I often like to post my "Sunday Best" chignon pictures on social media and many of you have requested a video tutorial for them. This week I share two of the easiest chignons I do. Both work great with long hair but could also be achieved, with modification, on shorter hair. I love a good chignon because it is a classic, elegant look perfect for bad hair days or when you just want your hair out of your face and off your shoulders.
We start with a messy (but chic) chignon. This look is more casual and etherial. You can make it quite messy and undone (as I have shown in the video) or you can keep pinning it until it is more under control. Here is one of my Sunday Best chignon pictures from last spring wearing this 'messy' chignon.
from Instagram

slightly messier
To achieve this look, brush your hair into a low side-ponytail. Secure with an elastic two times. On the third time, do not pull your hair all the way through. Take the hair that is sticking out and wrap it around your ponytail. Pin into place. Then take the rest of the bun and pin it against your head. (Please see the video for the visual effect.)
The second look is a sophisticated chignon. This is a polished chignon that has beautiful texture to it.

To achieve this look, section off hair on either side of your face. Take the middle section of hair and create a low messy bun at the base of your head. Secure twice with an elastic. Then take one of the side sections and wrap counterclockwise around the bun. Pin into place. Repeat with the other side. You now have a sophisticated chignon.
Check out this week's video for a visual tutorial set to Satie's Gymnopedie No. 1 (such a beautiful song!). If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur
Madame Chic Inspiring Thought
Come up with a handful of chic ways to do your hair, especially good fixes for bad hair days. Practice these and overtime you'll be able to get ready and look presentable in no time at all. Try modern twists on old classics (like this week's chignons).
Comment of the Week
On my Get Ready With Me: A Night at the Ballet post, Madeleine in Australia writes:
Your comment about being someone who used to enjoy the arts pre-kids and responsibilities struck a chord. When I lived in Sydney I was a subscriber to the Australian Ballet, the Sydney Dance Company and the Australian Chamber Orchestra (I'm a pianist by profession so this really wasn't excessive, just part of my life). I now reside about 500 kilometres from Sydney, so no ballet. We are fortunate to have many fantastic concerts here, though, and your post made me remember that I have some fabulous ballets on DVD (Ballet Russe) - so no excuse not to enjoy some ballet!
I love Madeleine's comment because it reminds us that we can still appreciate the arts no matter where we live. These days you can even watch an entire ballet on YouTube! Not quite the same as the real thing but it is a place to start.
Check out my interview with Laura Dennison of BADIZM . We discuss everything from Frenchwomen, to feminism, to public speaking. Thank you Laura!
The Madame Chic books are featured in Turquoise and Teale's 9 Must Read Fall Books
Rich Mom Business does a hilarious review of At Home With Madame Chic in her Spa Day at Home video.
Jenny Williams mentions the ten-item wardrobe in her piece on XO Jane called How I Found My Personal Style When I Let Go of Most of my Clothes.
Upcoming Events
Southern California readers: come meet me at one of my upcoming book signings:
October 28, 2014 (this Tuesday!) DIESEL bookstore, Brentwood, CA Presentation, Q&A + book signing 7pm
November 2, 2014 Laguna Beach Books Presentation, Q&A + signing 4pm
(more venues and dates to be announced on my author website events page)
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I'm looking forward to the day when my hair will be long enough again so I can try out these chignons. In the meantime, perhaps my daughter will let me try them out on her. That's a big maybe!
Thanks for sharing my reading list Jennifer! Loved your book!
Hi Jennifer! I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to it every Sunday. I was wondering if you would be able to do an update on your 10 item wardrobe, and more specifically if you can do a review on your Loft clothing and how they are holding up to every day wear.
I find myself thinking I should let my hair grow long again when I see your beautiful chignons. If only it would be as thick as yours! Meanwhile, I'm so enjoying your new book. I'm forcing myself to go slowly through it and savoring each page. Time for a cup of tea and a little more reading in it now. Many thanks for your lovely work, Jennifer.
Love the Madame Chic inspiring thought. A capsule hairstyle collection. Would love a video on how you style your hair when you wear it down.
Thank you for this tutorial! My own hair is layered and shoulder-length right now, so I can't achieve a full chignon easily (too many prickly wisps popping out), but I used the first technique today on my daughter's hair. She has very long, gorgeous hair but we are always looking for ways to keep it out of her way--she's three and Very Busy. Her chignon was petite and darling. She was wearing a dress with a soft crossover jersey top and a skirt made of full, flowy tulle and she twirled and twirled--and her hair stayed put! We loved it! Thank you.
Very nice, Jennifer - you have a lovely profile!
Hi Jennifer, This post is so well timed for me. I have been scouring the internet trying to find quick but chic hair styles to wear to work. I am beginning the process of going back to work after being on Maternity Leave for the past 2 years (2 kids in 2 years). I have read both your books with relish as now I want to look after myself and refine my style. Being pregnant and at home for so long you tend to get a bit stuck in a rut. Your 10 item wardrobe is exactly what I need right now. I want my outside to reflect what I have always tried to achieve (but been unable to) in both home and work life, and your books finally put it all in place for me to do it. Thank you so much!
I love these! They are so beautiful, chick and easy. I've been following your blog and your videos for a while now and they are absolutely lovely! I've listened to audio version of your book and it was fantastic.
I have a questions for you that I hope to get your insight on. I pack my breakfast and lunch to work and I am at cross-roads for what to carry it in. My purse is not big enough, yet bright colours of lunch bags leave me feeling not super chick. Over the past few days I kept wondering what would Madame Chick do? Would she get a chick purse that would fit lunch? Would she carry a dedicated lunch bag? Whould she have a chick tote for lunch and carry two purses?... I will feel honoured if you find this little issue of mine interesting and share your opinion. I am very curious!
Hi Jennifer tried your messy chignon the other day when having coffee with friends in this heat wave, yes it is still spring but in the 30sC temp wise. I stayed cool and fresh all morning. Thanks for the tutorial!
You look like Virginia Wolf in one of your pictures. I`m Lucila Donoso from Quito-Ecuador.
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