To all of my fellow Americans, Happy Independence Day!
We are taking a break from the Q&As (you can see the last one in the pre-recorded series next week) for an easy slow cooker recipe that your family will love: roast chicken with vegetables.
The chicken comes out tasting like a rotisserie chicken, succulent and juicy with a crispy outer edge (thanks to my special trick!). I love using the crockpot because it just takes a little preparation in the morning and voilĂ , you have a home-cooked meal waiting for you in the evening. This recipe uses a homemade rub for the chicken, but you can use any rub you like. Lemon pepper would also be nice, as would plain salt and pepper.

Slow Cooker Roast Chicken with Vegetables
1 whole cut up chicken (with skin)
3 to 4 cups of chopped vegetables (I use carrot, celery, potato, onion and garlic)
Rub (or use whatever rub you like)
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp thyme
salt and pepper
Directions: Chop vegetables and place them in the slow cooker. Take the cut up chicken and rub generously with the rub. (Make sure the rub is fully mixed together before placing on the chicken.) Place chicken on top of the vegetables. Cover. Cook on low 8 hours or high for 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
When you are ready to eat, take the chicken out and place under a broiler, checking every two minutes (6 minutes worked for me). This will make the skin crispy.
Serve with vegetables and jus from the crockpot. Sprinkle with pepper and garnish with parsley, if desired. Enjoy!
Check out today's video to see the recipe being made. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel:
A Return to Simplicity shares how the ten-item wardrobe has changed her life.
Comments of the Week
Lillian writes:
Hi Jennifer! I think having a running list on the back of my mind of specific things I've been looking for has been most helpful. This spring for instance, I realized I was going to need a new swimsuit for the summer season. Instead of going to the store and buying the first thing that fit, I looked around and I did some research about which brands would be the highest quality I could budget for. I saved some money and in the meantime I put up with wearing the old suit. Then the brand I was most interested in had a sale. I was able to order a beautiful swimsuit in exactly the color I wanted for just under the price I had budgeted for. I'm really happy with it, and even more so because I had put the thought and planning into the purchase. Nothing is more rewarding than planning, budgeting and then shopping for an item. For one, it protects you from the "buyer's remorse" associated with impulse buys. In addition, purchasing things one at a time can make those purchases even more special and pleasurable than getting lots of new things all at once. When you plan, you avoid the potential for associating the things you own with negative emotions like guilt or financial stress.
Dear Lillian, you present a wonderful example of the correct way to shop for the ten-item wardrobe. In your case, with the swimsuit, you are talking about shopping for the "extras". After adopting this more mindful way of shopping, you will do this with everything you buy. No more impulse purchases! No more being swayed by marketing and sales! It truly is wonderful.
Sue writes:
Jennifer, I met you through my library audio book app.
The 10 item wardrobe concept is a God-send to me. I'm nearing 60 years old and am petite. Finding clothes is difficult when you're a 00P or 0P. Initially I felt great relief that I didn't have to find a closet-full of clothes--only a few items.
I've been amazed at the combinations I have. It's stretched me to look harder for the possibilities in front of me and I'm pleased.
Thank you!
Dear Sue, I'm so happy to hear that the ten-item wardrobe has been beneficial for you. Thank you for sharing your testimony!
Margery writes:
Here's something that helps me look and feel chic most days even if I'm just staying home with my kids. I put my hair in an easy and elegant updo (It's soooo hot in Atlanta now!), polish my toenails, and put on earrings and a necklace. I might only be wearing shorts and a plain t-shirt, but the little extras make you look and feel more polished. I do the simple makeup routine daily with makeup from Target. You don't have to spend huge amounts of $$$$ to be chic.
Dear Margery, It truly is the little details sometimes that bring us the most pleasure. I'm sure your family notice the effort you put into presenting yourself everyday. Thank you for sharing your tips!
This week, I would love to know what quick and easy crowd-pleasers you like to cook for your family. Do you have any recipe requests you'd like to see from me? Let me know in the comment section. See you all next week for the last installment of the Q&As.
See you on Thursday with a special message for my Polish readers for the publication of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic!
The music in this week's video is: String Quartet No. 8 in F Major K 168 Allegro from Epidemic Sound
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Happy 4th! Thank you for the recipe : )
This looks delicious. We have mostly been eating vegetarian of late, but this has inspired me and we'll be eating some chicken pretty soon! Happy Independence Day from Australia :)
Every Friday, I get all kinds of vegetables and bunches of greens from our local organic farmer's market. That evening, I wash and cut up the veggies, spread them out on baking pans, toss them with olive oil and salt, and roast them at 425 degrees. After about 20 minutes, I start tasting small pieces to see if they are done. (Broccoli and cauliflower usually take about 20 minutes, eggplant a little longer. Beets about an hour. When they are roasted and have cooled down, I put them in clear plastic containers in the fridge. I saute the greens (usually kale, swiss chard, and beet tops) in lots of garlic, pepper flakes, and olive oil, let them cool, and put them into a container as well. These provide side dishes and salads for the entire week. Usually I mix up a dressing (cider vinegar, olive oil, and dijon mustard) to go over them and serve cold or at room temperature. A really good combination is the greens and roasted beets sprinkled with crumbled goat cheese and walnuts, with the dressing. Very quick and easy once everything is roasted and at hand in the fridge.
I also have started baking my own bread, and it's easy -- really! If, like me, you have always wanted to bake bread but found it too time-consuming and difficult, I heartily recommend the book, The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. There is no kneading involved, and you keep a big batch of dough in the fridge and just take off pieces of it to bake when you want to. There is the resting time and baking time to factor in, but one's actual hand-on involvement is minimal. It is even tastier than the artisanal bread I used to buy at Whole Foods, and actual much easier to get, as it takes about 1/2 hour to drive to Whole Foods. I could have my bread rested and baked in the time it takes to get there and back. And did I mention there is no kneading? Wheeee!
This looks wonderful and it's been years since I've used my slow cooker, since I'm now retired and have the pleasure of cooking with no early prep. time. However, there are those days when I'll be gone for several hours and this would be a nice way to come how to those enticing aromas wafting in the kitchen. So, I may try it again. May I ask why you use chicken with the skin on, Jennifer? Is it for flavor? I could easily see putting the rub on the skinless chicken, too. Is there broth added, too, or is the liquid coming from the vegetables? Thanks.
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