I'm really enjoying the interview series on The Daily Connoisseur, and hope that you are too. I have a wonderful chat for you today with Nikki Moreno of the Inspired by Nikki YouTube channel.
Nikki and I have a candid discussion about parenting, marriage, cleaning, YouTube, penmanship, and so much more. I am so excited for you to see our interview today. I hope you enjoy today's video.
The book I mention in the video that shows how people live all around the world is, Material World by Peter Menzel. I love this book!
In yesterday's Favorite Mrs. Meyer's Scents video, I shared Grove Collaborative's lovely promotion for July. New customers can receive a Mrs. Meyer's dish soap, hand soap, and hand lotion, plus a pretty farmhouse cleaning caddy when they place their first order of $20. Existing customers can get a set of free walnut scrubber sponges. If you are interested in trying out Grove Collaborative, this is a great time to do it.

For more of The Daily Connoisseur, take my eCourses, Creating Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe and Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living. With hours of video instruction, notes, quizzes, and a lively comment section, you can get inspired and continue The Daily Connoisseur experience beyond the blog.
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Lessons from Madame Chic in Poland...
Comment of the week
Regarding Monday's post on Efficiency, sheldinecooper on Instagram writes, "I don't know if this is a tip but I just find ways in which to do something the fastest way possible... For example things like "don't walk somewhere empty handed" when moving house or tidying, make every step and trip count, map out routes when shopping, what's on the way where to pass by next and where to on the way back..."
Sheldinecooper, this is really great advice. I do the same! Whenever I travel to a new room, I always carry something with me that needs to be put away. Great clutter-clearing advice too. Thank you!
Thank you for joining me in today's video. I hope you enjoyed my chat with Nikki! I would love to know what your thoughts are on the topics we discussed. Chime in below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
I'll see you tomorrow for a review of the Mrs. Meyer's laundry detergent line in another Natural Home with Jennifer video.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Hello Jennifer,
Thank you for introducing us to Nikki. I like her lovely, soft yin energy with her feminine decor, her love of ballet, her appreciation of silence, and how gorgeous she looks in grey. I will be taking a closer look at her blog.
I would like to suggest a couple of books based on the books you two mentioned. If you like "Material World", then I think you will love "In Her Kitchen: Stories and Recipes from Grandmas Around the World". Also, if you like the "The 5 Different Languages of Love", then you will adore "The Child Whisperer" by Carol Tuttle. This book discusses the four different energy types that children (and adults) can have and how to proceed accordingly.
Thanks again for the interview!
Hi Alexandra, thank you for these book recommendations. The In Her Kitchen book in particular sounds especially good. Thank you!
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