In today's Natural Home with Jennifer, I do some investigative work: Do wool dryer balls really work?
Wool dryer balls are an all-natural alternative to fabric softener and dryer sheets. The balls work to soften clothes in your dryer by gently massaging the clothes as they are tossed back and forth. Wool dryer balls also get the static out of your clothes and help to reduce drying time.
I tried out this set of three wool dryer balls for the past few months and really like them. When used alone, they do soften clothes, although not as much as a traditional fabric softener or dryer sheets. The bonus for me is how they get rid of static cling and reduce drying time. I find that they truly do reduce drying time by 25% and even help to dry items that typically do not dry well in our dryer, like my daughter's Beddy's bedding.

Many people have concerns over the chemicals used in fabric softener and dryer sheets, so if you prefer to have an all-natural wash, I would suggest using wool dryer balls instead to soften your clothes. I will definitely continue to use mine.
Another bonus is that they are very eco-friendly. I can use the wool dryer ball set that I have for up to 1,000+ washes!
Another neat feature is that you can lightly fragrance your clothing by dropping your favorite essential oil onto your dryer balls. The combination of the movement and the heat will transfer the fragrance to your clothing.
I purchased my wool dryer balls from Grove Collaborative. They sell a nice set of 3 dryer balls made from 100% New Zealand wool.
You can also find wool dryer balls on Amazon.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I would love to know... do you use wool dryer balls? What is your experience with them?
Thank you for joining me for today's Natural Home with Jennifer. I'll see you on Monday!
I hope you enjoy today's video.
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Trader Joe’s just stared selling them too!
Hi Mary, I heard that Trader Joe's is selling them now. That's great! Let us know what you think if you try them. ~ Jennifer
I made my own about a year ago and love them. I especially like a few drops of lavender oil on them when drying my sheets. Sweet dreams!
If you use the dryer balls for scent application, you will need to add the scent after the clothes are dry. Then add scent without heat (heat destroys scent) and tumble without heat for about five minutes. Enjoy.
I made my own several years ago. I found that they only last so long and then start to unravel. I bought a wool set from Etsy and they have lasted a lot longer than the ones I made. I love to put lavender on them.
I’ve been using wool dryer balls for a few years and agree with your review, Jennifer. I’ve never tried adding any scent.
I like your reviews of natural products and am enjoying my Grove Collaborative membership which I appreciate your telling us about.
Have you ever reviewed microfiber towels? I’ve used them for cleaning for many years and like them more than most sponges and other options.
Thank you for your review. I have thought about purchasing these-but have not met anyone who have used them. Thanks again!
I've used the wool dryer balls for years and I love them. They are great for drying pillows and down coats and things that need a little "smacking" as they dry to fluff them up. I find that they help with static cling, but not always. I don't like fragrance in my laundry so occasionally I add 1/4th of an unscented dryer sheet to my dryer (with the balls) when I have a load that has more clingy polyester fabrics in it.
Hi ladies, thank you for your comments and requests. It's fun to see how many of you use wool dryer balls! ~ Jennifer
Ich habe die Fledermaustrocknerbälle für eine beträchtliche Zeit benutzt und ich verehre sie. Sie sind außergewöhnlich für das Trocknen von Pads und Daunenmänteln und für Dinge, die einen Hauch von "Schmatzen" benötigen, um sie seltener aufzuhellen. Ich finde, dass sie mit dem statischen Stick helfen, jedoch nicht generell. Ich interessiere mich nicht für Geruch in meiner Kleidung, so dass ich regelmäßig 1/4 eines unscented Trocknerblattes zu meinem Trockner einschließe. Sie können das beste Kleid von Modasto.de zu einem erschwinglichen Preis bekommen.
I have been using the wool balls for about a year now. I really like them for our launcry. I put mine in a jar next to our dryer and put in my empty essential oil bottles for fragrance. :-)
At Trader Joe's, 4 balls for $5.49! 100% New Zealand Wool hand felted in Nepal.
I just started using the dryer balls about 3 months ago. In the beginning they were great and reduced static to almost nothing. But as they got to be 2 months into use, I realized that the polyester fabrics are literally stuck together and I was finding socks in the sleeves of jerseys. Since I don't like fragrance I don't use any oil. Is there something else I can do to restore the static reducing properties? I always use the Low heat setting. Any recommendations would be helpful.
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