

Intermittent Fasting One Year Update - My Surprising Results

6:30 AM 8 Comments
It's been nearly a year since I began intermittent fasting. Reflecting on this past year and the changes that have occurred, I am truly amazed.  I go over everything with you in detail in today's video, including the rather surprising weight loss. This video and blogpost is intended for entertainment purposes...


Practical Homemaking | Cook and Clean with Me

6:35 AM 7 Comments
  Practical homemaking. What is it? Let’s explore that in today’s video.   I’m doing some necessary cleaning today in the master bathroom and the bedroom. I’m also sharing my practical and easy lentils and rice recipe, and what my favorite thing to wear is around the house. Thank you to BLUELAND for...


The Chic Assignment Check-In | February 2021| Rachmaninoff x William H. Johnson

6:44 AM 2 Comments
 Welcome to The Chic Assignment check-in for February, 2021. We are going to learn more about Rachmaninoff today as well as William H. Johnson. It's a wonderful program so make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy!  ⚜️What I'm wearingSKYE Risette dress code Jennifer20 for 20% off Rachelyn jewelry earrings ...


Presentable Sleepwear Updates | How the Pajamas Have Performed

5:25 AM 7 Comments
Presentable sleepwear: I'm always surprised by the responses I get from women who write to me about this subject. I get comments that range from, "Who needs presentable sleepwear? I sleep naked!" (TMI) to "Why should anyone care what I wear to bed?" to "I have worn sloppy pajamas for years and I want to look presentable...
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