Thank you for your great response to Monday's post discussing our homeschooling journey. In today's video I show you our homeschool room. It is pieced together with older furniture, plus storage and desk solutions from Ikea. We love our room and enjoy learning in it each weekday. I often find the kids hanging out in...
Let's Talk About Homeschooling | Our First Year| Jennifer L. Scott
The Daily Connoisseur
5:46 AM
Today's video is all about homeschooling. This was a highly requested topic ever since we announced that we would be homeschooling our children this year. Here is an example of one of the many requests I received from readers:
Hadasah K. writes:
Hi Jennifer! Happy New Year! I’d love to see a video about your journey...
I'm sharing a typical week of breakfasts in our home. I like to eat a variety of breakfast foods: fruit, eggs, breads, oatmeal and yogurt/ cottage cheese.
This video shows a sample of what I might eat in one week. As the seasons change, so do my breakfasts... These really represent late winter/ early spring.
As requested, today I am sharing my rebounding routine with you. If you read my previous fitness update post, you know how much I love using the rebounder. Not only do I love it, but my entire family loves it... even the baby!
The girls will often hop on the rebounder several times a day, giving them great exercise....
Skincare week continues on The Daily Connoisseur as I try out a new mask today. I love applying a mask once a week as part of a regular skincare routine. In the past I have always used Epicuren's Volcanic Clay mask, but after using this mask for several years, I was looking for something new to try. I knew I wanted to...
**Update** Please note that Nudu has changed their name to Pellu. Their updated discount code is JENN20, which will give you 20% off any item of your choice.
It's skincare week on The Daily Connoisseur! I have had many requests to review a natural skincare line. I'm excited to share my in-depth review of Pellu Natural...
My Interview with TeriGigi + Marie Antoinette & The Hidden Door of Versailles
The Daily Connoisseur
5:21 AM
Today I'm interviewing the fabulous Teri Reynolds on her new book,Marie Antoinette and the Hidden Door of Versailles.
Here is the book's description:
Follow Marie Antoinette on an unexpected journey where she must choose between love and duty. Place: The Palace of Versailles Date: November 1773 A young Marie Antoinette...
I'm back from my break! The past two weeks I was able to make great headway on my book, do our taxes and just relax a bit. I even found time to play the piano. Thank you to everyone who has taken the debt-free eCourse. I've had so much fun connecting with you over there. It's been truly an amazing experience. So now I...