Welcome back to The Daily Connoisseur. Fall is in the air and even though it is still warm outside, I can sense the air shifting. There is a crispness in it. I like to mark the change in season in various ways… in the way I dress, in the way I cook, in the way I decorate… and, of course, in the china cabinet.
Spode is one of my favorite brands of china. Their Woodland line was first created in the 1980s and features a wide variety of woodland creatures.
I was doing some research on the world’s most collectible china and Spode Woodland comes in at number 4, right behind Spode Blue Italian… Interesting… I truly enjoy styling this china cabinet and I know… when the china changes… the season is officially celebrated in our home.
I bought some purple mums at the garden center for our outdoor table. But first, I need to wipe that table down. I love spending time out here and will take any excuse to come and sit on the patio. We’ve been regularly stocking our bird feeders. Word has gotten around in the neighborhood and the most marvelous little (and sometimes big) birds come to call. I like to make hummingbird nectar from sugar and water too and oh, how they love it.
Now that the table is wiped, it’s time to place down the mums. Are mums the official flowers of fall? If not, they should be.
I wanted to show you my Carl Larsson windowsill, which is coming along beautifully. I modeled this after Larsson’s famous painting, Flowers on the Windowsill, from 1894. I have a geranium, various cacti, some chives, and even a Venus fly trap. This cozy ledge brings me so much joy.
I love burning fall candles too. This one is Cardamom Milk by Otherland. It’s a subtle, fall scent, that is reminiscent of chai tea.
Time to change the tablecloth and sweep the floor. What I like most about the blue cabinets in our kitchen is that they transition with all the seasons beautifully. Fall and Winter colors look equally good with spring and summer ones. This tablecloth has taupe and woodland colors.
It’s a new day and I’m going to make a pumpkin custard. Here is the printable recipe card for your convenience:
Pumpkin Custard
1 15 oz can pureed pumpkin
2 eggs
1 cup half and half
2/3 cup brown sugar
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup chopped pecans
2 Tbs butter, melted
Whipped cream
Extra chopped pecans
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
In your mixer bowl, combine all of the custard ingredients and beat until well-blended. Pour the custard into greased individual oven-proof dessert ramekins. Place the ramekins in a larger 13 x 9 baking pan. Fill the pan with hot water, one inch high.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, assemble the topping. Mix the brown sugar, pecans, and melted butter together. After the custard has baked for 20 minutes, add the pecan topping on each serving. Place back in the oven and bake another 40 minutes, or until the custard is fully cooked through.
Please note: if you bake this in one large dish like I did, the bake time will be much longer. It totaled nearly 1 1/2 hours for me.
Serve warm or chilled. Top with whipped cream, a dash of cinnamon and extra pecans. Enjoy!
Created using The Recipes Generator
Time to cook up some dinner to go with our special dessert. I have two large steaks I’m going to sear on the Le Creuset grill and then finish off in the oven. If you watched my What’s for Dinner? Video last week, you saw the parsley caper compound butter I made. I’m going to use that here on these steaks and also on our baked potatoes… or jacket potatoes as Ben calls them. Served with some streamed vegetable and topping the potatoes with chives… this is a hearty fall supper.
And now time for that delectable pumpkin custard. I am spooning out the custard into individual dessert bowls, topping with whipped cream, a few more chopped pecans, and cinnamon. Completely delicious This would make a great dinner party dessert as you could make it ahead of time and keep it in the fridge before serving.
I hope you enjoyed today’s fall homemaking video and that it got you in the mood for the cozy fall days ahead.
Before we close, thank you to Acorn TV for bringing us today’s video. Get 30 days for free by going to acorn.tv and using my code dailyconnoisseur (code is case sensitive). I've been enjoying The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and The Agatha Christie Hour.
Autumn Slumber is an original poem by Jennifer L. Scott. All rights reserved.
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Virginia writes, "Great advice. I do journaling and have written my autobiography, however not published. I’m guilty though of waiting for inspiration for doing my oil painting,lol. I constantly make lists and have been doing this for years. I have already started my lists for Christmas. It is very satisfying to cross off items on my lists. I’m 82, and time is so very valuable. 👍👍👍🇨🇦"
Virginia, I think it's wonderful that you've written your autobiography. Everyone should do this to, if nothing else, hand down to their family to preserve the family history. I wish you much success with your book!
Thank you for watching today's video. I would love to hear about your seasonal homemaking. Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
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Jennifer, another lovely video. I wondered what you do about your china cabinet when you have guests and want to use the Woodland china from the visible part of your cabinet on the table. Do you put other dishes in the cabinet so that it is not showing bare during the meal? Or do you have an extra set for display in the cabinet?
Such a cozy post ! Love that you change out your china...I sort of do the same. Now that we have downsized I keep our white wedding china in ( luckily I can use it too as we have service for 12) and add accent plates. I do switch out for Christmas dishes. Your post about mums, custard, and just the cozy feeling of settling in for the colder months was perfect!
Hi, Jennifer. I love Geraldine McEwan, too. You might be interested in the BBC series "Mulberry," in which she plays a crochety spinster who hires a helper who turns out to be . . . you'll have to watch to find out! The series is quite expensive on Amazon, but you can often find it at good prices on Ebay. Every blessing, Susanne
LW - That's a great question! If I deplete the china cabinet by using the displayed china and we are having company over. I replace it with a different set so we aren't looking at a display that is incomplete.
Ann- Thank you so much! Your china sounds lovely.
Susanne- Yes! I just finished watching Mulberry. It's free on YouTube. I was so disappointed that the series was cancelled before it could be resolved. I adore Geraldine McEwan and it was a wonderful show. Thank you.
Miss Jennifer, .... I do so look forward to your posts , and reading your blog, ...I shared that lovely recipe with one of my daughters, who loves anything pumpkin that is ...cooked, ...baked... drinkable... lol... I wished to inquire as to getting your permission to either print out ( or, I can write it myself, via my Calligraphy) that sweet poem, to frame for my kitchen, I just loved it .... ! Giving credit to you, its Author, of course ! Thank you for the many ways you bless... inspire... promote graciousness.... I too, feel as it's a lost art in this day and time .. ( I am in my 60's)... things are much " too casual " for my liking , and I believe it is important to preserve a lot of things that you speak of, and share , and not allow " progress " to take away the very things that are the fabric of being Gracious, ...Poised....Classy... Kind. Caring.
Jennifer, I LOVE your content. I read At Home with Madame Chic last year and it helped me with re-setting the peaceful tone to our home after a new baby (the 15-min cleanup, classical music suggestions, vinegar + essential oil + water cleaning solution (its the only cleaner I use now!) and fresh hairstyles were especially useful!). Then I read Connoisseur Kids on ebook during nursing said baby multiple times a night last year (which inspired me to be intentional about raising him to be a respectful, well-mannered boy), and lastly, I just finished Madame Chic a few days ago. Within 2 days of finishing the book (in which time I probably watched 20 of your videos), I have converted to a 10-item capsule wardrobe (or my version of it since we are between seasons here in Texas so I need both warm and cool options) after telling myself I would never want to do that (I like variety and felt like I'd be limited). I changed out my undergarments that weren't in their prime anymore, finally updated belts that were falling apart, bought bins to store scarves, fall clothes, and a few other things, and found affordable but adorable sleepwear to add to my Christmas wishlist. I even sported your classic chignon today! Thanks for your awesome tips and lessons in your books, blog, and youtube videos! They have been so helpful in filling in the gaps in my homemaking and chic-ness :) I'm definitely inspired with everything I read and watch!
I was curious, have you done any videos on what colors are best for what seasons? I know a general idea (oranges, reds, browns for fall, for example), but I wore a cute pleated navy skirt with polkadots today and it stumped me. What season does navy and white fit into? My guess is fall or winter.
Also, have you ever shared on your blog or youtube your cleaning schedule? I am embarrassed to confess I have never cleaned our base boards and they are not pleasant. That's my goal this week. But I am curious if you have a schedule for cleaning things that aren't typically a weekly routine. I also don't wash my walls (unless I see a blatant scuff or spot), so I was like "What?? Have I been missing more things I should be cleaning?!" LOL
Jennifer L. Scott is the New York Times bestselling author of Lessons from Madame Chic, At Home with Madame Chic and Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic
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Jennifer, another lovely video. I wondered what you do about your china cabinet when you have guests and want to use the Woodland china from the visible part of your cabinet on the table. Do you put other dishes in the cabinet so that it is not showing bare during the meal? Or do you have an extra set for display in the cabinet?
Thanks, and Happy Autumn.
Such a cozy post ! Love that you change out your china...I sort of do the same. Now that we have downsized I keep our white wedding china in ( luckily I can use it too as we have service for 12) and add accent plates. I do switch out for Christmas dishes. Your post about mums, custard, and just the cozy feeling of settling in for the colder months was perfect!
Hi, Jennifer. I love Geraldine McEwan, too. You might be interested in the BBC series "Mulberry," in which she plays a crochety spinster who hires a helper who turns out to be . . . you'll have to watch to find out! The series is quite expensive on Amazon, but you can often find it at good prices on Ebay. Every blessing, Susanne
LW - That's a great question! If I deplete the china cabinet by using the displayed china and we are having company over. I replace it with a different set so we aren't looking at a display that is incomplete.
Ann- Thank you so much! Your china sounds lovely.
Susanne- Yes! I just finished watching Mulberry. It's free on YouTube. I was so disappointed that the series was cancelled before it could be resolved. I adore Geraldine McEwan and it was a wonderful show. Thank you.
Miss Jennifer, .... I do so look forward to your posts , and reading your blog, ...I shared that lovely recipe with one of my daughters, who loves anything pumpkin that is ...cooked, ...baked... drinkable... lol...
I wished to inquire as to getting your permission to either print out ( or, I can write it myself, via my Calligraphy) that sweet poem, to frame for my kitchen, I just loved it .... ! Giving credit to you, its Author, of course ! Thank you for the many ways you bless... inspire... promote graciousness.... I too, feel as it's a lost art in this day and time .. ( I am in my 60's)... things are much " too casual " for my liking , and I believe it is important to preserve a lot of things that you speak of, and share , and not allow " progress " to take away the very things that are the fabric of being Gracious, ...Poised....Classy... Kind. Caring.
Jennifer, I LOVE your content. I read At Home with Madame Chic last year and it helped me with re-setting the peaceful tone to our home after a new baby (the 15-min cleanup, classical music suggestions, vinegar + essential oil + water cleaning solution (its the only cleaner I use now!) and fresh hairstyles were especially useful!). Then I read Connoisseur Kids on ebook during nursing said baby multiple times a night last year (which inspired me to be intentional about raising him to be a respectful, well-mannered boy), and lastly, I just finished Madame Chic a few days ago. Within 2 days of finishing the book (in which time I probably watched 20 of your videos), I have converted to a 10-item capsule wardrobe (or my version of it since we are between seasons here in Texas so I need both warm and cool options) after telling myself I would never want to do that (I like variety and felt like I'd be limited). I changed out my undergarments that weren't in their prime anymore, finally updated belts that were falling apart, bought bins to store scarves, fall clothes, and a few other things, and found affordable but adorable sleepwear to add to my Christmas wishlist. I even sported your classic chignon today! Thanks for your awesome tips and lessons in your books, blog, and youtube videos! They have been so helpful in filling in the gaps in my homemaking and chic-ness :) I'm definitely inspired with everything I read and watch!
I was curious, have you done any videos on what colors are best for what seasons? I know a general idea (oranges, reds, browns for fall, for example), but I wore a cute pleated navy skirt with polkadots today and it stumped me. What season does navy and white fit into? My guess is fall or winter.
Also, have you ever shared on your blog or youtube your cleaning schedule? I am embarrassed to confess I have never cleaned our base boards and they are not pleasant. That's my goal this week. But I am curious if you have a schedule for cleaning things that aren't typically a weekly routine. I also don't wash my walls (unless I see a blatant scuff or spot), so I was like "What?? Have I been missing more things I should be cleaning?!" LOL
Sorry for the novel!
Elena Wiggins @ elle-alice.blogspot.com
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