I'm combining a favorites video with a pregnancy chat update today. I talk about weight gain, skin, cravings, back pain, and pregnancy drinks. Plus, I share my favorite classical music song for you with a fun recommendation. I hope you join me for today's video.

How much weight have I gained? What are my strange pregnancy cravings? What is different about this pregnancy regarding my skin? Did my back pain ever resolve itself? I answer these questions, plus so much more in today's video.

The good people at Naipo, sent me this Naipo neck and shoulder massager after hearing me discuss my back pain in the previous video. I am seriously in love with this hot stone-effect, shiatsu neck and shoulder massager. Thank you to Naipo for sending me such a special gift. The massager is highly rated on Amazon and totally affordable. Naipo have even given readers of The Daily Connoisseur a 20% off coupon code.
PLEASE NOTE: the Naipo massager should not be used for extended periods of time during pregnancy. Please ask your doctor before using the massager if you are pregnant. Naipo does not recommend using the massager during times of pregnancy due to certain pressure points that should not be accessed during that time. Thank you!
Naipo neck and shoulder massager
Coupon code:VLWL66KI
For 20% off
Thank you, Naipo!
The sparkling water beverage I have been enjoying is the La Croix in cerise limón.
The classical music piece I have been listening to over and over again is called Adagio in G Minor by Tomaso Albinoni.

Tomaso Albinoni was an Italian Baroque composer who lived from 1671 to 1751.
Here is a wonderful free YouTube video showing the Copernicus Chamber Orchestra
playing Adagio.
If you want to watch a truly passionate cello solo of this performance, check out Hauser's rendition.
I listened to this on my Rainy Day Classics CD, which is so old, but I found on Amazon for only $4.
Clean your kitchen tonight while listening to this beautiful piece. I'm sure you've heard it before, but truly study and appreciate it as you go about your day. It will enrich you.
I truly hope you enjoy today's video.
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Comment of the Week
On last week's Shop with Me video, Connie writes, "So much fun to see you get to spend girl time with your sister. It really recharges us as Moms to get out on our own sometimes, doesn’t it? I love many bare minerals products so I am looking forward to seeing more on that. I have the retractable brush and use it often at home and for travel. Connie"
Hi Connie, it is such a rare and special treat to just go out without the kids and do some makeup shopping. It only happens about once a year here, so I really enjoyed it :) Thank you for watching!
I would love to know your thoughts on today's video. Have you heard Adagio before? Have you tried La Croix? What were your strange pregnancy cravings? How do you deal with back pain? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I'll see you on Thursday for a homeschool end-of-year recap.
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Thanks for the video with the adagio, Jennifer. I was eating my lunch at work after a very busy morning, and it made me pause and relax for a little while. Excellent choice!
Hello Jennifer,
I am glad you are doing well with your pregnancy. Thanks for the recommendations. Today is the 5th anniversary of my dad's passing; it felt very appropriate to listen to Albinoni's lovely adagio in G minor.
Thank you,
Hi Jennifer, again, this was a wonderful video to watch! Thank you so much. It always lifts my mood to watch your videos and I catch myself smiling the whole time, because your videos are exuding joy, friendliness and happyness. I always love your recommendations and often try them out (which is a little more difficult since I moved back to Germany after living for quite a while in Portland, OR). I hope that your books one day will be translated into German, so that I could recommend them to my non-or-not-so-good-english-speaking-friends. I was glad to hear that your backpain has improved. Have a wonderful week. Inga
Hi Jennifer, I really enjoy watching your videos. Just a clarification :):) Adagio is a temo is not a name of song, and it means slowly. Albinoni's Adagio is beautiful in deed. I also love Barber's Adagio for strings : ):):) Love, Eva
That's a beautiful recording. It was familiar to me - Sarah Brightman sings it (just google "Adagio Sarah Brightman". I play violin and would love to play it in an ensemble!
I'm glad your pregnancy is going well. You look very cool and collected, as always!
Love, love, love the massager. Thanks for telling us about it.
Hi Jennifer,
My husband makes 2 liters a day of the most bubbly sparkling water, and it's so inexpensive! We usually drink it plain, but if we're craving soda, we just add flavored stevia, or squeeze citrus juice. We stopped buying bottled/canned drinks a couple years ago and we don't miss them at all! I know those Lacroix waters are all the rage now, but they can add up to your budget and they produce a lot of waste. If you're interested in making your own sparkling water, let me know and I can explain how he does it. It's pretty simple!
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