In today's video I'm doing some investigative research on non-surgical and non-invasive beauty treatments.
We are focusing on tummies and wrinkles and I'm trying out some interesting products that reportedly help solve common problems.

Let's start with the tummy area.

Have you ever been irritated by the top button tab on your jeans? It can often stick out, creating a bulky, unsightly look. It can also create holes in your tops. To try to fix this, I tried out a clever little invention called The Infinity Belt. It is a smoothing belt that takes care of that problem completely!
One of my favorite aspects about maternity jeans and skirts is that they have a smooth top band to accommodate the growing belly. The infinity belt works much like maternity clothes work, but instead of accommodating an expanding belly, they smooth the belly you already have. I love it! It's a neat, affordable little fashion invention.
Now let's move on to wrinkles...

Wrinkles are not much of a concern for me. I do have them on my forehead, but they don't bother me. I think wrinkles are natural and normal. But it's always good to take care of your skin and wrinkle prevention is a part of many women's beauty routines. For women with more prominent wrinkles on their forehead, smoothing the forehead is often a desire, which is why many women turn to Botox or surgery.

In my investigative work, I came across The Kami Pad. Nevermind that my husband thought I looked like a Klingon from StarTrek when I was wearing it. It's a neat little invention that naturally smoothes problem areas and reduces the appearance of wrinkles while naturally boosting collagen. The Kami Pad was developed to reverse and prevent signs of aging. I try out The Kami Pad anti-wrinkle forehead pad, but they also have an anti-wrinkle neck pad, as well as an anti-wrinkle chest pad.
I had a lot of fun trying out these clever beauty and style hacks. This video was filmed all in good fun. Please know that you are beautiful just the way you are! I wanted to investigate these products for any woman who was interested in adding them to her beauty routine or style chest. I hope you enjoy today's video.
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Comment of the Week
After I posted the delicious fall coffee cake recipe last week, I had one reader admonish me (over email) about how unhealthy it was. Most readers, however, appreciate the fact that it is a cake and is meant to have things like flour, butter, and sugar in it :) I loved Fiona from Stay Home Instead's comment: "Hi Jennifer,
Long time reader, but first time commenting. What a wonderful cake, you know, when I was growing up, Mum would make a cake very similar to this but she called it a Tea Cake. Often it was topped with butter and cinnamon and sometimes apple and cinnamon, it was always so delicious, still warm from the oven. I think the last time I had one was just after our son was born ( 30 years ago) thanks for the reminder of how lovely simple cakes can be.
Fiona from stay home instead."
Fiona, I loved reading about your mother's tea cake. Topping it with apples is a marvelous idea! Thank you for sharing that memory with us.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. If you would like me to do investigative work on any other beauty or style conundrums, please let me know!
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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
I might just try that Kami pad to see what happens. I have a few forehead wrinkles I don't usually think about, but I wouldn't mind trying this anyway. Sorry to hear about the cake complaint I thought it was a great recipe. There is noting wrong with a little flour and sugar sometimes. As a matter of fact I am treating myself to a donut today!
Life is short. Eat cake!
Thank you Jennifer,
Lovely video and very useful. I would love to see more videos on this and genera self care such as coping after birth mentally and physically. It can often feel like you are trapped in the home soon after birth.
Could you please look into treating spots and blemishes /darkened areas of skin without make up? These areas are often forehead, upper lip, nose and under eye :( thank you very much ! Now o get me some cake! :)
Hi Jennifer,
I made your coffee cake for breakfast. I often prepare home made cakes for my boys to eat for breakfast and their doctor says it's a perfect way to start their day.
In our Mediterranean diet, it's our traditional breakfast.
Tank you, we enjoyed it very much!
I'm sorry that someone called you out for making a cake. That's ridiculous, people need to understand that what you eat does not affect them in the slightest.
I am SO with you on the jeans tab thing! It makes me crazy. I will be looking into both the belt and the wrinkle hack.
The one hack that I came across and cannot live without is the Hollywood Secrets tape. I have narrow shoulders so some shirts (mainly boat necks, which I love) slide and leave my bra strap showing - these have fixed that problem!
Lena, thank you! If you try it out let us know how you like it.
KatKat521- I agree! Let us eat cake! :)
Anon- thank you for the request. I have a few dark spots so I can definitely look into that for you.
Unknown- I'm so glad you enjoyed the cake. Thank you!
Gigi- Hollywood Secrets tape is amazing! I use it too! Maybe I can do a video on it. Thank you!
Hey Jennifer,
That is so sad that someone emailed you about the cake and it’s unhealthy nature. It’s a cake!! Everything in MODERATION. I think our society can be such extremists sometimes. I workout hard so I can enjoy a small piece of some dessert every day after dinner and I am a size 4. I am really looking forward to making your cake this week with my daughter!!
I am excited to try the Hollywood Secrets tape as I totally can’t stand the way that Tab sticks out on my jeans either. I am your age so I don’t have too many wrinkles yet, but the mask seemed to have really worked.
On a side note, my husband gave me the Jord watch in your video last fall as our twelfth anniversary present. I chose the exact same color combination as yours, the rose gold face. It is so gorgeous, I love it!! Thanks Jennifer!!
These non-surgical beauty hacks are outstanding and my decision to age naturally and gracefully fits in with these types of products. I would love to try the Kami pad for the neck and have added to my Amazon list. Your forehead looked amazingly smooth after the application and I like the fact that the pad can be used 30 times. You are beautiful inside and out and thank you for valuing natural aging. I decided two years ago to stop highlighting my hair and it feels so good to accept my natural color and wear my now dark blonde-grey-taupe hair and feel comfortable about it. Self-acceptance as we age is essential. Last night, when we were out having pizza with a visiting friend, my husband complimented the young 20-something server at the Italian restaurant and said “look at her beautiful skin.“ It made me feel sad and seemed out of place and then she was respectful in the situation and looked at me and told me my “skin was beautiful.” She made me feel comfortable in the situation and I know that while I'm not 20-something, I do my best to care for my skin.
A Klingon‽ You and your husband have such a wonderful sense of humor together and a loving, affectionate intimacy.
Hi Jennifer,
I just wanted to thank you for making my comment on your lovely cake, comment of the week. So very lovely of you,
Nice post, This is really great and informative post.. Hairprint
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