If our clothing tells a story, what narrative to pajamas and sweatpants tell? Also, New Zealanders are embracing #FormalFridays and one women wears a dress as a uniform. Welcome to 3 articles on the subject of dress.
I hope you had a lovely weekend... Happy Easter! We had a beautiful day even though we were on lockdown. It was relaxing and peaceful. So relaxing that I didn't get my work done and that's why this video is late :)
Also, thank you to everyone who has taken my new eCourse, Carry Yourself With Poise. It is a wonderfully fun course filled with passionate like-minded women who are all committed to living an elegant lifestyle.
Cheryl S. writes, "Jennifer, your content and advice is perfect. I appreciate that you share some of your own failures and struggles. I feel the pursuit of elegance and poise is a lifelong endeavor and we will make mistakes along the way. But, I believe the cost vs. the benefit of elegance and dignity is so worth the effort. Thanks for your inspiration."
Thank you so much, Cheryl. I am so happy you enjoyed the course!
Ok, now on to the 3 Articles on Dress:
The first article on the narrative of sweatpants was sent to me by Ginger W. from The Washington Post.
"To work from home and never take off your pajamas can, at first, feel like a kind of liberation — a celebration of comfort and a rebuke to stuffy corporate rules that demand pantyhose in summer and a jacket at all times. But going through an entire day in loungewear, it is easy to lose yourself and your sense of purpose and focus. Our clothes create boundaries. They mark time. Folks who regularly work from home speak of the need to change out of their pajamas into something, anything else to announce their day has begun. To not feel like a sloth. To feel ready to face the world because without the world, who are you?"
The next article on #FormalFridays in New Zealand was sent to me by Charlene R.
Finally, my friend, Joy Forney, sent me this article from Glamour Magazine on wearing a dress as a uniform.
I would love to know your thoughts on all of the articles discussed...
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📍For those of you looking for more ten-item wardrobe inspiration, here are two YouTubers who have created their own Ten-Item Wardrobe videos: Robin from Faith and Flour, and The Wise Woman Builds Her House.
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Comment of the Week
Camilla writes, "How wonderful! I have enrolled now. Will take my time and enjoy this course.
I have learned so much from you over the years, Jennifer. I have one story I wish to share with you: back in 2015 I was finishing my Bachelor’s degree at university. I was writing my final paper and did all the work from home. So, I went around in sweatpants and told myself that I had to pour all my energy into my writing and not care about something as silly as clothes and appearance. But one day I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. I realized that I looked as tired as my outfit. I had read your book the previous year and followed your blog, so I had learned how important looking presentable really is. So, from that day onwards I took some time each morning to put on a nice outfit and do my hair. And what a difference that made to how I worked with my paper! I ended up with a solid A and I am absolutely certain that I would not have achieved that result had I not followed your advice. So, thank you so much for all that you share with us, it really makes a difference and improves lives."
Camilla, I loved your testimony of how looking presentable helped you achieve your goals. Thank you for sharing it with us and congratulations!
I would love to know your thoughts on all of the articles discussed... let us know in the comments and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week!
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Jennifer, I've been following you since the beginning of your blog and have always believed "one is what one wears," even at home in private. Your blog continues to get even better and better as the years move on. And you, Jennifer, always pleasing to look at, have gotten even more beautiful through these years.
Patricia, thank you so much for your kind comment. I appreciate you! ~Jennifer
Thank you for keeping up your regular series. And thank you even more for not repeating: Stay at home, that we hear over and over and over again. I'm getting so sick of it. I'm in France, we're officially stuck at home for another month. No need to hear this message repeated. We know! So thanks for helping us keep sane with your lovely reviews and comments. Take care Jennifer.
I'm new to your blog. On the topic of pajamas/sweats/yoga pants... Outside of exercise, I hate them. (I DO wear them to exercise.) I admit...when this whole "stay at home" order began, I wore yoga pants in my home office for several days. In the morning, I would shower and put on workout gear. I *thought* I would get more exercise throughout the day because I was working from home. If I was already dressed, it would be easy, right?! The truth is: my yoga pants and I were in a short-term, dysfunctional relationship. I was lying to them about exercise and they were lying to me about eating. We are now back to our normal relationship. I wear my workout gear in the evenings for my exercise session. All other times, I'm in normal clothes. I can see how easy it is to default to exercise gear, but I still don't understand it. Getting dressed is a sign of self-respect. Like it or not, how one presents themselves to the world matters. Big time. I'm not referring to any definition of beauty. I'm simply referring to how one treats and cares for oneself.
I agree with point #6 from Kat about wearing dresses "I get a lot more smiles and friendly vibes..." This is not just true for dresses, it's true when people get dressed. (I tend to wear separates more often.) Due to the yoga pants/sweats/pajamas in public fad, it is unusual to see someone actually dressed...and even more rare if they are dressed well. (This has nothing to do with brands or expensive price points.) In my experience, when people see someone dressed well, they can't help but comment on it.
Hi Jennifer I'm a big fan of your books, and the true message behind them.I love dress nicely but because I have black uniform in my workplace I stopped dressing nicely because I have to change to wear my uniform right. I ended up wearing sweat pants in home and black uniform in work wchich I hate. Now when we are in home I took your book once again and I decided during this lock down to dress up everyday and miracle happen,my husband who normally not helping me much in the kitchen he started alone washing up dishes and he cooked the dinner. I belive this happen because I show him through my outfit respect to myself. Thank you.
Miss Agnes, thank you! I couldn't agree more. Celebrities have been annoying me with the "stay at home" orders too. Thankfully I am not a celebrity, haha!
Choosing Optimism- great comment! Thanks for sharing your observations!
Slodko- thank you for your testimony. I am so happy that you noticed such a positive change in your home life. Your husband seems to have taken notice :)
Thanks for your lovely comments, ladies!
Hello ladies,
One really doesn't see people dressed well very often, but I am reminded of a time quite recently while waiting at a red light when I saw something a bit unusual.
I was leaving a shopping center and there was a parking lot of a restaurant to my left. As I sat in my car waiting for the light to turn green, I looked over and what caught my eye was an older gentlemen, in a full suit (including fedora hat!) exiting a car. The man walked over to the passenger side of the car, opened the door. Exit an older lady, also dressed to the nines in a dress that hit just below the knees, sensible heels, nylons and the requisite leather handbag.
As he offered her his arm and they walked toward the restaurant, all I could think was, "I love them!"
And by the way, the restaurant? McDonald's. It was a Sunday and they had probably just come from church, but I still thought they were fabulous and the sight of them made my day.
Jennifer, I know you are a fellow admirer of Karen Andreola and her writings. I like to go back and read past posts from her blog (which she is no longer keeping up, alas). Today I was reading one from nine Easters ago (which is mind boggling, as I remember reading it "live.") She talks about the formal Easters of the past as a child in the '60s. I thought of you.
Jennifer, Just to let you know the Lands End wrap fit dresses are on sale in the new catalogue. 35.97. I love the fresh boreal blue. Cheers
Jennifer, Just to let you know the Lands End wrap fit dresses are on sale in the new catalogue. 35.97. I love the fresh boreal blue. Cheers
I am almost embarrassed but here is another link (forgive me!) that I thought you would enjoy, Jennifer. It is a short post and poem about Emily Dickinson's creative space, by the British Anglican poet-priest Malcolm Guite. I am trying to share inspiration as I find it more freely than I would normally. Thank you for your patience!
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