I hope you are having a lovely and relaxing summer. This past week we have seen scorching heat, not only in California, but what seems like all across America. There are terrible brush fires near Los Angeles and we are seeing the effect with darkened skies and ash all over our streets. I hope that everyone affected by the fires in California are safe and able to return to their homes soon.
Last week I celebrated my birthday. It was a quiet, happy celebration with my family. My husband, the children and I dined at one of my favorite French bistros in Culver City, Meet in Paris. I just love it there!
I will be taking a few weeks off from the blog, but before I do, in today's video I share the birth story of our son as well as some summer favorites.
If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my YouTube channel (and don't forget to subscribe) at www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur
All of the favorites mentioned this summer fall into the entertainment category. Because I am nursing my baby, I have a lot of downtime and am able to read more, as well as catch up on some shows and YouTube channels that I love. Here are the favorites mentioned in this week's video:
Amy Snow: A Novel
I did a giveaway for this book in June and, after reading it, am back to tell you how much I loved it! It was a page turner that I did not want to end. I highly recommend it.
TV Shows:

Hart to Hart on Hallmark Movies and Mysteries has given me such pleasure. It is a TV show from the early 80s starring Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers. I love it, of course, for the mystery, but also for the nostalgia of how people used to dress well on a daily basis. A very high-class show, indeed!

Bringing Up Bates on UP TV. I have fallen in love with the Bates family, a large family living in Tennessee. A while back I read an online review from a reviewer who said she didn't want to like the show, but ended up loving it. It is a heartwarming show that is family-friendly.

Love & Friendship, directed by Whit Stillman, is an adaptation of Jane Austen's novella, Lady Susan. This movie is sharp, funny and a feast for the eyes. I loved it.
YouTube channels
I adore She's in Her Apron because Kimmy is funny, down-to-earth and endearing. Plus she is a great motivator for housework.
Kathryn Morgan is a former dancer for New York City Ballet and both of her YouTube channels are so fun to watch. If you want to see an elegant, poised and classy YouTuber, you must check out her channel.
If you watch either of these channels, please tell Kimmy and Kathryn that I said, "hello!"
I am featured on BBC in an article called, Meet the People with Almost Nothing in Their Closets.
Lessons from Madame Chic is featured on Glommable's article on Books for Unabashed Francophiles.
My TEDx talk on the Ten-Item Wardrobe has been featured in Apartment Therapy's article, Flirting with Minimalism or Downsizing.
Comment of the Week
There were many great comments on my recent Comparing Yourself To Other Women? Q&A. Here are two highlights...
The Wool Fairy writes:
Whenever I find myself feeling a bit down on myself compared to others I repeat this quote by Theodore Roosevelt, "Comparison is the thief of joy." It snaps me out of the funk quite quickly! It's a good one to keep top of mind. Thanks for another great video Jennifer!
Thank you, Wool Fairy. That is a great quote to remember.
Emma Knight Peel writes:
Comparison is the death of joy. I recently saw a quote that said, "Admire another's beauty without questioning your own." I love that! In the past, I've admired the beauty of other women and immediately tried to make myself look more like them. Now, I know what enhances my own beauty and what doesn't work, and I can admire someone else's qualities without trying to adopt them.
Hi Emma, I love the emphasis on admiration, rather than comparison. Thank you for sharing!
I would love to know what your summer favorites are. What are you reading and watching or loving this summer? Let us know in the comment section below.
I will be taking a few weeks off of the blog, as I do every summer. I will see you back, refreshed and renewed in August. See you soon!
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How do you say goodbye to clothes that you need to get rid of? After breastfeeding three children, I am never going to fit back into my pre-baby beautiful lingerie and it is past time for me to get rid of it. But I had a hard-to-find size and spent years building my collection. Do you have any suggestions for making a clean break? Thank you.
It is such a treat to watch a new video from you, Jennifer! I have been reading your books and blog for a long time now. I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable summer with your family.
I noticed your wristwatch right away and was immediately reminded of the one that Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge wears so often. Is it the same one, by chance? I am always inspired by her fashion and appreciate that you are too.
Thank you, Jennifer!
Hello Jennifer,
My daughter and I who watch your videos together would like to add our congratulations on the birth of your son. We have two girls and a boy in our family and it is a great combination!
Thank you for the book recommendation and we have one to recommend to you: The Accidental Empress by Allison Pataki. It is also a great historical novel which is beautifully written.
Looking forward to the next season of The Daily Connoisseur!
Thank you for choosing my comment as one of the comments of the week! I think in today's world it is harder than ever to stop comparing ourselves from others. We are now getting a peak into other people's lives that was not available before social media. I like to remind myself that I am only seeing what people "are" doing instead of what they "aren't" doing (:
As for a summer favorite, I am so enjoying Thirty Chic Days by Fiona Ferris. Thanks for the recommendation a while back. I am loving some of her fresh ideas on the topic. It's nice light reading that I can pick away at while enjoying some summer relaxation.
Congratulations on your little boy Jennifer. I have two boys myself....it's certainly an adventure. I feel like having sons pushes me to challenge my limits and think outside the box a bit more. Have fun with him!
I am in love with your books, blog and videos and have been really inspired by them. I am the mother to three young ladies, 11,13 and 15. Am so curious if you will do a book aimed at young ladies to assist them in choosing clothing, dressing presentably and acting like the lovely young ladies that they are? It is SO hard with the clothing selections available right now to help them create a capsule wardrobe upon which we can all agree. We ARE doing it, but have had to set some pretty strict boundaries regarding what is acceptable and what is not. Also, with all their peers not doing such a thing, it's hard to explain the true importance behind it, but I try.... Would love to see/read/watch anything you could add regarding this matter. Thank you so much for everything! Kristin
I love all your summer favorites!! I love to read & I will definitely check out Amy Snow! :) I wanted to give you a really good suggestion for awesome TV that I feel like you might really like (especially since you have just had your baby). It's called Call The Midwife. It is a show based on the memoirs of a nurse (midwife) in East End London during the 1950s. Oh my goodness....it is the sweetest, most well-written show with great characters and themes. I am totally hooked! I bet you could find it on Apple TV. It is also on Netflix. Anyway...I just thought I would share that with you! Enjoy your sweet baby and we will see you in a few weeks!
I second that recommendation. LOVE call the midwife!!!
Thank you for sharing your baby story! I'm currently pregnant with my second child, and I've really enjoyed all your videos related to your pregnancy. I feel that there isn't much out there about being stylish and poised during pregnancy, so thank you for sharing. As to summer favorites, have you watched "Death Comes to Pemberly"? It's currently on Netflix (I don't know if it's on any other platforms); it's a sequel to "Pride and Prejudice", and it's a murder mystery. While not in the same humorous style as Jane Austen's original, it is still an enjoyable story. I am currently rereading all my favorite Georgette Heyer novels. If you haven't read anything by her, I highly recommend her historical romances. They are written in the style of Jane Austen and are good light hearted fun. My favorites by her are "The Grand Sophy", "Cotillion", "Venetia", and "The Nonesuch". Enjoy your summer!
I really respect your decision to keep your children private and off the blog.
You are very wise because it is a safety concern. I am really perplexed by the bloggers who post fairly intimate pictures of their kids for the world to see. It's not a decision I would make and I get that it is certainly a blogger's right to do so. But again, your civilized approach to many things is something I admire.
Congratulations on your son and I hope you are having a lovely summer. I am looking forward to more videos (I love your makeup ones especially).
Congratulations Jennifer!
My, you look so radiant and energetic! I have a few questions related to your routines and wardrobe after baby:
-What do your morning and nighttime getting ready routines look like now? How do you manage to still get hair/makeup etc. done every day? Are you still waking up at 6am? What about meal-time routines etc.? I imagine your routines will need to be adapted over time as your baby's needs change (i.e., when he gets more active and mobile and starts eating etc.) so I would love to hear about your routines over time. I find this particularly challenging for myself, with a 3 year old and an 11 month old both at home with me, with constantly changing needs.
-You mentioned a while back that you do your hair at night. Can you elaborate on this as I find that when I style my hair at night it gets undone and messy again in the morning and even worse on subsequent days. I have wavy hair.
-Wardrobe: The weight came off very quickly after my first child but it's been much slower after my second. My body physique is different now and still changing. As such, I am having trouble keeping up with a wardrobe that accommodates my changing Any tips?
-And finally, I would love to hear more about how you are maintaining your poise throughout different phases of postpartum--the sleep deprivation, making time for the older siblings and you husband etc.
It's certainly been a challenge for me!
Have you seen the recent BBC adaptation of Tommy and Tuppence? Grantchester might also be something you enjoy watching.
Hi Jennifer,
I first wanted to say that I think you rock for doing a natural childbirth. ( I think I deduced that based on your story, correct me if I am wrong) I love, and may be slightly obsessed with the content you put out, from books to blog posts. You have changed my life. Thank you!
Jennifer if you enjoy mysteries and admiring clothing from years past watch Columbo! Very good! Lots of famous stars from the 50's and 60's are in it.
Hi Jennifer, I've been watching a Swedish 50s crime series called 'Crimes of Passion'. A stylish series where the clothes are gorgeous, the crimes are a bit Miss Marple-y, the female sleuth is intelligent and educated and the men are very handsome! I've been watching it on the Australian SBS network but I believe it is available on Amazon in the US. A great diversion from mainstream programming here in Sydney. Congratulations on your baby son; may he always bring you joy and pride. x
Jennifer, belated congratulations and much, much respect. I appreciate that you keep your children's faces and names private. In this share everything world, it is very refreshing to see someone actually take their children's best interest to heart...for their safety now, and their privacy later. I really respect that you are giving them a say before they have their own voice, erring on the side of their privacy, if that makes sense?
Looking forward to your triumphant return. Until then, enjoy every moment.
Do look into the 80s TV series "Designing Women". You may just like it!
Crunchy Homeschooler, a friend of a friend runs a nonprofit in Maryland that donates bras to women in need (https://www.yahoo.com/news/maryland-woman-supports-others-donating-022819300.html). I also know of Distributing Dignity in New Jersey with a similar mission. I'm sure you could find something in your area or send to either of those. I find giving items away to people who need and appreciate them, rather than letting them go unused in my closet, helps with the separation anxiety.
Jennifer, have you watched Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Hewitt? Currently on Netflix and has just about the amount of spooky I prefer. She was also my first model of presentable sleepwear. Her chemises on the show are gorgeous!
Hi Jennifer! It has been such a pleasure learning from you. You are so elegant and an absolute inspiration. I have always enjoyed a minimalist lifestyle and wardrobe, but never have been as structured as the ten item wardrobe and it is liberating! Thank you! I do have two small children - 7 mo and 3 yo - and I am curious if you think the ten item wardrobe ( or similar concept) can be implemented for children as well?
Amy Snow was THE BEST BOOK!! Thank you for recommending it. I had actually begun listening to the audio book version that I checked out of my library before my husband and I would be traveling for the weekend. I brought it along and we both listened to it while driving, and then finished it up once we got home. He loved it as much as I did. I'll be checking out Tracy Reese's latest book.
Thanks again for the suggestion. I read so much non-fiction and journal articles for my work; it was a welcome treat.
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