Welcome back to The Daily Connoisseur. Our spring cleaning continues in today's video and this time, I’m tackling all of the difficult spots to clean in the home: the grimy, hidden (and not so hidden) places that have been lacking some serious attention.
As you heard in the opening poem I wrote for you, Distraction, we usually know exactly what to do as homemakers. We know what jobs need to be done. We know what to delegate, and we know the priority in which our tasks need to be finished.
Some people benefit from a cleaning routine. Others are more free-spirited with their cleaning approach. Some people have people help them clean their homes, others do all of the work themselves. We all have different experiences. One thing I know for sure, the biggest enemy to homemaking is distraction. So, as you tackle your own spring-cleaning projects, I hope today’s video not only accompanies you and provides you a sense of comfort, but acts as motivation, rather than distraction.
Sometimes we allow distraction to take over when we are faced with a job we really don’t want to do. This distraction is otherwise known as procrastination.
Charles Dickens wrote in David Copperfield, “My advice is, never do to-morrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!”
Did you hear that? Collar him, ladies and gentlemen. Procrastination is the thief of time. So, let’s tackle these grimy places in our home that require attention.
Do you know, as an introvert I rather enjoy being alone with my own thoughts. I don’t necessarily need music or an audiobook to work (although I do employ both often). But sometimes, all I need is to be alone with my thoughts and the very present sound of what I’m doing. It’s the sound. The natural noises that bring me into the present and remind me that I’m alive. We tend to anesthetize ourselves with noise. Silence has its place in our lives too.
When you’re in the silence, in the thick of it, here are a few things to focus on: gratitude for a place to live. Gratitude that you even have a home to clean. Gratitude for the ability to clean. Gratitude for the space to think…. To dream…
Once you build momentum… you find that you don’t want to stop. At that point an interruption or distraction is rather unwelcome. Wiping away the dust and grime is becoming therapeutic. Like I mentioned in the poem from the last video… a spring cleaning for my room, and a spring cleaning for my mind.
Capitalize on this. When you are in the flow, you’re actually in a rather creative state. It’s like when you’re writing a book. Every day when you face the page… It’s hard. And your mind invents other things you could do, like check the news or text a friend. But once you get started, when you get into that state… your headphones are on, your hands rapidly flying over the keys as you are in creative mode… you want it to never end.
End it must, but for the time being, any and all interruptions are very unwelcome. If you find this flow with your housework, consider it a very magical trip and enjoy the ride. You most likely will be interrupted. You can always invite the interrupter to help you. Or, if you manage to finish your to-do list, consider it a very successful venture.
Remember when you are finished for the day, to give yourself a little reward. A well-earned treat. The ritual of a cup of tea is transformative. And if you can capture the quiet… pour yourself a cup and settle down with a good book… And enjoy the magnificent feeling of a job well done.
Thank you for joining me for today’s video. Keep calm and remain classy, and I will see you in my next video.
📍Connoisseur Kids is now available in Poland from publisher, Wydawnictwo Literackie.
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DD writes,If I brush and floss my teeth shortly after dinner, I don't want to snack and mess them up! I might not go to bed for hours, but my clean teeth remove the snacking temptation.
DD, yes! This is one of the best tips to avoid nighttime snacking. I'll have to do a followup video with more tips. Thank you!
I hope you enjoyed today's video and that it gave you lots of think about as well as lots of cleaning motivation.
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Jennifer L. Scott is the New York Times bestselling author of Lessons from Madame Chic, At Home with Madame Chic and Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic
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