

Get Ready with Me: Tired Mom Edition

8:52 AM 14 Comments
As mothers, we all have one of those days. You know what I'm talking about... when you didn't get much sleep the night before, your back hurts, and your work load seems endless. Well, this is one of those days for me! But in true Daily Connoisseur style, I'm not letting that deter me. I find having a sense of humor is...


Morning & Night Routine with Baby? Reader Q&A

9:03 AM 8 Comments
Our week of reader Q&A's conclude with today's question from Akila, who asks about my morning and nighttime routine with baby. I shot these videos in mid-August right before the children went to school, so I have had time to let my routine sink in. It is working well for us and we are now in a lovely rhythm. In the...


Working Messy Jobs Ten-Item Wardrobe Help Reader Q&A

6:27 AM 10 Comments
Today I answer a question from Caleb (yes, men also watch The Daily Connoisseur!) :) He works a job that requires him to get dirty and wants to know how that fits in the ten-item wardrobe world. I hope you'll check out my video this week because this topic applies to not only people with messy jobs, but also to people...



Closet Tour 2016 Ten-Item Wardrobe

8:22 AM 18 Comments
Today I have a closet tour for you. Come with me as I show you our walk-in closet and how I store my clothes. This is what a ten-item wardrobe looks like! Many will be relieved to see that there aren't just ten items in there. The extras are mixed in as well. You can see how I store my out-of-season clothes and extras...


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