Today I have a fun get ready and un-ready with me video for you, once again encouraging you to seek out the arts wherever you may be. I take a trip to Royce Hall to see the Los Angeles Ballet perform Don Quixote. It was my first time seeing that particular ballet and my mother and I just adored it! What a beautiful, vibrant, passionate performance from The Los Angeles Ballet! In this video I'm applying earth-tone makeup and at the end of the night, I take it off and show you a quick skincare routine.

I have been dealing with melasma during this pregnancy (a flush of dark spots on the skin). I had it a little with my other two pregnancies, but this time it is stronger. You can see in the video that foundation helps to even out my skin tone.
If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel:
For more on The Los Angeles Ballet, visit their website.
As I always say, you do not need to use the exact products that I use to re-create this look. It is a very simple look that can most likely be created with what you already have at home. For those who are curious, however, these are the products that I use:
Chanel Perfection Lumiere Velvet foundation
Benefit Fake Up under eye concealer
Benefit Boi-ing concealer
Laura Mercier translucent setting powder
Urban Decay primer potion
Chanel Tisse Camelia eyeshadow palette
Chanel kohl eyeliner in ambre
YSL faux cils mascara in burgundy
Chanel rose initial blush
Clinique chubby stick in fuller fig
Clinique black honey lipgloss
Nail polish: OPI Shorts Story
Simple eye makeup remover pads
Simple Micellar makeup removal wipes
Kensington Apothecary Rose Oil Cleanser
Eminence Calendula Oil
Verily Magazine references At Home With Madame Chic's at home aromatic simmering pot recipe in their article on 5 Easy Tips to Reap the Health Benefits of Spring.
Lessons in Loveliness writes about the Madame Chic trilogy in their Lovely Things article.
Emmy Cecelia writes about the inspiration she took away from At Home With Madame Chic in her article, Lenten Lessons: Rearranging Priorities.
Check out this honest and funny review of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic from Susan Stovall on YouTube.
Another wonderful in-depth video review from Portrait of a Budgeting Planer Girl on Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic.
Comments of the Week
Marla W writes: I have five sons, all adults now, and each has commented on how nice I look on a regular basis and how they appreciate that. This influence makes a difference in who they choose for companions as well as the respect they display through their own personal appearance. The human brain understands that where more effort has been focused, that thing has more value. When we take effort to look presentable each day, we are telling our children and those around us that we have value, because more focused effort was applied. Even young children make this connection in their brains. Bravo, Jennifer Scott! Now, please write a book for the men in society! (Maybe your husband could give the male perspective!)
Hi Marla, I loved your observation about the human brain and how it understands where more effort has been focused. It would be fascinating to do a scientific study on this!
Gabriela R writes: I am so guilty of wearing gym clothes all the time....the more weight I put on...the more I let myself go and not cared about my looks....I am thankful for finding your channel and excited to start changing my ways...:) yey...!!!
Hi Gabriela, I am excited for you! It doesn't matter what size or weight you are, you can look presentable always starting right now.
Helena N writes: Jennifer,i would like to say that my grandmother was born poor and to this day,she still doesn't have too much money to spend on clothes because of her health problems. Despite this fact,she is the BEST dressed in my family. She has few accessories, knows how to combine colors and fabrics and makes cheap clothes look expensive! She is a reference to all my family.
Hi Helena, your grandmother sounds like a wonderful role model. I would love to hear her take on the Madame Chic topics. She sounds like a true Madame Chic herself!
On my author guestbook, Cindy S. writes:
I am so glad I came across your books, website and videos. I am 56 years old and you have completely changed how I want to present myself and my home. I have read your first book and can’t wait to dive into the next two. Now if I can only save my pennies and go to France someday! Thank you!
Thank you Cindy! I can sense the enthusiasm in your letter and am thrilled for the changes coming in your life.
I hope you enjoyed this week's video. This week I would love to hear about your makeup routine. Do you have any favorites to share with us? How have you been seeking out the arts in your own community? Let us know in the comment section below and you could be chosen as comment of the week!
See you next time.
Jennifer x
FTC: All items featured in this video were purchased by me with the exception of Kensington Apothecary Rose Oil Cleanser, which I did a review on last year. All opinions are on my own.
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Hello Jennifer,
Thank you for sharing your special night at the Ballet. Don Quixote sounds wonderful.
I loved the natural simplicity of your makeup an your beautiful dress.
I do not always comment but want you to know I love the elegance to bring to the blogosphere.
Hi Jennifer, the you for sharing your honest video about getting ready (and unready) for the ballet. I really appreciate your simple makeup techniques that look as though you've spent a lot more time. I was wondering what brand of makeup brushes you use? (buying the right ones is important for application and they can be pricey). Thanks again Jennifer for inspiring me to seek the arts. After I saw your video, I looked to see when Don Quixote will be coming to my town. You look great Jennifer. Looking forward to your next video.
They looked like MAC brushes
Hi Jennifer, Thanks again for a fun and interesting video. Those pink bows! I need them!
What are they, please?
You are simply amazing and precious and I so enjoyed your "get ready and unready" video. I'm going to see, at a friend's urging, the encore Madame Butterfly performance at Irvine Spectrum tomorrow evening. She's currently in Vienna and we'd hoped to watch real time together. I so love your makeup and the items you use, because your final makeup is always so polished, natural and beautiful, Jennifer. I'm hoping to try the YSL mascara, in blue, to see if if works for my blue eyes. I love Chanel products, too. So happy you and your mother could spend an evening of culture together. My husband would be in the same camp as your husband. It's lovely to enjoy these evenings and cultural events, no matter what. Sometimes I do go by myself, happily. Life is to be enjoyed and there may be times we just enjoy different things every once in a while.
Hi, Jennifer! The chapter "Seek Out The Arts" from "Lessons from Madame Chic" has inspired me. I've watched four theater plays (1st with my husband, daughter and nephew, 2nd with a friend, and the last two with my husband only) and visited a museum since reading your book. Thank you. :)
Dear Jennifer, thank you for this video and the constant reminder to seek out the arts. Maybe I have a reccomendation for you and all the other connoisseurs in this community. Do you know the book " Play it again" by Alan Rusbridger? It is so great! He was editor in chief at the " Guardian" during a tough and exciting time. He gives a peek into his work life AND how he managed to work 20 minutes every day on Chopins Ballade in g-minor. It is such a special book in so many ways. My father gave it to me. My parents house is the best library for very high quality books and I am so thankful that books are always a big part of my life. I would love to have book club, but I am not sure how to organize it. Maybe someone can help me out with it? Dear Connoisseurs? Any experience with that topic? I would love to get some help with that.
All the best, Lisa
Oh I so relate to this post...
I have taken my husband to the symphony so many times and he just goes to sleep....but the problem is that he snores!
You look lovely! I hope that the ballet was wonderful!
Jennifer - great simple make up routine - thanks!
Stuff_stories - I started a book group last year and tried to keep it simple - I invited a number of local women I knew - not just friends but mothers from my kids school or friends of my children etc - anyone local who I thought might be interested really - six were delighted to accept! It is held at my place on the last Monday of the month and each month one person in rotation chooses a book and brings the snacks and wine - we have a really fun time discussing the books and various other things off topic! One woman prefers to have it at her house when it is her turn and that is fine too - if we can we get a list of questions about the book from the Internet or make them up - to focus us a bit - I try to have as few rules as possible. I send out emails 1 wk before with a reminder and the day after the meeting with the books for the next couple of months. We try and choose the books a couple of months in advance so we can get them out of the library if we want. It seems to work really well - we are now into our second year and most months everyone turns up!
I absolutely love Marla W's comment. Thank you for sharing it! The way she worded it makes perfect sense and even has helped me to understand why we "dress up" for church each week. "The human brain understands that where more effort has been focused, that thing has more value." That pretty much sums it up in a way that I haven't been able to express. Some people that I've discussed this with in the past have said that it's materialistic to put value in how we dress and I understand that it can become too much of a focus at times, but I don't feel that showing respect for certain occasions is materialistic. It's about looking like an effort was made, not about showing off the latest, most stylish dress. I've always been a fan of dressing presentably and now that I'm in my late thirties I feel that I have a better handle on my style and have pared down and curated my closet so that dressing nicely on a daily basis is attainable. Your blog is an inspiration to me and I love knowing that others care about this kind of thing also. It's refreshing to me that your message isn't about having the latest and trendiest style (like many fashion blogs are).
I second Evaline's request. Those pink bows are awesome - I've been searching in vain since I saw them. What are they called?
Thank you for this fun video! This absolutely made my day a little bit brighter. Jennifer, you do such a beautiful job of making your viewers feel like we are right there with you. Your books, blog, and video are such bright spots. Thank you!
Hi Ladies, I'm so happy you enjoyed this video! Thank you for leaving your lovely comments. So many to choose from for comment of the week! Many of you are asking about the pink bows in my hair. I found those in Japan at a Japanese drugstore. Perhaps they can be found on Amazon? See you soon! Jennifer xx
I found the pink bows at Amazon: Dariya BANGS GUARD Magic Sheet (also in blue and black), $6.13 with free shipping.
Hi Jennifer
Your story about your husband and the blue bird dancer cracks me up. I love going to plays and concerts with my mom when she is in town. I grew up with a theater background that she largely facilitated, and now going to these performances is something we really enjoy doing together.
To add to Marla's comment of the week (and Alicia's comment above) I asked my mom as a little girl why we wore dresses for church, and she always said dressing up for church demonstrated to yourself and to others that you respected the event enough to wake up in the morning and prepare yourself. In high school she encouraged my sister and I to dress well for tests, speeches, and auditions. To this day when I have a challenging thing in my life, I take this same approach and make it an occasion to dress well for. In a chemistry class in college I remember taking the final exam surrounded in a sea of sweatpants at 9am wearing a sundress and heels.
It really works.
By the way, something your channel has inspired me to do is take better care of my skin. I like that you included an "unready" routine to this week's video - it can be hard to get motivated to take your makeup off after a fun night. It's so easy just to crawl into bed and deal with it in the morning. I have actually committed to a skin care regime now, and after trying some samples I have found a facial cleanser and moisturizer that I absolutely love. I've even noticed how much clearer and smoother my skin looks and feels now that I've committed a few months to my routine.
Dear Jennifer, you are fantastic an your video is very interesting . But the background music is beautiful . Can you tell me the name of the cd ? Thank you and greetings. Maria .
Great video! I had that too with both of my pregnancies pretty bad. Could you please tell us what the music was you were playing in the video? I loved it! Thank you! :)
It seems a synchronicity that you went to see Don Quixote. I had been thinking about that story a couple of weeks ago, and this is what I wrote in my journal at that time. "Like Dulcinea in the story of Don Quixote, a woman has the power to inspire dreams and devotion, but she can't do it if she's dragging herself around in sweatpants and welcoming her partner to a dirty home and canned soup."
Quite the coincidence!
Warm best as always,
Thank you for sharing your routine!
I love reading the links you have to other blogs. Do you mind sharing sometime what blogs and other writers you like to read that are similar to you? I've been wishing for more of what you do and would love to know who else you read!
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