
A Midsummer Night's Makeup Tutorial + Secrets of the Lighthouse Giveaway

4:44 PM 23 Comments
Special Announcement Simon & Schuster have moved up the publication date for my upcoming book! At Home With Madame Chic will be published now on October 7th, 2014 (previously November 4th). Not long to wait now... A Midsummer Night's Makeup Tutorial This week I have for you an enchanting le no makeup look tutorial,...


Investment Shopping 101 + Delancey Giveaway

7:26 PM 43 Comments
My eldest daughter and I both celebrated birthdays last week. Thank you for all of your kind messages on social media! We had a really fun week, which also explains why this blog post is a little late... Thank you for your patience! Ah, another year older... Investment Shopping 101 Yes, I'm another year older. This,...


Reader Questions Answered + Sisters of Treason Giveaway

4:44 PM 26 Comments
I hope you're having a wonderful summer! Before we begin I wanted to share my newly updated author website with you. Visit www.jenniferlscott.com and let me know what you think! Thank you to Author Bytes for doing such a great job with the re-design. Reader Questions Answered This week's blog post will be light on...


Why Do We Dress Well? + The Summer House Giveaway

4:44 PM 49 Comments
This week we continue our conversation about dressing well. So many people chimed in about last week's topic on how to make an inexpensive outfit look expensive. Through facebook, email and the blog I received hundreds of comments on this topic. Here were some of my favorites: Diana H.S. writes: It's "about presenting...
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