C.S. Lewis famously said, “The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career. ”
Well my fellow homemakers… we are going to examine this assertion today. If it’s true… there is much to ponder.
OK, I know what you’re thinking. How can cooking, cleaning, and raising children really be a career? Can what we do wield actual power like an impactful career should? Don’t people normally get paid for careers? Ha!
Well we know we don’t get paid to do what we do… our reward is a lot deeper. So how can homemaking be the ultimate career?
First, let’s look at the definition for career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress. Synonyms are: Profession, occupation, vocation… calling.
A calling.

Let’s look at what a homemaker does on a basic level. Homemakers keep the house clean and organized. They make meals. They raise children. Yes, this is what happens on a basic level, but let’s look deeper at this. There’s a reason why it’s been called the “ultimate career”… there must be more there. How is that a calling?
Homemakers make a home. A home. The most important place you’ll ever know. They orchestrate the environment. They create a safe, loving, comforting space for their families. They pour their hearts into the details of the work that they do, often putting themselves last. They sacrifice, they toil. For what? To create a beautiful family environment. They are literally making memories.
A calling.

When we think of the world out there. Often it can be harsh, cut-throat and competitive. When you come home, you feel as though you are in a haven. Is there any place more important on earth than one’s home? When your home life is in order, everything else falls into place. Isn’t that the truth.
As homemakers we are called to attend to the details of daily life at home. Our little actions may seem insignificant. Scrubbing pots, wiping countertops, wiping noses, fixing collars and pigtails, reading stories, baking treats... But truly, we are raising up the next generation for greatness and instilling good habits in them as well. Habits of love. We are making a home.
So yes, we don’t get paid for our career. Not monetarily, anyway. But it is a calling. And the payment comes in the form of generational blessings and bountiful love that seeps into everything our family does.
And all other careers do exist to support the ultimate career. Because home life is one unifying aspect we can all rally around. We all want to thrive at home for the greater good.
So my fellow homemakers, you might have homemaking as your only profession, or like me, you might also work another job as well. Either way, please see the value you have in your career. Yes, the ultimate career.
I hope you enjoy today's video.
Featured in the video:
My dress
Cropped layering top
navy house slippers
velvet scrunchies
Earrings are by Ana Luisa Jewelry Use code Jennifer10 for $10 off
Laundry detergent Love Home & Planet
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Comment of the Week
Jenni writes, "So excited to see the chic assignment back! Degas is one of my favorites. I got to see a traveling exhibit of his work a few years ago at our local museum. I'm also looking forward to enjoying the music with my sons, who are teens, but still love classical music."
Jenni, I love that you involve your sons in The Chic Assignment. They sound like cultured young gentlemen! :)
Thank you for joining me for today's video. I would love to know... do you think the Homemaker is the ultimate career?
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Yes! Yes! Yes! I love this post. Homemakers absolutely have THE most important career. I live in the UK (have been here for 12+ years), but am American by birth. My experience has been that the UK (possibly because it is a socialist society) does not understand this concept at all. The first thing any person, man or woman, is asked by anybody is, "Where do you work? / What do you do?". If you find a classy way of stating that you are a homemaker and don't work outside the home, the next thing they want to know (especially on a government level), is what your disability is and whether or not you are receiving benefits. I am a 50-something-year-old wife who is a homemaker, as well as doing other creative things like art, music, and writing. I am the only person I know here who is living like this, unless they are of retirement age. And it shows. Our home, which was not expensive, is by far the loveliest home I have ever been in over here (castles notwithstanding!). It's all because I and my lovely husband value the art of homemaking. Thank you for this post!
I appreciate this post so much! I am an attorney and worked part time when my girls were small and gradually have worked into full time as they are teenagers but work mostly from home. Everything you said is so correct! I think sometimes homemakers fall into the trap of feeling like they aren't enough and can't measure up. I have had the best of both worlds -- it isn't easy but I feel so blessed to be home when my girls come home from school and to have some balance. There is nothing - no title, no salary, no bonus, no awards -- I have had them all -- that compares to the feeling of being a great Mom, Wife and Homemaker, and I think more women are starting to realize this. This is where true joy and satisfaction emerge. Thank you!
Your comments are beautiful, ladies! Thank you so much!
You have a beautiful blog and outlook on life. I have just discovered you from your video regarding the Super Bowl halftime show. Thank you for speaking up about that. I agree with you completely.
Keep up the good work. You are doing us all a wonderful service, even those of us who have raised our children and are now enjoying grandchildren as retirees.
Thank you Jennifer for this encouraging post. I love being a homemaker even though my daughters are all grown. I found your YouTube channel from the video you made about that horribly disgusting Super Bowl half-time show.
Have a blessed rest of the week!
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