When you have a ten-item wardrobe, you become keenly aware of the triumphs, as well as failures with your clothing choices. Today, I'm sharing three problems in my ten-item wardrobe with two core items and one extra.
One morning at my daughters' ballet class I looked in the large mirror and realized that the khaki skirt in my ten-item wardrobe was no longer flattering on me. It was too stretched out and wrinkly. I decided to replace it with the
LL Bean denim skirt in the light wash (which appears to be no longer available in that wash).
The second item is the coral blouse from TJ Maxx. While I love the color of that blouse, it is not washing well and is coming apart and pilling. The final item is an extra: a beige cardigan from Ann Taylor. After washing and steaming it, the cardigan has developed stains that I cannot get out.
I have already replaced the skirt, and whether or not I replace the other two items is yet to be seen. If I find a blouse I love, I might purchase it for the wardrobe. As always, I will keep you updated! I hope you enjoy today's video.
I am featured in the upcoming anthology, A Paris All Your Own: Bestselling Women Writers on the City of Light, out July 4th from G.P. Putnam's Sons.

I'll be doing a book signing and speaking event on Saturday, July 15th at Chevalier's in Los Angeles.

The Mapp & Lucia book club is starting soon! If you haven't already started reading the books, it's not too late. They are also delightful to listen to as audio books. All of the links are listed in my blogpost announcement.
Please note: My author website was not notifying me when a new guestbook comment came in, and yesterday I found 27 of them! Thank you! I have published them all and want to thank all of you who have kindly written to me on my website, as well as those who have reviewed my books online. Thank you so much!
On Instagram
Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic and a cup of tea in Japan...
... and from my own Instagram page... a day at the park with Mr. Connoisseur
Comment of the Week
Regarding Thursday's Bloopers post, Ashima writes: Jennifer, this is adorable and made my day! what I really loved about this video is seeing you enjoy every moment. Usually, I would expect someone to get annoyed with so many interruptions. Thank you for inspiring all of us to 'team up' with the loved ones and not lock ourselves in when we have stuff to do :)
Thank you, Ashima! We definitely try to work as a team. I realized long ago that it's much better to enjoy every moment than get annoyed with the small things. I suppose that's what being a daily connoisseur is all about! :)
Today, I would love to know... do you have problem pieces in your wardrobe? How is your summer ten-item wardrobe coming along? Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog!
See you on Thursday.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Links may be affiliate.
Hi Jennifer,
I had a baby several months ago and I just knew I would be able to fit into my Summer 10item wardrobe. I was wrong! So, instead of buying all new clothes, I have shopped at upscale consignments and purchased a few pieces to get me thru the summer. Needless to say, I had to nearly replace my S/S wardrobe for this year!
Hi Jennifer,
I had a baby several months ago and I just knew I would be able to fit into my Summer 10item wardrobe. I was wrong! So, instead of buying all new clothes, I have shopped at upscale consignments and purchased a few pieces to get me thru the summer. Needless to say, I had to nearly replace my S/S wardrobe for this year!
Hi, Jennifer. Even though I am 65 years old and have already raised my family, I can still relate to your blog posts and look forward to them every week. I purchased your books for my 32 year old daughter who is just starting to raise her family and she informed me yesterday that she now follows your blog! Today's blog is timely for me since I just recently cleared out my parents' closets after they went into a nursing home. The lessons I take away from both you and my parents are the importance of buying good quality, recycling and knowing when to let go. The first two go hand-in-hand in that the former is timeless and the latter becomes someone else's treasure. The last lesson allows us to appreciate all the good memories. Keep inspiring us with your lifestyle and work!
Thank you for sharing these real life realities with us. I'm currently pregnant and working on my spring/summer wardrobe and after seeing your video realized it's also a good time to let go of 2 non-maternity items that have been worn and loved and are past their prime. Even though I'm pregnant, I'm going to order the LL Bean skirt in sea salt and turning it into maternity since I'm having trouble finding denim maternity skirts that fit me well. Denim skirts are definitely my signature look so I was getting discouraged when I couldn't fine the right one for me. Thanks for the link to the LL Bean one. As a former New Englander it's one of my favorite stores.
You could try dyeing that cardigan a dark color and see if it covers the marks. Such a shame for a brand new sweater!
If you are feeling creative you could try your hand a dyeing the cardigan. Especially if you like the fit and fabric.
I started reading your blog during the last few months of my pregnancy and it completely removced my frustration with not being able to wear the majority of my clothes and having so little that fitted me (Before this I was in fact imagining I would not feel like myself until I was back in my normal clothes again). Because when I looked at it more closely I noticed that my maternity wardrobe was in fact a well funtioning ten item wardrobe. So I started to look at it as those were my chosen clothes for the season and that I shouldn't think of the other items. And I apply the same view on my nursing wardrobe, being happy with what I am wearing right now instead of feeling like I live in a limbo situation just because I can't fit into the other clothes or they are not nursing friendly.
A couple of weekends a go I went to Chicago for a girlfriend week-end. Prior to the trip I considered going shopping to freshen up my wardrobe a bit, but decided to make do with what I had. Other than including an extra shirt I packed what I needed and would have to do laundry if we stayed another night. However, one of my friends came with more outfits than she needed (to include many new purchases). Unfortunately she rarely seemed happy with any of the outfits she put together, I on the other hand was relieved that I had made peace before the trip started with what I was taking to wear. In preparing for my trip I discovered that my capsule wardrobe was missing something and I would deal with it when I returned. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with the quality or the fit of an outfit, but the joy you once felt from wearing certain clothing seems to have evaporated.
Thank you for sharing how you deal with problems that arise with your ten-item wardrobe. I had a similar experience to your khaki skirt "aha moment". This spring, I purchased a knit top with pretty trim from Boden. I wore it on Mother's Day and later saw a photo of myself. I realized that I looked so frumpy in that top! The color completely washes me out, and I think I ordered a size too large. I love Boden, and this top really is so pretty. It just isn't pretty on me! As wasteful as it feels to get rid of it, I really want to give it to someone who can enjoy it and feel good wearing it. After several pregnancies, my body has changed and I struggle to find things that truly flatter and are my style. Thank you for the encouragement to keep just a few items that really work instead of a closetful of so-so's.
Enjoyed the video. It inspired me to once again go through my closet and get rid of some items. I put on a top today that I used to like but looked in the mirror and decided that the armholes are too big, Took it off and changed to one that I like much more. No need to keep the first one any longer. That and some other pieces will be donated very soon.
Great video Jennifer! I find myself often frustrated with the cheap fabrics that are used in today's clothing industry. They fall apart and lose their shape quickly, i avoid them and stick with fewer clothes. I can tell by the feel if a fabric is cheap or not. I wish more clothing companies would use good cotton. It seems the worst offender is cheap polyester, although some can be good.
I am glad you are able to see and address the issue quickly due to your ten item wardrobe appraoch. Bravo!
Yes! Full length mirrors are a must. Also, I find taking photos of myself in my clothing helps me see items in a whole new light- for better or for worse. (Same thing goes for taking pictures of my home, actually.)
Your T J Maxx blouse is the main reason I do not shop at "discount" stores anymore. They are what I call a "false economy". You may pay less initially, but they just do not last. I shop primarily in consignment shops, where the quality is first-rate and the prices are lower than department stores or specialty shops. Yes, it is still a bit more pricy than discount stores, but the quality is better and the clothes last. And, yes, the selection is smaller. They obviously don't have everything in all sizes. You have to be willing to hunt. But I have found many pieces that I absolutely LOVE this way. The fact that they were found serendipitously just makes them more precious to me. Instead of just going out and buying one of many, it's like the Universe dropped it into my lap and said, "Here. This is for YOU." I really can't recommend consignment shops highly enough; they are awesome!
Where have I been? I just signed on today.
The Paris compliation sounds perfect for Parisbreakfast!
Must try to find it..
Cheers Carolg
Thank you for sharing these real life realities with us. I'm currently pregnant and working on my spring/summer wardrobe and after seeing your video realized it's also a good time to let go of 2 non-maternity items that have been worn and loved and are past their prime. Even though I'm pregnant, I'm going to order the LL Bean skirt in sea salt and turning it into maternity since I'm having trouble finding denim maternity skirts that fit me well.
Hi Jennifer, I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for a little everyday inspiration. I work from home running a business and am inundated with interruptions, but I have always been pretty disciplined about getting my head down when I need to. However, I recently lost my father to cancer and since then I have not had the same focus - I believe the term is 'un-centred', meaning loss of concentration, routine etc. I really do have work to do (accounts for one thing!) so needed to find a way of gathering myself back in and regaining some focus. After reading through your blog, I realised it really was quite simple. I put on some of my favourite music - Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro" (which reminds me of my teenage years) and sat down at my desk with a green tea served in a beautiful yellow cup. The music, the soothing tea and the sunshine coming through the window made sitting there again an enjoyable experience and enabled me to regain some focus for work. Simple things that make the every day so much more pleasurable, but which can be so easily lost if we forget to do them.
Today I have an indulgent creamy coffee in the yellow cup and an almond croissant, with Bach's Coffee Cantata playing in the background. And I have started on my accounts!
Hi Jennifer,
I appreciated this Monday's video. Having maintained a 10-item wardrobe since I came across your original Lessons from Madame Chic book back in 2011, I've focused on quality items. That being said, after several years of wear, I have noticed that some of my long-time favorite items are looking a bit sad or are simply beginning to fall apart. I've been setting them aside to donate, and while it makes me sad to see them go, I've been appreciating the fact that I have worn the heck out of them since they were so high quality. It will be fun to keep my eyes open for replacements and have a reason to shop. :)
Loving my minimalistic wardrobe!
Hi Jennifer,
You should be able to take the cardigan back to Anne Taylor, if it is relatively new. Quality stores will take clothing back that did not survive a wash, if you followed washing instructions. (It can help to bring the receipt, or your credit card statement). From what I can see in your video, the problem looks like the dye in the fabric, and not something you did.
Love your videos!
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