
Want to Get to Know You

6:41 PM 12 Comments
One of my favorite beauty bloggers, FuzKittie, tagged her readers in a want to get to know you post and I thought I’d participate. If you find yourself inspired to answer the questions as well, I’d love to read them! 1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:15am 2. How do you like your steak? Medium rare. 3. What...




Pregnancy Update

1:17 PM 24 Comments
Thank you to everyone that has sent me a comment or email asking me how the pregnancy is going. I’m currently 7 ½ months pregnant and am feeling great! I’ve had a really great pregnancy- no morning sickness, nausea, insane cravings or extreme weight gain (all things that I was expecting to happen!). I feel very blessed...



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