
My Self-Publishing Success Story | Jennifer L. Scott | MADAME CHIC

3:39 AM 18 Comments
I am so happy to finally share my self-publishing success story with you. Many of you have heard parts of this story over the years, but today I'm revealing everything! This is a triumphant story about overcoming rejection. It's a story that illustrates the importance of hard work combined with faith. How did I go...


7 Freezer Meals in Under an Hour | Ground Turkey & Ground Beef | Jennifer L. Scott

5:26 AM 7 Comments
I have another impromptu freezer cooking session for you today featuring ground turkey and ground beef, because we all know that being chic is being prepared! To start the initial prep, I cooked 4lbs of ground turkey and 4lbs of ground beef. I cooked it in olive oil with sautéed onion and garlic. I added garlic powder,...


My Updated Fitness Routine | Rebounding

5:48 AM 14 Comments
It's been several years since I have discussed my fitness routine in detail. My life has changed so much over the past decade and it is only natural that my fitness routine has changed too. In addition to incorporating exercise into everyday life, as I discuss in chapter 3 of Lessons from Madame Chic, I have an additional...


Ten-Item Wardrobe Talk-Through Winter 2018

6:20 AM 17 Comments
Thank you for your enthusiastic response to Monday's ten-item wardrobe post. I hope you enjoy this talk-through video, where I go over my wardrobe choices and discuss the evolution of my ten-item wardrobe. Today's video discusses this wardrobe in detail, but here are some key points: * Because I live in Southern California,...


Ten-Item Wardrobe Winter 2018 | Jennifer L. Scott

5:47 AM 17 Comments
It's finally here... my ten-item wardrobe fashion show for winter 2018! I'm sorry it too so long to do this video. With our European trip last fall, my filming schedule was thrown off. I hope you enjoy the presentation of my wardrobe this year. I will be discussing all of the details with you in the next video for the...
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