
# At Home With Madame Chic # bridal party drama

Have the Books Changed Me? Bridal Party Drama? Help with Routines? Reader Q&A

Part 3 of the reader Q&As continues today with a special appearance from Mr. Connoisseur at the beginning of the video. Have the books changed me? What do my friends think of the Madame Chic books? What should you do when you are in a bridal party and everyone around you lacks poise? How can I implement routines into my home life? All of these questions are answered in today's video plus much more.

I hope you will join me for the Mapp & Lucia book club at the end of June!

Here is a snapshot of the two volume Lessons from Madame Chic comic books from Harper Collins Japan...

Jezball Adventures shares The Madame Chic Collection...

So very excited to start reading. #jezballadventures #thedailyconnoisseur #jenniferlscott #madamechic 🇹🇹

A post shared by JezelleM (@jezballadventures) on

Comment of the Week
Amy writes: I grew up on a farm surrounded by hardworking men and women and we learned an appreciation for honest, hard work. No one I know would find this fashion trend to be acceptable in any way. Most folks who have jobs that get them this dirty want nothing more than to get home scrub up in the shower and put on fresh, clean clothes as a reward for that hard work. My father wouldn't have sat at our dinner table looking like that let alone have gone out to a restaurant or a movie. He would have considered it disrespectful to himself and to others. I'm assuming if you are spending $425 on these jeans, you would wear them anywhere. I find it disrespectful to socialize looking like this and hope folks have more sense than to buy into this fad.

Hi Amy, I loved your comment on the Fake Mud Jeans post. It's nice hearing your perspective having grown up on the farm. Your father sounds like a wonderful man! Thank you to you and everyone who commented.

I would love to hear your thoughts on today's discussion topics. Have you ever been in a group of peers and felt uncomfortable with their behavior? What did you learn from it? Where do you struggle with routines in your home life? What are your successes with routines? Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur!

If you have any questions you'd like to submit for a future reader Q&A, you may leave a comment here, or email me privately via my author website. Please note: due to the large volume of emails I receive, I am not always able to respond. I do read every email and appreciate every one!

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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Links may be affiliate.


Vicki Zimmerman said...

I loved the beginning of this video and "meeting" your handsome husband.  Yes, he definitely received the "good-looking gene" and you two make a gorgeous couple.  Truly.  Thank you for doing that, and I, too, would love to hear how you met each other.  Your Q&A's are most helpful, no matter where we are in life, because they are so motivating and we can take your lessons in personally as we need them.  Yes!  Finding pleasure in the activity is essential and I just saw a beautiful quote by Thich Nhat Hanh, on that subject this week, (keeping in mind to fill in the blank with your particular faith, spiritual path and calling).  "Wash every bowl, every dish, as if you are bathing the baby Buddha—breathing in, feeling joy; breathing out, smiling. Every minute can be a holy, sacred minute. Where do you seek the spiritual? You seek the spiritual in every ordinary thing that you do every day. Sweeping the floor, watering the vegetables, and washing the dishes become holy and sacred if mindfulness is there. With mindfulness and concentration, everything becomes spiritual." THÍCH NHẤT HANH  Thanks again, Jennifer, for another lovely video!

Rachele said...

Regarding the question about routines...

I've found that small changes and habits really add up, especially when I find ways to make it more convenient. For instance, a bottle of all purpose cleaner and a roll of paper towels kept under the bathroom sink makes it easy to wipe up the bathroom after I finish getting ready in the morning, EVERY morning. Three minutes each day versus an hour on Saturday morning, and the knowledge that my bathroom is always company ready...good incentives to keep the habit rolling.

Also not trying to change everything at once...I burn myself out and give up on everything. So I find a thing or two, implement manageable changes, stick with them for a while and then add new things.

I'd recommend checking out the book Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin. I love how she studies the different ways that people manage inner and outer expectations. I was skeptical, but ultimately found so much insight and accuracy in her assessment.

Hilary said...

Hi Jennifer, I've been a long time viewer of your YouTube channel and you have encouraged me to find joy in the every day as a stay at home mom, wife, and fellow YouTuber. As the weather has warmed up I find myself gravitating more towards dresses and flats, which I love, but it's still Spring and we have our rainy days as well. My typical go-to would be jeans and Hunter boots but is there a rainy shoe alternative I can wear with a dress that is still attractive? Thanks in advance! -Hilary @mysocalledhome

Ladylike said...

Hello Jennifer and friends,

What wonderful comments this week! I've also read many of Thich Nhat Hanh's books, and I love them. However, I disagree with him about automatic dishwashers. He seems to feel these take away an opportunity for meditation. Well, if he had a spouse and children, he might feel differently. HA HA! I also loved "Better than Before" by Gretchen Rubin. Yes, it's useful to know whether you are an early bird or a night owl and whether you are a sprinter or the opposite.
For my part, I would like to touch on the question of cleaning routines. I sympathize with the reader who asked this question. Particularly if one has a sizable home, the prospect of cleaning it can be overwhelming to the point that one can't get started. Jennifer, you're right that some cleaning has to be done each day, for the simple reason that it may be the only way to get so much work accomplished. I've found that assigning one room to each day of the week is helpful to me. I also try to wash one load of laundry every other day. Vacuuming and dusting a single room is much less daunting than a whole home, and I'm much more likely to do it.
I don't think it's a coincidence you mentioned your kitchen, Jennifer. I find it necessary to prioritize rooms (if only one room can be cleaned, which one should it be?), and for me the kitchen is priority #1 because it's where we prepare our food. Then, the dining room (we eat there), the living room, and finally the bedrooms. I start with the kitchen on Friday so it will be clean for the weekend, then tackle the dining room and living room over the weekend, and the bedrooms during the weekdays. I hope this idea will be useful to someone!
Warm best,

Unknown said...

Well, I've noticed cleaning up the clutter at night before you go to bed, helps maintain our house wonderfully. And listening to a book on tape is the way to go for me. We recently took away our boys pacifiers and I'm having to re sleep train them and have not been getting to cleaning up the clutter and you should see the house!! I know this will pass and I KNOW I'm going to stick to it because the difference to the house and my state of mind is immense. Life is more enjoyable and less weighted down with a clean home. Things also just run smoothly. Off to get the house ready for the week. Thanks always for your videos, they keep me on task and motivated. Thank you.