
5 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting and the Ten-item Wardrobe are Similar (and Beneficial)

7:20 AM 9 Comments
In today's video I'm sharing how Intermittent Fasting is similar to the Ten-Item Capsule Wardrobe. This correlation may seem strange, but I have found similarities that reveal insightful truths about what we eat and how we choose to dress ourselves.   If you missed my previous intermittent fasting...


The Best Holiday Gift-Wrapping Hacks for Large Families | Elegant and Affordable

6:51 AM 4 Comments
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday and were able to forget the worries of 2020, even for a moment. We had a great day.In today's video we are discussing gift-wrapping hacks that will help you this holiday season. These ideas are particularly helpful for large families that have a lot of presents to wrap.  I've...


The Chic Assignment Season Finale

7:30 AM 5 Comments
 Welcome to The Chic Assignment Season Finale for 2020.  I hope the Chic Assignment has been enjoyable for you this year. For me it provided a welcome anchor throughout this tumultuous year. I enjoyed escaping in the art, music, and poetry we explored, and feel that I've made some amazing artistic friends...


13 Life-Changing Homemaking Secrets from The Secret Garden

7:06 AM 6 Comments
 My homemaking series continues as we uncover the thirteen life-changing homemaking secrets from Frances Hodgson Burnett's, The Secret Garden.  The following are the thirteen homemaking secrets I derived from The Secret Garden:An excellent home life can be lived on any budget. Being wealthy doesn’t...
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