Dear Reader,
Thank you so much for your incredible reception of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic. I've already heard from so many of you who are just loving the book. Thank you for reaching out to me, I love hearing from you. In this week's bonus video, I want to encourage readers in what I truly believe: that anyone can have poise.

Here is a paragraph on this subject from chapter one:
“We are all capable of living with style, grace, and elegance. It doesn’t matter what your past was like. It doesn’t matter how you grew up. It doesn’t matter how you behaved yesterday or even in the last hour. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. It doesn’t matter what the people in your family live like. It doesn’t matter if your circle of friends are not interested in this subject. It doesn’t matter if your family doesn’t understand you. The only thing that matters is that we are all capable of change- of transformation. No one is born a Madame Chic. Dignity, grace, style, and elegance are all learned behaviors. Anyone can cultivate these attributes. It doesn’t matter who you are or how hopeless your situation may seem. You can elevate your life with poise.”
Please check out this week's video for more. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel:
I want to thank you again for all of your private messages and comments. If you love Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic, please consider writing an online review on Amazon or Barnes & Noble and share your passion about this subject with others. Authors appreciate this more than you know.
My husband snapped this photo of me signing books at Barnes & Noble, Santa Monica on release day.
I will be speaking and signing books tonight, October 29th at Pages: A Bookstore in Manhattan Beach, CA at 7pm. RSVPs appreciated. Call 310-318-0900 or email to let them know you plan to attend.
Check out my extensive interview with Cupid's Pulse on poise, dating and the new Madame Chic book.
The fabulous Bethany Herwegh from The Glamorous Housewife adores Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic. You must check out her fabulous blog and tell her I said "hello"!
Diva and the Divine writes a wonderful review of At Home With Madame Chic.
Madame Inspiration loves the Madame Chic books and is blogging about her own ten-item wardrobe.
Comment of the Week
Jocelyn S writes:
I was raised by a mother who would get up at 4am, regardless how little sleep she got, to put on full makeup, just to sweat it off in a steel processing plant as a millwright (she was definitely criticized and bullied by some female coworkers, but she never quit). She also ironed every piece of clothing for me and my brother, and made sure we always looked our best. Because of that, I went into the fashion industry, and was NEVER the "sweats-wearing" scholar. I'm living proof that if you are a parent who leads by example and instills certain standards in your kids, they'll carry on the tradition (for the most part). You're an inspirational woman, Jennifer! The world needs more people like you, and your message can be the change the world needs to raise their standards again!
Thank you for your comment, Jocelyn. Your mother sounds like an incredible lady!
And we close with a #ThrowbackThursday snap from 1990...
I suppose, I've always been a little bit fancy!
Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you this evening at the book signing. See you next week when we discuss the 5 Characteristics of Poise...
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Hi Jennifer,
I love all of your books. They have wonderfully influenced the way I live. In Polish Your Poise With Madame Chic, you talk about acknowledging the people you come across daily as you walk around your neighborhood. I am conflicted about this topic because sometimes I receive inappropriate and unwanted attention when I acknowledge a person on the sidewalk, in an elevator, sometimes even from employees in places where I shop. I think that I am conscious of my demeanor and that the way that I say hello or good morning to someone does not deserve to be met with inappropriate responses, looks, behaviors. Unfortunately, our neighbors do not always have good intnetions. Would you consider doing a blog post about this topic sometime? I wonder how Madame Chic handles such situations.
Thank-You for your books and your blog!
All The Best!
Hi Jennifer,
I'm so excited to read your third book. I have been reading How to behave toward others and I have the exact same question as Susan.
Please let us know what you think.
Thank you,
Hi Jennifer,
Last Christmas I took my daughter to see the Nutcracker performed by the Moscow Ballet and was astonished by the dress and behavior of so many who attended. What bothered me the most was the number of people who came in late and had to climb over other patrons after the performance began, then climbed back out before intermission for who knows what. I had to wonder what the performers thought about this level of disrespect and how this reflected on our culture. I am a proud American but I was embarrassed. Our conduct does matter to others!
I look forward to reading your new book!
Melissa H.
Congratulations on your new book!! Thank you so much for discussing all of these topics. They have truly been life changing. I am a doctor, and realize how important it is for me to look presentable and act with poise matters! I am always shocked by how many patients under sixty show up to their exam in an appalling fashion: unwashed, in pajamas, no eye contact, ON THEIR CELL PHONE WHILE I TRY TO DO THE EXAM (!!!!!!!!!!!????????), yawning, etc....our society is truly in a deplorable state. This summer, I even had someone show up in a bathing suit!! I have many elderly patients who are well turned out and polite, who could be my grandparents; they clearly get dressed just for themselves and to come to the office. I truly appreciate that level of respect for one another. I am so glad I came across your book so that I can try to rise above our generation's poor manners, and prove that etiquette is not lost, not all of us have lost the art of conversation, and understand how to use screens properly. My life is much better for having applied many of your suggestions. Hopefully there are many more books to come! Sincerely, Christine
I have been enjoying your lovely book this week and I just finished the part where you talk about accepting compliments graciously. When I was in college my roommate was giving me a compliment and I apparently rolled my eyes at what she said, (I was not even aware that that was my reaction) and she got extremely frustrated with me and said, "you know when you do that and when you say, 'ya right!" or any other negative reaction to me giving you a compliment you insult my intelligence because you are doubting what I say to you." I remember being struck dumb by what she said, I was in no way meaning to do that. I told her I wasn't purposely trying to do that, I guess I just didn't believe it myself. She then, said, "All you have to say is 'Thank you!' You don't have to believe it, if you don't want to. It's rude to react any other way than 'Thank you'"
Her intensity in telling me that was the perfect way to cure me of that. Since then, I have made a very conscious effort to validate what someone sees in me, with a 'Thank you'. It also helped me to believe it. Not in a vain way, but an honest way. You mentioned why we make excuses or explanations when given a compliment and I know for myself, I didn't want to come off as vain. I just never pictured I was insulting my friends, etc. Ironically, sometimes the compliment isn't just about you! ;)
What fun that was and thanks for the introduction to Bethany's blog, it looks good.
Jennifer I haven't started your book yet because it's in the air somewhere between Amazon and Australia, tonight I plan a reread of "At Home with Madame Chic".
Thank you for this reminder Christine. I was diagnosed with colon cancer 1 1/2 years ago, and when I went for my colonoscopy, the nurse commented on how beautifully I was dressed, (it was nothing fancy) and how unusual it was for anyone to show up for a colonoscopy dressed nicely. Kinda sad that that is normal, but I did feel honored and happy that it is appreciated when I show respect by looking nice. I want to pass that onto my sons. -Joanna
Jennifer, I've read all of your books - in fact I keep going back to various chapters to re read them. I'm so delighted to have found you so please keep writing more - Clare , Bristol Uk
Hi! I hope i get some of your books i want to try to read also.
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