In today's final video before going on maternity leave, I share a brief update for skin, diet, and how I was doing at the end of the pregnancy.
This video was shot three days before I gave birth. Those of you who follow me on Instagram know that I delivered last week, a healthy baby boy! We are so thrilled with our little man.
I plan to take a few weeks off from the blog and channel to spend more time with my family. When I return, I look forward to sharing the birth story with you, as well as kicking off a new fall season on The Daily Connoisseur.
If you miss the blog while I'm away, and you haven't taken one of my eCourses yet, consider doing so. Create Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe and Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living are my two courses.

They are packed with hours of video instruction, notes, and quizzes, plus a lively comment section with other fellow daily connoisseurs. There is a wonderful community over there. I also try to actively engage with every student who leaves questions and comments.

Here are some testimonials on the eCourses:
This course was amazing! I am debt-free, but you have inspired me to save more, love my home life, be happy with what I already have, etc. Thank you, Jennifer! Everything you produce is of such a high quality and truly gives so much value to your audience. I am looking forward to your next course! -Nora
I so appreciate you and the financial e-course! I loved the encouragement and can do attitude!! I encourage everyone to take it, the quizzes at the end of each lecture were fun and helpful!!! - Laura
I'm a long time subscriber and just want to say how much I enjoyed this course! I really like the direction your channel is going in while maintaining your chic sensibility. Thank you for all the great work you do. -DeAnna
I have enjoyed the course and your blog. It has helped me tremendously as I down size my wardrobe and home. Thank you! - Mary Ann
Jennifer, thank you so much for your time, advice, and inspiration. I've gained a lot by taking this course and am even sad that it has ended. I know I will revisit lectures when I need a refresher. I also know I will come back and update on any new debt-free milestones I may reach in hopes that it will inspire others. God bless! - Melissa
WOW! What can I say that others haven't?! It has been a pleasure watching this course other the last few days. It has been an eye opener for sure. The exercise at the beginning to open up and share your debt story. That was a first for me. I never comment on anything and I have felt such appreciation throughout this course, that I couldn't hold back from commenting. I will be doing my best to apply all your principles and tips. All the best to all your course attendees and a HUGE thank you to you, Jennifer. -Candice
Jennifer, thank you so much for this course. Your books and vlog have improved my life in so many ways! I'm struggling to create my Ten-Item Wardrobe but with your help I've cleaned out my closet and discovered my personal style. -Terri
I just completed your e course on Chic finances and it’s incredible! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiration- it’s a course where everyone can get something great that will improve their life and their finances. I love your “Yes, we can do this AND live well,” mindset, Jennifer. You’re a treasure! -
These are just a few of the amazing testimonials that have come from the eCourses. Thank you to everyone who has joined us in the connoisseur community over there.
I appreciate each and every one of you who reads this blog and watches my videos. Thank you for your support. I look forward to returning to you soon. Until next time, as Lucia would say, *Au Reservoir* :)
With love,
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Take my eCourse Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
Dear Jennifer, what a beautiful redesign of your blog. It absolutely suits you and the daily connoisseur.
Congratulations for the little baby boy. He is adorable. Enjoy the time with your family and the new born. This time flies by so quickly, so soak up every single moment. God bless you and your family.
Dear Lisa, thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
Dear Jennifer, I heartily congratulate you and your family on such a happy event!!! It is such a joy !!! Let the baby grow healthy to the delight of parents!!!Greetings!!!.......Sorry for my English....... (Дорогая Дженнифер,от всего сердца поздравляю тебя и всю вашу семью с такими радостным событием!!! Это такое счастье !!! Пусть малыш растёт здоровым на радость родителям!!!Поздравляю!!!)
Congratulations and best wishes from Australia.Rest up and enjoy this special timex
Dear Jennifer,
congratulations on your lovely baby boy. For the next days, weeks, and months I wish you and your family all the best!
Enjoy your special time,
Thank you so much, ladies! I really appreciate it! I am enjoying my time off and bonding with baby.
Hi Jennifer, I was pleased to hear that your little man arrived safely, you both seem to be doing well. I was thinking of you the other day and wanted to make a little suggestion for some viewing if you find yourself awake with the baby at odd hours, unable to sleep. The show is and old English one called As Time Goes By and stars Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. It’s such a funny, witty (but clean) show that I’m sure you and Ben would both enjoy if you haven’t watched it already.
I hope your family enjoys this “fourth trimester.” :)
All the best,
What a beautiful couple you and your baby boy are. Congratulations on his birth. God bless your time away. ~Jody
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