Reader Questions Answered
This week we have another installment of Reader Questions Answered. We discuss blazers (and you'll see what happened to my favorite one!), the etiquette of receiving an unwanted gift, cultivating authentic friendships, makeup faux pas, how I compose my video music and the 90-Day Novel.
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For more information on Alan Watt's 90-Day Novel, click here, or visit
Talking Shop
Last week my literary agent, Erica Silverman, was in town and I got to meet her for the first time in person! I had dinner with her and Robert Gottlieb, the chairman of Trident Media Group, at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills. It was such a lovely evening. Here's a picture of the three of us:

I hope you have a lovely week. See you soon!
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I appreciate your thoughts on blazers - I've had such trouble, traditionally reaching for cropped ones, even though my age and shape (35 and post-childbearing) mean that I could probably do with a longer version.
Great thoughts on friendship. I'm sure I speak for many readers when I say that were you closer to any of us, we hope you'd join our own circle of friends!
Lovely photo of you and your literary team - I've so enjoyed watching your evolution from blogger to bona fide published author!
I'm reading your book and really enjoying it. Just wondering, are you still in contact with La Famille Chic, and what is their reaction to your book?
I'm loving the reader question videos, please keep them coming! I was wondering if you could elaborate on looking chic with young children. I have a 2 month old who seems to have a sixth sense for knowing when I'm wearing nicer clothes and will spit up all over them!
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