

Jennifer Plays Shubert's Moment Musical + Hoffman Academy Giveaway

8:52 AM 30 Comments
On this special Thursday blog post, I have another piano performance for you: this time I am playing Schubert's Moment Musical. This upbeat and lively piece was a really fun piece to learn. To hear my performance, check out the video above, look in the sidebar of this blog, or check out my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur Hoffman...


Quick Morning Makeup Routine

8:50 AM 15 Comments
In this week's video, get ready with me as I show you my everyday 5-minute le no makeup look routine. This is the routine that I use the most on a daily basis: a foundation to even out the skin (in this case, it's a cc cream), some concealer, fill in the eyebrows, mascara, blush and lipgloss. It takes me no time at all...



At Home With Madame Chic JAPAN

8:44 AM 2 Comments
I'm pleased to announce that my second book, At Home With Madame Chic, is now available in Japan. Published by Daiwa Shobo and translated by Akiko Kansaki, this book makes a beautiful companion to the first. I want to give a big thank you to all of the Japanese readers who made Lessons from Madame Chic a number...



The Importance of Play for Adults / Escape Room in a Box

8:43 AM 10 Comments
In the entertaining section of At Home With Madame Chic, I talk about the importance of play for adults. As adults, we can lead such stressful lives with work and family obligations. We think playtime is only for the kids, but really it can be for us too! I attend regular game nights at my friend Juliana's house (I write...


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