Today, I'm sharing a crowd-pleasing, highly tasty dish: the taco casserole. I initially saw this recipe on Mickey from My Bashful Life's channel. I altered the recipe a bit to suit my family's taste.
My children and husband love this casserole. It's like a deconstructed nacho or taco dish. The addition of olive and...
Unboxing Ana Luisa Jewelry + My Favorite Pearl Earrings | Jennifer L. Scott
The Daily Connoisseur
6:56 AM
I'm partnering with Ana Luisa Jewelry again in today's video to share my top 5 picks for this winter season.
I really like Ana Luisa's stylish yet modern capsule collection of jewelry. Their selections are not overwhelming and their pieces are all limited edition, so you can take comfort that they are not mass produced,...
Planning for Christmas + Free Printables | Jennifer L. Scott
The Daily Connoisseur
3:58 AM
Christmas is just around the corner, and in today's video I'm sharing the plans our family have for Christmas, plus providing my two free downloadable planning printables so you can plan along with me.
I break-up my planning into 5 categories: early to-do, to-do, activities, food, and remember.
Everyone's planning...
Hello dear friends, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great day. I had been ill the previous week (which is why I don't sound too great in this video) but I'm much better now. It was a fantastic day full of delicious food and remembering all that we are grateful for.
My annual holiday gift guide is...
Nikki Moreno from Inspired by Nikki, and her wonderful family, stopped by the Connoisseur household recently for a visit. Since the holidays are here (I can't believe Thanksgiving is tomorrow!), we thought we'd sit down and have a chat about hosting etiquette.
We start the discussion on my channel and finish the...
Homemade Apple Pie with Decorative Braided Crust | Jennifer L. Scott
The Daily Connoisseur
5:51 AM
When you gather together with your family, what dishes are you always asked to bring? In our family, I'm the pie person. Whether I'm hosting the holidays, or just a guest, I'm always in charge of the pies!
Baking pies brings me so much joy. I find it really relaxing to make pastry and filling and combine it together...