
While Everyone Else Has Been Buying Toilet Paper, We've Been Buying THIS

5:19 AM 6 Comments
When the pandemic was announced, people started to hoard and stock up on toilet paper. We humans are attached to our modern luxuries (toilet paper is a fairly recent invention... humans have survived for thousands of year without it). Surely, I understand wanting the convenience and comfort of toilet paper, but it seems...


Connoisseur Reviews Part 2 | Bath & Skincare Edition

7:30 AM 0 Comments
In Part 2 of Connoisseur Reviews, I'm sharing new skincare and bath finds. Let's jump in. Azalia Spa Goods Azalia Spa Goods is a line of handcrafted aromatherapy body oils created by Aimee Flor (a fellow Daily Connoisseur!) Here is a note from Amy on her delightful oils: Instead of tinkering with complicated fillers...


Connoisseur Reviews Part 1 | Tea, Protein Powder, Vegan Jerky, Air Purifying Bags & Books Galore

6:28 AM 2 Comments
Welcome to the March edition of Connoisseur Reviews. Today I have a variety of interesting high-quality finds to share with you. Some of these I found on my own, some of them were sent for me to review. Some of them have discount codes and some do not. In part one, we are examining many consumable items as well as air...



Cooking, Cleaning, and Sewing are the New Wellness?

7:15 AM 7 Comments
Daily Connoisseur reader, Rachele, sent me this article from Elemental: Cooking, Cleaning, and Sewing Are the New Wellness. The article discusses how many women are turning to old-fashioned, traditional homemaking practices such as baking bread and cleaning for self-care and wellness. Here are a few takeaway quotes...


What to do if You Run out of Toilet Paper, Diapers, and Feminine Products

6:38 AM 5 Comments
The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought about many surprising curve balls to our daily lives. One of them being the lack of supplies found worldwide. Most noticeable: toilet paper, or lack thereof. Many people are left wondering what they will do when they run out of these essentials: hygiene products, baby products, and feminine...


Handshakes, Social Distancing & Homeschooling in Light of the Coronavirus

7:01 AM 1 Comments
Are handshakes off limits? What are the do's and don'ts of social distancing? And what do you do if you find yourself homeschooling during the Coronavirus pandemic? These are the topics we are discussing in today's video. I recently did a video on the etiquette of handshake snubs. We discussed the intricacies of...
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