





Je Suis Malade...

9:24 AM 10 Comments
Oh it rarely happens, but when it does... sheer misery!But at least while I nurse this horrible cold I am in heaven reading the latest book from my favorite author Alexander McCall Smith: The World According to Bertie.This is the fourth installment in the 44 Scotland Street series and it is as enthralling and endearing...



On Exercise

3:20 PM 12 Comments
Today I went hiking up Runyon Canyon with two of my good friends. I consider myself to be pretty physically fit, but for some reason, today's hike was incredibly difficult. Had the hills gotten steeper since the last time I went? Or maybe it was the headwind? No, I believe it is because I had taken a few days off...


Happy Thanksgiving: A Tribute to my Favorite Blogs

7:07 PM 11 Comments
As Thanksgiving approaches I tend to pause and appreciate the people and things in life that I am grateful for. Really I should do this all year long (and I do to an extent- although my gratitude journal is not as full as it could be- oops!) I am incredibly grateful for so many things; one of the main being all of the...



On Happiness

8:28 PM 19 Comments
Lately I have noticed a lot of articles written on the subject of happiness: what it is, how to get it and why so many people don’t have it. Yes, happiness seems to be the Holy Grail of emotions for many people right now, so in honor of that certain esprit or joie de vivre that we would all like to have more of, I have...





Happy Voting

5:14 PM 5 Comments
What an exciting time in American Politics... It is Monday night and it feels as though we are all collectively holding our breath... I wish everyone a happy Tuesday and leave with the thought that I am very grateful to be able to vote tomorrow and exercise my right as a citizen- the right to voice my opinion and hopefully...


Ode to the Orchid

3:07 PM 6 Comments
In these pressing economic times, many people are getting creative about still living a good life- but with frugality. In my home, I love to be surrounded by plants and flowers. I believe adding plants to your décor is not only good for feng shui, but it’s a fantastic way to breathe life into your environment. Having...


Ghosts Among Us

9:45 AM 4 Comments
In honor of Halloween, and because there seems to be a surge in paranormal activity in the world (and in my personal life) right now, I have been reading the book, Ghosts Among Us: Uncovering the Truth About the Other Side, by medium and Ghost Whisperer producer James Van Praagh. This is an informative little book that...




An American in London

7:15 AM 12 Comments
Greetings from London! We arrived last Thursday in England and were greeted with weather that rivaled the heat in LA! We flew Virgin Atlantic in premium economy which is ideal for us- we don’t have to pay the exorbitant prices of upper class and still get to sit towards the front of the plane with larger seats and plenty...


London Town

7:34 PM 12 Comments
This Wednesday my husband and I are off to London to spend three weeks working and visiting with family and friends. During this time, my posts on The Daily Connoisseur will be less frequent but I will do my best to update you all on any exciting adventures I get myself into. I especially want to thank those of you that...


Get Positively Beautiful- Or Don't Waste the Pretty

7:38 AM 8 Comments
A few nights ago I was having dinner with two of my really good girlfriends. Enjoying each other’s company over Italian food and candlelight we were discussing the usual topics: career, men and beauty (not necessarily in that order). While discussing beauty we somehow got on the topic of how we take ourselves for granted...


English Wedding

8:15 AM 11 Comments
Next week I’ll be leaving Santa Monica and traveling to England for three whole weeks- (*rubbing my hands together*) and I can’t wait! I LOVE England- the people, the roasts, the blazing fires and yes, even the weather (eternal summer in California does get tiresome). This time while there, however, I will be attending...


Hitchcock's Coast

7:36 AM 7 Comments
It's off to Grandmother's house we go... yes today we are driving up the beautiful California coast to spend a much needed weekend with Grandma. I always love this drive, the coast is so dramatic, it never fails to remind me of some of my favorite Hitchcock films like Vertigo and The Birds. We shall travel light and...


On Posture

9:22 PM 14 Comments
People watching is one of my favorite pastimes. I love nothing more (if weather permits) than to sit outside at a café sipping tea and watching passersby. I am fascinated by people’s choices in fashion, grooming and companions- but most of all I love to observe how people carry themselves. Lately, I have noticed a lot...


The Perfect Scent by Chandler Burr- A Book Review

7:48 AM 4 Comments
This week, I indulged myself in Chandler Burr’s The Perfect Scent- A Year Inside the Perfume Industry in Paris and New York. It is a book that Mr. Burr, scent critic for T: The New York Times Magazine, wrote about his experience following the making and launch of two very different perfumes in one year: Hermes’ Un Jardin...




Gala at the Taper

8:50 AM 4 Comments
Last night I attended the reopening of the newly renovated Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles to see a production of The House of Blue Leaves starring John Pankow (Mad About You) and Jane Kaczmarek (Malcolm in the Middle). This time the invitation did not say ‘business casual’ but suggested suits and colorful ties for the...




Viva la Vida

4:45 PM 6 Comments
Coldplay’s latest album Viva la Vida could be compared, in my eyes at least, to my recent experience with Coco Mademoiselle. At first listen, I wasn’t sure about how much I loved it- and I desperately wanted to love it-, as Coldplay is one of my favorite bands of all time. When they released their first single “Yellow”...


From G's to Gents

9:23 PM 4 Comments
I love a good Pygmalion story. It all started for me with Audrey Hepburn in “My Fair Lady” as Eliza Doolittle. Seeing her transformation from street to chic was the beginning of my love affair with makeovers. Who could forget “Pretty Woman” or “Gigi”? Seeing the transformation and evolution of a woman’s style never...
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