
Maternity Ten-Item Wardrobe Spring 2016

8:49 AM 18 Comments
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! This week I have my maternity ten-item wardrobe for you. Today's video combines both the fashion show and the commentary. My ten-item wardrobe is actually comprised of nine core items instead of ten: six dresses and three skirts. I wear maternity tee shirts with the skirts....


Q&A Chic Background? + Quality Friends

7:23 AM 16 Comments
Part two of the Q&A video resumes today. I answer Marisa K's question on what to do if you were not taught chic behavior in childhood and how to shake self-consciousness with developing poise later in life. I also answer Basia S's question on how to find quality girl friends. Be sure to check out this week's video...


Q&A Your Tidy Questions Answered + Jewelry Questions

8:28 AM 12 Comments
Hello dear readers, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. This is spring break for us, so I am going light on the writing this week, but I do have two fun Q&A videos for you. Today we discuss the most frequently asked questions about the tidy videos: What is the homemade cleaning solution I use in the video? How do...



Quick Family Room Tidy

11:10 AM 4 Comments
Thank you for your great response to yesterday's kitchen tidy video. Today is a quick family room tidy. Depending on how much energy I have at the end of the day, I usually tidy up the family room before I go to bed. But we have all had those days when we leave it until the morning. Please note: this is not a deep clean...



Make the Bed Inspiration

9:06 AM 14 Comments
This is going to be a fun week on The Daily Connoisseur! I have four videos for you, starting with today's video, where I make the bed. Many people have been asking for a home tour and these quick tidy videos I will release this week are a fun way to get a peek into our home. Here's a little secret about me: I can't...


Q&A Part 2: Morning Routine and Exhaustion

9:01 AM 7 Comments
Thank you for your great response to last week's Q&A part one. I have received many questions for future posts and I will do my best to address as many as I can. This week's video is part two of the Q&A, where we discuss establishing one's own morning routine, as well as dealing with exhaustion throughout the...
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