Thank you for your avid interest in Comme les Francais- my series of posts where I take apart that magical time I lived in Paris and share my observations with you on the French philosophy of life. I will continue those posts (there is so much to discuss!) and am pleased to announce the addition of two new series to The...
I am in the midst of reading Debra Ollivier’s latest book What French Women Know (review forthcoming) and am, so far, enjoying it immensely. It is filled with so many thought-provoking topics and allows the reader to capture a glimpse into the psyche of the French woman. So many of Ollivier’s observations are so spot...
Weren't we just talking about the merits of a minimalistic wardrobe? You can imagine my delight when I came across a video about The Uniform Project this morning on The Uniform Project is pledge by Sheena Matheiken to wear the same dress for one entire year. Yes, 365 days. She is doing this to raise awareness...
I recently did a post on Wardrobe- Comme les Francais- where I discuss the merits of having a minimalistic closet- not filled to the brim with unrelated pieces, but sleek and coherent. I had so many interesting comments and loved reading about what your closets look like and how you curb (or don’t curb) the filling of...
The Careful Use of Compliments by Alexander McCall Smith is the fourth installment in the Isabel Dalhousie series. Anyone familiar with my blog knows how much I adore McCall Smith and I am thrilled to report that once again he has managed to produce a novel that was both moving and thought provoking. Isabel is a philosopher...
This American is culture-starved. I came to this realization after noticing that the primary topic I blogged about this past summer was makeup. Don’t get me wrong. I love make up and love blogging about the certain femme fatale qualities that one can bring out with the right shade of red, but dear God, please let this...
I am very proud to announce that The Daily Connoisseur has been presented with the Honest Scrap Award by the beautiful and enigmatic Josephine of Tale Peddler. Thank you Josephine- I am truly honored! So as the recipient of this prestigious award I must now list 10 honest scrap things about myself and pass the award...
The tour of my bedroom given to me on my first day in Paris by Madame Chic was something I had greatly anticipated. After a brief cup of tea and introductions to the Famille Chic, Madame Chic took me to my room. She gave me the tour (in French, bien sur): “This is where you will sleep” (a twin bed with a velvet coverlet…...
Duchess of Death: The Unauthorized Biography of Agatha Christie by Richard Hack is a moving, highly readable portrait of one of my favorite authors. I have grown up reading Agatha Christie's books- I am proud to say I have read every single one of her mysteries and almost all of her short stories. For being such an avid...
Last night R and I attended the opening of Warhol Wild at Hamilton Selway Fine Art in West Hollywood. Warhol Wild is a collection of unique animal screen prints, drawings and collages by my favorite pop artist, Andy Warhol. The opening reception was hosted by Hollywood screen legend, Tippi Hedren (of Alfred Hitchcock’s...
While living in Paris I quickly befriended the French family of my friend B in my study abroad program. B's French mother (I will call her Madame Bohemienne) was free spirited- the type of Parisian woman with wild, curly hair, bright yellow walls and a penchant for throwing raucous dinner parties. She was so different...
Last night R and I attended a special performance by Carol Channing- the legendary Tony Award winning actress. The benefit highlighted a number of causes- raising money for a roof for the Alta Dena Church- a church dear to Carol's heart- and bringing awareness to keeping the arts in the schools- Miss Channing's own personal...
I have concluded my experiment of mindful eating Comme les Francais for one whole week. It wasn't always easy. And there were times when I cheated slightly- a phone call here, a television on there- but for the most part I was strict with this experiment of eating with pleasure and not allowing any background distractions...
I am half-way through my experiment of eating comme les Francais. It is going well- although I did cheat this morning and ate my breakfast in front of the TV, watching the news. The wild fires in Southern California are terrible and I was shocked to find it raining ash when I took Gatsby for his morning walk! I will...