, and how animated my children are while I'm cooking (now you know why I always have to do voice-overs for my cooking videos). I hope you enjoy today's video and that it brings you a good laugh!

My new eCourse, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, will inspire you to change your shopping and spending habits and to live richly beneath your means. Here is what Katrina had to say about the course, "I'm loving the course!! Thank you so much for telling your story and giving us a glimpse into how it all worked for your family. I'm amazed what early and late hours you keep to get the business done each day! Wowzers!"
Thank you, Katrina! I'm glad you enjoyed the course and yes, I do keep crazy hours to get my work done, but it is totally worth it :)
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A reader shares Lessons from Madame Chic
Comment of the Week
Gi K writes, "I have just enrolled; not only for the amazing content but also to touch base with you on a daily basis once you are taking a break.😍"
Thank you, Gi. I had a great break. It was nice to recharge my battery. I appreciate your support and hope you enjoyed the course!
I hope you enjoyed today's bloopers video. I'll see you Thursday for a fun interview with author, Teri Reynolds.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Hello Jennifer,
So glad you're back. It's very nice to start the week with a smile. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the pesto ranch chicken recipe video. Yummy!
Warm best,
Haha, good to start the week with a few laughs!
I’ve been enjoying the DFL course too, very thought provoking 😊 Thanks.
The bloopers really made me laugh! Thank you Jennifer!
Hi Jennifer! I just enrolled in both of your eCourses today! I am so excited for your Connoisseur kids book. I have 2 girls ages 8 and 7. I was wondering if the book will be addressing ways to give our kids art culture appreciation. We recently took a trip to the Seattle Art Museum and I left feeling so discouraged. My children were not running amok at all but we received dirty looks or negative comments from nearly every employee and some patrons there. It was as though my audacity to bring children to the art museum offended them! I want to give my children a love for art and its history and I would love to hear ways that you have instilled that in your children! Should I just trod on and ignore the dirty looks? Maybe its just an uppity Seattle thing? Seattle is known for having more dog residents in the city than children residents! haha!
Hi Alexandra, Thank you! That video will come out in the next month or so.
Sarah, thank you! I'm so happy you're enjoying the course!
Susan, I'm happy you had a good laugh :)
Keri, thank you! Sadly our society views children more a burden now than a blessing. That's just what I've been noticing lately. Don't pay them any attention. I think it's great you're exposing your children to the arts.
Hi Jennifer, I have been following your blog for some time now, just wanted to say that I love all the time and energy you pour into your work to enlighten the rest of us in ways of having a better quality of life. I have read most of your books and look forward seeing the one you are writing for kids!
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