


Staying Chic While Expecting

4:44 PM 11 Comments
I hope you all had a marvelous weekend. As I write this I am in bed. Yes, I am officially on full bed rest now, even though I am not due till the end of May. Doctor's orders. Thankfully I was able to shoot some videos in prior weeks (including this week's video) so I will be able to post those for you as time ticks on. Speaking...



Simon & Schuster to Publish Lessons from Madame Chic

7:20 AM 26 Comments
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! This week I am very happy to share with you my exciting news... Because of the success of Lessons from Madame Chic, many exciting things have happened in the last few weeks. I have taken on a wonderful agent, Erica Silverman of Trident Media Group, and last week we accepted...



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