In this week's video, get ready with me as I show you my everyday 5-minute le no makeup look routine. This is the routine that I use the most on a daily basis: a foundation to even out the skin (in this case, it's a cc cream), some concealer, fill in the eyebrows, mascara, blush and lipgloss. It takes me no time at all and helps me to feel presentable throughout the day.
In the video I use: Chanel CC cream, Benefit fake-up concealer (under the eyes), Benefit Boi-ing concealer, Laura Mercier setting powder, Mac eyeshadows (for eyebrows), YSL faux cils burgundy mascara, Hourglass ambient lighting blush in mood exposure and Clinique black honey lipstick.
I hope you enjoy getting ready with me! If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel at

At Home With Madame Chic is now available in Japan. Thank you to the Japanese readers for your wonderful support!
Live the Chic Life says that the Madame Chic series speaks to her soul.
Sparkles, Lace & Sequins is currently reading At Home With Madame Chic and loving it.
Inspired by Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic, Dawn is practicing her poise for Lent with her blog, 40 Days of Poise.
Laurel & Co. chooses At Home With Madame Chic for her book prescription.
Britt from The Hello Honey Blog enjoys the less is more persona of Madame Chic.
Comment of the Week
Ashley D writes:
Dear Jennifer,
I had the perfect instance last week of why it is so important to always dress presentable. I will admit, 90% of the time, I drop my daughter off at school in work out clothes, because I plan on going to the gym. I always shower and dress before picking her up. On the days I am not going to the gym, it would be so easy to throw on the gym clothes for the morning drop-off, but I generally try to dress for the day on those mornings. Last week, I got up and got dressed, knowing I would not be going to the gym that particular morning. While dropping my daughter off in carpool, the music director of the school (who happens to be a friend and who also happens to NEVER be out at carpool), caught me and invited me back that morning to an Atlanta Opera performance! Since I was dressed for the day, I was ready for whatever the day brought my way, including an impromptu Opera performance! Had I been in my gym clothes, there is no way I would have felt comfortable attending the performance.
While the Atlanta Opera is not my destiny, I do love this quote by Chanel that I believe perfectly encapsulates the importance of why what we wear matters:
“I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.” Coco Chanel
Hi Ashley, you never know where your day will take you, which is why striving to look presentable always is such a good idea. I loved your story and am happy you had a chance to attend the Atlanta Opera. What a treat!
Rose writes:
Jennifer your video warmed the cockles of this old school marm's heart. Teaching children to help, to organise themselves and to be self reliant is, I believe, as important as teaching them to read and write. When I taught one of the saddest sights at annual camps was teenagers who did not have basic kitchen skills -- clearing, stacking, washing and drying, putting away. Incapable teenagers become incapable adults, they don't magically learn these skills.
Age-appropriate contributions to the family home build a child's confidence, skill set and self esteem. Children learn to be both independent and part of a team (the family).
I recall that in At Home with Madame Chic you spoke of how Monsieur and Jeune Homme Chic respected the family home and would not scatter their belongings throughout, M Chic even had a place for his pipe. This demonstrates true daily connoisseur-ship, respect for the home, for Mme Chic the chief homemaker and for the family.
Hi Rose, I completely agree, basic household skills are something that all children should learn. It's such an important part of adulthood! I loved reading all of the comments from my Raising Tidy Children post. Thank you for sharing your views.
This week I would love to know... what is your everyday morning makeup routine? What are your favorite products to use?
See you on Thursday for a special piano performance.
Until then...
FTC: All products used in this video and mentioned in this post were purchased by me. All opinions are my own.
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I love the beauty of your simplistic makeup routine. Last Autumn, I wrote on the psychology behind make-up and actually even ventured going a week completely sans cosmetics! Eek! The "le-no make-up look" and even a cared for bare face provide a foundation to liberate you. On my last day forgo-ing the rouge pot, I wrote, "I realize the lack of make-up forces me to make a decision, but it does not produce the decision itself. After experiencing a mostly successful week, I trusted in the act of simply not wearing make-up to make me more mindful. In reality, it can also cause me to be so much more aware of my empty face." - We must remember the awareness to regard our bodies as worthy of being tended to is important.
Vis à Vis
So lovely, very fresh! Thank you for sharing.
I've stopped wearing under-eye concealer. Never thought it would come to that! Any type/brand I've used in the past year or so now ends up settling into fine lines in no time. I don't have a lot of lines but the concealer finds them. I've even tried switching moisturizers, but nothing helps. As a result, I've grown accustomed to not wearing concealer and to my surprise, I don't really need it!
I also stopped using tinted coverage on my face. I've always hated foundation. Other products (tinted moisturizers, mineral powder, etc.) just bug me for some reason. Fortunately I've always had good skin, even now at age 50. That, along with consistent SPF use, facials, and yearly IPL and collagen treatments have allowed me to go foundation free.
My eyes are deep set and dark, so I play that up with one of MAC's brown or gray eyeshadows, a brown pencil liner and brown mascara. A MAC cream blush and neutral lipstick or balm, and that's it.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful, open and honest face with us and I am SO HAPPY you were inspired to do this video. Your fresh way of exposing yourself and showing the simple tips to Le No Makeup and Your Quick Morning Makeup Routine is wonderful and I do hope you have fun with your cousin. Thanks again and I'm going to see what YSL has for blue eyes, because your burgundy mascara looks amazing on you, Jennifer! Have a great week.
I used to struggle with those middle of the night wakings. Two things help me a lot. First Magnesium at bedtime. It will solve a lot of pregnancy ails, and non-pregnancy life ails like waking, constipation, muscle cramps, headaches, etc. It's a natural relaxant, and most people are magnesium deficient. Second, you're likely experiencing a blood sugar crash. Have a snack right at bed time. I like to eat apple slices with almond butter. You want a nice balance of protein, carbs and fat to sustain you through the night.
You look lovely with your le no makeup look. My le no makeup look is inspired by the Parisiennes I saw last summer. I wear, foundation/blush, filled eyebrows, minimal black eyeliner along the lashline, black mascara and a bold red lip. The red isn't exactly le no makeup, but it is minimal and simple makeup. I have a dark pixie cut and fair skin. I get compliments all the time.
I love this look, Jennifer! It reminded me that I wanted to check out the black honey lip stick you mentioned in a previous video!
This is unrelated, but I was able to take my daughter to our first professional ballet performance yesterday (Prokoviev's Cinderlla). We had a lovely time and enjoyed the experience so very much.
I wear some makeup every day, though it takes longer than 5 minutes. More like 15. I find that when I rush it, I make mistakes that take longer to fix than if I had just took my time. I find it time well spent, as it lifts my mood.
I don't use foundation. I use a physical sunscreen (Neutrogena Pure & Free liquid), and as I have light skin, this is all I need to even out the color. I apply a primer on top of it, and suddenly -- no pores! Then I take Nars semi-matte lipstick in Pigalle and smooth some of that on my cheeks. I find it the most natural looking color for me and it lasts all day. Next comes concealer. I use Cle de Peau for both my eyes and any blemishes. It lasts all day and doesn't rub off. I don't use it completely under my eyes, as it would only highlight any fine lines I have. Just the inner corners and the outer corners (which have developed darker skin with age, for some reason). Then I set it all with MakeUp Forever HD powder. I fill in my very sparse eyebrows with Rimmel eyebrow pencil (lasts all day without rubbing off, easy to apply), and brush a little colorless mascara over it. This beefs up my existing eyebrow hairs, making the entire look more natural-looking, less drawn-on. I brush on L'Oreal Infinite Wear eye shadow in Smooth Latte on my eyelids and under my lower lashes. It's a very subtle shade -- a few shades darker than my skin. It recedes my eye skin, which has become less firm with age, and brings out my eyes. Then I curl my lashes and apply a single coat of mascara to upper and lower lashes. I find the curling very important: it makes them look longer and also obviates the need for more coats of product than just one. Then I apply the same Pigalle lipstick I used on my cheeks.
If I am going out, the only addition would be Bobbi Brown Caviar Ink eyeliner in a fine line along my upper lashes and the outer third of my lower, followed by a slightly lighter brown shadow over it to make it look more natural. And I usually switch out the Pigalle shade of lipstick for Red Lizard or Fire Down Below (also by Nars).
I love the spontaneity and honesty of your "Le no makeup look". It's a reminder to me not to worry and spend too much time and putting on makeup and getting it right. It's so liberating to see how little time it takes to look great. Thanks for the tip about using a different color mascara. I wonder what I can use to jazz up brown eyes. Sometimes a new mascara color or lipgloss is all you need to update and freshen up your look. Thanks for the video Jennifer! I really enjoyed it.
Hi Jennifer, I agree with you about the weather here in California! It's alarming because our state needs so much more rain. Hopefully, it's still coming! In the meantime, I have packed away my winter clothes (I can always bring some out again) and started working on and wearing my spring capsule wardrobe. I thought I would share my process in case it might be helpful to others. This year, I'm feeling inspired by Oprah's new collection at Talbots. Her colors are not my favorite, and I'm not buying the items, but I like it that there is a color theme which ties all seven items together. I came up with my own color palette of three colors. Oprah's collection includes what you would call four core items (dress, blouse, pants and skirt) and three extras. I asked myself how I would expand her four core items into ten core items. As it happens, I came up with one of the constellations that appears in "Polish Your Poise" (3 dresses, 3 blouses, 2 skirts and 2 jeans). I'm having fun and pleased with my resulting wardrobe, which includes some old, some new, no borrowed, some blue. I can't wait to see your spring wardrobe, Jennifer! Warm best, Alexandra
Hello Jennifer, Thank you for braving us barefaced. Your complexion is beautiful, especially considering you are pregnant and sleep deprived! Although my skin is more troubled now than it was while expecting, I have a very similar routine. I used to have a lot more time to fiddle with makeup in the morning or whenever I was to get ready but now as a mom I try to wear as little as possible. I first fix any 2 major flaws and let the rest go or else I will obsess over everything. Then I choose one area to have a little more "oomph" and one to complement the look of my outfit of the day (kind of my philosophy toward accessories as well). I usually go for a simple moisturizer, (right now it's coconut oil since my skin is so dry this winter) a concealing of major blemishes or under-eyes if I am feeling especially tired, a quick sweeping of mineral foundation, then a cheek/lip color... I often wear lipstick as blush... Is that a faux pas? If I am staying home I will leave it to just blush and curl my lashes, but if I will be going out I will fill in my brows and add mascara and an eye shadow to suit my mood which is typically a shimmery neutral. If I am feeling especially flirty or need to be a bit more polished I swap out my powder foundation for my estee lauder liquid foundation & add a flick of black liner or maybe a smokey eye. Once you have an "everyday" look like yours it's easy to add in those little extras when so inclined. For anyone experimenting with makeup, I would look into Carmindy's book, "Get Positively Beautiful," or anything from Lisa Eldridge, namely her YouTube tutorials is greatly helpful. Both are lovely, inspiring individuals. When I am feeling like I need a little boost I often go to both... or to you, Jennifer!
Also-- I just picked up an album at the used record store Ivan Moravec's Debussy from the "Connoisseur Society." It was a welcome alternative to the usual rock albums my husband and I tend to go for. The title reminded me of our community here!
Peace and Elegance to all, Janey
Thanks for sharing excellent informations on Online shopping Offer I Enjoyed reading post on your blog.!
Thank you Jennifer for showing us a real time Le No Makeup look. I have a similar routine now at 45. Up until around 38 I just used spot concealer and lip gloss, but I am staring to see some shadows under the eyes and a more uneven skin tone. To help speed up the routine I have my brows and lashes tinted a dark brown every 3 months. I prep with Nivea Q10 Day Cream SPF15 (Essential for the Australian climate), then Revlon Photo ready BB Cream (Medium in Summer and Light-Medium in Winter - this is excellent). Concealers: Maybelline Lumitouch Highlighting in Sand under the eyes and Maybelline FitMe in Sand on face. A little Lacura brown eyeliner(from Aldi with a built in smudger). Curl lashes. Clarins No.2 lip pencil and gloss. If brows are fading I also use Models Prefer brow Tint in medium. (This is a great non smudge product). All takes 7 mins!
Hello Jennifer,
I have greatly enjoyed your last several videos. In particular, I loved the videos about your daily morning routine, questions answered, and the most recent 5 minute makeup routine. Your positive reviews of a calendula oil product in the fall, finally prompted me to try a face oil. It has been a game changer for my skin- particularly during the cold winter months. It is a product called Beauty oil for the face by RMS (Natural beauty) and I strongly recommend giving it a try. Your hair always looks so great, but you said that you do not wash your hair in the morning. Can you do a video regarding tips you have for keeping you hair frizz free while you sleep and the routine you use in the morning to refresh and style your hair. Also, I love the "week of outfit " videos (would love another one) and look forward to your tidying videos. I love your message and your sweet, courteous, can-do attitude.
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