Madame Chic in Brazil
I wanted to start off by saying Olá to my Brazilian readers. Lessons from Madame Chic (Madame Charme) is now out in Brazil! Obrigado and I look forward to connecting with you!

Chicago Tribune
I am featured in the Chicago Tribune this week in an article called, Your Closet: Where Utility Meets Joy. Stacy London (of What Not To Wear), Jason Wu (the talented fashion designer who designed both of the first lady's inaugural dresses) and I (!) give advice on creating the perfect balance between want and need in your wardrobe.
Is Vulgar the New Normal?
My Huffington Post piece, Is Vulgar the New Normal? has kicked up quite a stir. Thank you to all of you who have shared the piece. I feel passionately about the subjects of standards, etiquette and decency and will continue to write on this topic.
Check out the conversation on my Facebook page. And read the original article here. If you feel as passionately about this subject as I do, please tweet it, post it on your facebook page, and share it with your friends.
One Chic Mama
Thank you to all of you who tuned in to One Chic Mama TV. I had such a lovely time discussing style with host Mary Michele! Also, thank you to all who sent questions in, it was a lot of fun answering them. If you missed the interview (which ran an entire hour!) visit One Chic Mama TV by clicking here (look for episode Jennifer L. Scott).
Belvada Duo Harmony Lipstick Giveaway Winners
As with all giveaways I do, I wish you could all win! But this time there could only be two winners. The winners were picked at random from and they are:
Melanie L. Midway, TN, who said:
What is Chic?
To me chic is smart. Chic is knowing what works for you and sticking with it. Chic is feeling good about yourself. Chic above all else is loving yourself.
Nalani P. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who said:
Chic is being sophisticated while also being mysterious.
Congratulations ladies! Please email me and I will put you in touch with Belvada so you can choose your lipstick shades.
Thanks to all who entered. I really enjoyed reading what 'chic' means to you!
Thank you to Belvada for hosting such a lovely giveaway! To learn more about their lipsticks, click here, or visit
Have a lovely weekend!
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Thank you Thank you Thank you. I'm looking forward to the lipstick from Belvada.
Really loved your article on the vulgarization of culture - hope you keep writing on this subject to raise our collective consciousness.
Loved the One Chic Mama episode! And congrats to the winners
Jennifer, you are so classy! I love reading your articles. :)
Hi Jennifer - I've been meaning to ask you: do you have a favorite source to check for relatively current French films that might be available through Netflix or Amazon? I recently watched "Shall We Kiss" which you once mentioned and I loved it - am looking for more films like that.
Wowww!!! Congrats! Stacy, Jason + you! and congrats on the Portuguese edition of Madame Chic!
Adorei seu livro! Li em um dia! Agora, ele será minha Bíblia!Beijos!
Olá, estou aqui para lhe parabenizar pelo livro "Madame Charme". Adorei a forma com que você falou sobre o que é ser elegante e formal... Aqui no Brasil é difícil vc ver uma mulher bem vestida... acho que utimamente só via as madames e minha mãe... rsrsrs
parabéns pelo livro... Amei
Oi, Jennifer, estou lendo o "Madame Charme". Aqui no Brasil, só vende nas melhores livrarias, o comprei a uma semana e não consigo mais parar de ler. Adoro a França e há bastante tempo eu procurava um livro que falasse sobre o dia-a-dia das francesas. Você o escreveu com tanta facilidade que parece que você está conversando comigo. Parabéns! E quando vier ao Brasil, faz um encontro pra você o autografar para mim, ok! Beijão.
(tentei traduzir, desculpe o inglês errado)
Hi, Jennifer, I'm reading "Madame Charme". Here in Brazil, sells only the best bookstores, bought it a week and can not stop reading. I love France and a long time I was looking for a book that talked about the day-to-day French. You wrote it so easily that it seems like you're talking to me. Congratulations! And when it comes to Brazil, make an appointment for you to sign it for me, ok! Kisses.
Livro excelente. Parabéns!
Hello, I'm Silvia from Brazil I bought your book on monday night and finished yesterday, it took me just 3 days to read it because was so delightful! Now I want to read again.
Hello, I'm Silvia from Brazil I bought your book on monday night and finished yesterday, it took me just 3 days to read it because was so delightful! Now I want to read again.
Adorei seu livro. Parabéns.
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