It's wonderful to be back on the blog. Thank you to everyone for your well-wishes after we had the baby. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past few weeks as we got to know the newest member of our family.
I'm excited to share the birth story with you in today's video. It is very raw, honest, and even funny at times! That is family life!

After initially being turned away at the hospital, I gave birth 13 hours later. Our son came so quickly there was no time to get an epidural. This was my first 'natural' birth without an epidural. I could have made it into an episode of Natural Home with Jennifer! (just kidding) :)
In today's video I share what I said while delivering (I scared Mr. Connoisseur a bit), and the whole experience from start to finish. Ultimately, I am so happy that our baby boy was born healthy and that I was able to quickly recover.
Childbirth is such a special, beautiful, and individual experience. I'd love to hear from you. What were your experiences giving birth? What funny things did you say while you were delivering your baby (ies)? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.
Mentioned in the video
My plan for getting back into shape involves walking everyday, and eventually getting back on the rebounder. Everyone else in my family uses the rebounder and I can't wait to get back on!
Also, I frequently get questions about what nail color I am wearing. In today's video, I'm wearing the beautiful Jane Austen color from Londontown. (Use code JenniferS for 25% off your order with Londontown).
On Instagram
A beautiful shot of the Madame Chic books...
Comment of the Week
I love receiving comments on my Author Guestbook page. In today's entry, Madison writes, "Thank you for all your videos and I appreciate how you are “chic” in a culture that has become sloppy! Keep up the videos please!"
Thank you, Madison! I appreciate the chic community that we have here online, and you are a part of it!
Thank you for joining me for today's video. I would love to hear from you! Tell us your birth stories so we can laugh and cry together. I'll see you on Thursday for a new video!
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Oh my goodness, Jennifer!! What a crazy, beautiful birth story. I had to have an emergency c section with my daughter 7 years ago. I had a epidural and was dialated 9cm when her head became stuck in my pelvis. The whole thing was pretty scary and I had to be on oxygen and have monitors on her forehead inside of me. Thank goodness for modern medicine. Although I have never been one of those woman who wanted to experience a natural childbirth, I can see how the experience would be surreal from your story. Now you will know confidently that you truly are stronger than you think!! Congratulations again. Enjoy these sweet moments. Your son is precious. I am so happy you are back on the blog. Thanks for sharing your story.
Christine Gaines
Congratulations! You are so awesome, truly. I've had 3 natural births (I just couldn't get an epidural because of super fast labor&delivery). The first time I was completely unprepared so I thought I died and miraculously came back to life. The 2nd and 3rd time I prepared, prepared, prepared. It still hurt but it was more manageable, plus I knew I could do it. And that feeling of RELIEF once the baby is out is something out of this world, indescribable.
Congratulations Jennifer! I loved hearing your birth story. ❤️ I gave birth to my daughter 14 months ago. And I still believe it was the most incredible day of my life. I chose to give birth naturally and did lots of research and prep. I prayed constantly and the Lord gave me the strength I needed. It was SO INTENSE and I cried so hard after she arrived. Like you said it was such a relief just to be done. I actually had to push for 3 hours... yes hours. She was face up and it made for a harder time getting her out of the birth canal. I don’t know about you but I was extremely thankful for the nurses that coached me and took great care of me. I could have kissed those precious ladies! Thank you for sharing your story. I love your channel so much. You are my most favorite YouTuber.
Dear Jennifer, congratulations from Freiburg Germany! I loved following your posts about baby no 4,as we have four children as well. I find it so important to share stories about giving birth and pass on mothers knowledge in addition to medical advice. I totally agree that every mother should decide how to give birth. I had an epidural at the first birth, it took too long and I was not really relaxed. The other babies I delivered without pain medication. I understood better how to breath (and make noises) which enabled me to get into kind of a trance that helps to deal with the pain. I had the same experience as you, without the epidural I had a much stronger hormon flush after the birth and felt fit for hours. In Germany you can even decide in which position you give birth. With two babies I stood, (it helps a lot to bring the babies head into position) they have strong ropes hanging from the ceiling you can hold on. Here the nurses say, when the mother tells, she cannot do it any longer, says she wants to die,... than that is the peak and the baby is just about to come. I wish you a nice time with your family! Ulrike
Congratulations Jennifer! I gave birth to all four of my children naturally and so glad that I could!! I was fully dialated with kid # 4 and convinced that I would never give birth! Her labor was long and I told my husband that I would get him a dog if I can get this baby out! For the past 13 years I was firm about my decision to never get a dog in our home. Well now I have four healthy kids and a dog;) I also sang silly songs and made jokes during the strong contractions so as not scare my husband or nurse. Enjoy your newborn and try to rest as much as you can!
Hello Jennifer,
What a beautiful baby boy! Thank you for sharing your birth story and the family photos~ You look wonderful, especially for being a new mother again! i had natural childbirth with both of my children so I know what you mean about women's bodies being amazing! Thank you so much for returning to the blog~ You made my Monday~
Warm hugs,
Congratulations Jennifer! What a wonderful birth story.
I can guarantee that you are not the only one to think you were dying during delivery! ;) With my third baby (a big boy), I remember feeling like I was dying. Everyone around me kept saying how well I was doing and I remember thinking they were all lying to me because I was NOT doing well, I was sure I was going to die, and they were all going to let me!!! Each birth is so different-my second was born naturally and was SO much easier than the third. The recovery after without an epidural is so much easier I have found.
Enjoy your beautiful family :)
What a cutie! Congratulations x
So sweet! IMO two girls and two boys is perfect. This way, each child grows up with at least one brother and at least one sister. I wish you a speedy recovery!
Congratulations! As the mom of three boys I can say that they are the best, and will always have a special place in their hearts for their mothers. Your birth story sounds amazing. There is something special (haha) about a natural birth. Woman power!!! Enjoy your family. Before you know it they'll be grown and you will be a expecting your grandchild. It passes quickly. Ask me how I know.
Congratulations, Jennifer, to you and your family! Much love and good wishes to you all. Xo
I love this! What a wonderful birth, thank you for sharing with us. Motherhood is such a privilege, children are a reward! I completely related to your birth experience, I was talking back to you and nodding "uh huh!". Thanks be to God!
Ladies, it is wonderful to be back. Thank you so much for commenting and sharing your birth stories. I appreciate your well-wishes so much too. I am excited to get back to blogging and connecting with all of you. And now I'm going to try to get some sleep! :) See you on Thursday. Love, Jennifer
Congratulations and welcome back! Your son is precious!
Dear Jennifer, Congratulations on your new baby boy and thank you for sharing your birth story! I am so glad that you have shared your honest experience and are encouraging others to share. My baby turned one on Saturday, I have a beautiful baby girl. My birth experience was quite traumatic and not what I had planned at all. I had a very detailed natural birth plan and had attended and been practising hyonobirthing and pregnancy yoga for months with the intention of avoiding intervention. But I had a very long birth with multiple complications and ended up having an epidural and an emergency c-section. It was a hard decision and not one my husband and I took lightly but it was a no-brainer in the end as we were told our baby was in danger. Fortunately at my yoga group every week women came back who'd recently given birth and would share their birthing story. This was a real eye opener for me and ensured I kept an open mind about receiving intervention if it were necessary and so I made sure to read up beforehand in case I had to resort to that. I believe in the UK especially there is a real stigma attached to having an epidural or other pain relief and having c-sections. Almost to the point of it being frowned upon. Thankfully the medical staff of the NHS are fantastic and in my experience not of this mind set. In my case I felt I did not really have much of a choice in the end. My baby's birth was not to be the natural one I had planned so meticulously, it was going to be plan b. But it didn't matter in the end, my baby was born a very healthy 9 lbs 11 oz's and the fantastic surgical team even gave us skin to skin contact. I urge women to plan the birth they really want but to take in to consideration the alternatives and read up on all options so they are informed, prepared and keep an open mind. BTW I love that you are so in touch with yourself that you are happy to say "I have a low pain threshold and so I opted for an epidural." I believe alot of women in the UK would be worried about the judgement they would receive if they admitted this. Kudos to you for owning it and not having any shame about it! I also feel it is important people know that having a c-section is not an easy option. The recovery for me was quite challenging and I needed alot of help in the initial weeks. It is after all major surgery. I say this not to scare women but so they and others are aware, prepared and respectful of those who've had one. At the end of the day the most important part is having that wonderful precious baby in your arms! Sorry for the length of my comment but as you will likely tell it is something I feel quite passionate about. Wishing you all the best with your newest member of the Connoisseur family XXX
Congratulations to ALL !
I really do think it is incredible that in 2018 women are allowed to suffer like you described in childbirth. You should have been admitted when you first came to the hospital and the epidural catheter inserted at that time ready for use. I've heard too often that nurses say it is either too soon or too late for it to be done.
Some women end up with PSTD from an experience such as you describe, others never have another child and some, hearing similar stories from friends and relatives, never have any. I just think it is totally unacceptable. We need a Me Too movement for childbirth.
What a great story! I’m so glad it went well. Congratulations again! I’d love to know what you’re doing for easy meals right now. 😉
Given what you've said I should probably add that it was a weirdly incredible journey all the same and I would do it all again to have my amazing and wonderful baby girl in our lives!
Hahaha isn't that relation from my birth?? I even shouted the same words that I was going to die and after all I also compared it to a roller coaster :D I had exactly the same feeling just after giving the birth :) And while delivering the baby I thought OMG it was not going to happen!! Very hard, extremely painful and beautiful experience, with the adrenalin and the biggest precious finally with and all that didn't let me sleep for the next 2 nights :) I also didn't have a choice as things were going so fast and it was too late for epidural.
Congratulations! Your birth story made me smile. I have two birth stories, both too long to share here, but one memorable moment was looking down at my feet about a minute before my second child was born, and saying "I'm still wearing my socks! I can't have this baby while I'm still wearing my socks!" Well, I did, and I still have no idea to this day why I thought I couldn't! Thank you for sharing your story, and best wishes to you and your lovely family:)
Congratulations Jennifer. Thank you for sharing your birth story. Your son is beautiful and so are you. God bless you and your family.
I just got around to watching your birth story and it was so sweet but real. Just so you know, I had 2 natural childbirths with one home birth, but when I went to deliver my 3rd son, I had a very similar experience. Got to the hospital dilated to 4cm and wanted an epidural even though I had never wanted one before. He was born 1 hour after we got to the hospital with no epidural. Transition that quickly is no joke! In my experience (I have 4 children also and 2 of them were over 9 lbs), a fast transition is brutally painful and there is no way to prepare for it. J #3 was my fastest baby, my smallest baby, 7lbs 15 ozs, and my most painful. Such a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your experience.
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