In today's video, I'm arranging three bouquets of flowers consisting of green viburnum, and two types of cream-colored roses.

Flower arranging is a hobby that is not only relaxing but highly satisfying for me because I get to express my creativity and concentrate on a beautiful art. In this video, I encourage you to take time out of your stressful day and indulge in a hobby that you enjoy. It's important that we don't let go of the small things that bring us joy.
My favorite hobbies are reading, playing the piano, gardening, cooking and flower arranging. Today, I would love to know what your favorite hobbies are. Let me know in the comment section, and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog!
Here is a photo of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic in Japan. There are over one million copies of the Madame Chic books printed in Japan. Thank you, Japanese readers!

In other news...
Cedar and Bloom shares her ten-item wardrobe for spring/summer.
Myspoclifedotcom shares a review on YouTube for Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic.
Allison B. writes:
Hi Jennifer!
I have a little note about dressing nicely. I moved to a very small rural town after living my whole life in San Francisco for my first job as a teacher. I natural stand out here being one of very few African American people and the only one with an Afro. Since moving I've dressed up more and ditched the sweats outside of the house. This weekend a stranger introduced themselves to me (we've lived here for almost two years now) and said "I see you in town all the time in your nice dresses- I've always meant to say hello. You seem so nice!" I am pretty shy about meeting new people in town so it was so nice to hear that just dressing nicely was enough to make someone see that I am friendly! I am on a first year teacher's salary in a rural place and my husband is a clerk at the hardware store and on the volunteer fire department- we do NOT have a to of money. I wear and re-wear the same key pieces, and people give me compliments and notice that I'm re-wearing something. And that's okay! Thank you for motivating me and other to look presentable always and to use the nice things we have!
Allison, I loved your email to me. Thank you for letting me share it on the blog. Your testimonial made me smile! I love that your neighbor went out of their way to let you know how much they appreciated your efforts. And bravo for proving that you do not need a big salary to look presentable always!
Have a wonderful weekend... see you on Monday!
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That's a very pretty arrangement!
My vocation is living a creative life. So to that end, I enjoy gardening (and good thing, because I'm constantly at it!), sewing, reading, writing, decorating, and teaching my children. These all feed into that primary vocation! :)
What music is that please? It's lovely. :)
Enchanting video, Jennifer. I, too would love to know the background music.
Hi Jennifer, I enjoyed today's video. Often times I will arrange a bouquet to brighten my day, and I usually put a couple flowers in my daughters' room too! I believe that these simple joys are part of a happy home life.
Very pretty!
I do enjoy gardening....until I run into "critters." About a week ago I was out weeding and ran into a snake - now I'm terrified to get back out there.
Hi Jennifer!
What a lovely post! I needed something uplifting today, and your words were just what I needed to hear.
I enjoy photography, cooking, reading and writing.
Jennifer , you mesmerized me with this lovely post, Thanks for the encouragement to be creative
That was a pleasant video to start my day with. I mainly love to read, journal, and cook.
This is such a lovely video and I feel like I am in an idyllic French country home. Your flower choices were beautiful.
Lovely flowers, Jennifer! I also enjoy reading and cooking, along with decorating, journaling, hiking, paper crafting, and learning to play the guitar.
Beautiful! Please tell us what music is playing in the video. It's wonderful and made my soul sing.
The night before this video was posted, my friend and I discussed how to add more joy to our lives. We both have small children and are very busy. The phase of our lives combined with the cultural climate we are in both contribute to often losing focus on what is really important. We both tried to remind ourselves of what our interests are, and decided to carve out even a small amount of time each week to: play an instrument, cut flowers, read books, cook, paint and work on photography. Your video confirmed our resolve and was such an encouragement. Thank you for the reminder that we must put conscious effort into enjoying the details of our lives! Which in turn allows us to better serve our loved ones.
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