In today's video I'm sharing how Intermittent Fasting is similar to the Ten-Item Capsule Wardrobe. This correlation may seem strange, but I have found similarities that reveal insightful truths about what we eat and how we choose to dress ourselves.
If you missed my previous intermittent fasting video, you can check it out here.
Let's look at the five similarities I have found. The following are notes on what I discuss. For greater detail, make sure you watch today's video.
Quality over quantity – the more conscious you become about what you eat and when you eat, you seek out higher quality meals. This is similar to the ten-item wardrobe, where you select fewer garments for your wardrobe, and as a result pick more thoughtful choices, no matter what your budget is.
You become more aware of your behaviors and activities regarding eating and bad habits are immediately highlighted. The ten-item wardrobe highlights bad shopping habits, and Intermittent fasting highlights bad eating habits. Why does this happen? I believe, once you become intentional and present regarding both of these issues (eating and shopping), you are able to be honest with yourself about the poor choices you make.
Intermittent fasting provides structure for your day and the ten-item wardrobe provides structure for your year. There is freedom to be found in rules and parameters in both of these cases. The fasting window and eating window allow you to plan your day in order to enjoy excellent meals. The ten-item wardrobe allows you to plan your wardrobe seasonally and allows you to express your true style through these guidelines.
Your appetite is corrected. The ten-item wardrobe corrects your appetite for shopping and intermittent fasting corrects your appetite for constant snacking. After intentionally applying these principles to your life, you correct the bad habits that you revealed in a previous observation.
You move toward the true style in which you wish to live your life. The guidelines for both the ten-item wardrobe and intermittent fasting have moved me toward my true style and my favorable eating style. I am enjoying my meals so much now.
⚜️ Featured in the video ⚜️
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Londontown nail polish shade Plié JenniferS for 25% off
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Thank you so much for posting about your experience with intermittent fasting. I decided to look into it and read a book by Dr. Jason Fung. It struck me as I read his book that the way French people eat goes right along with so many of the reasons he gave about how the body works and what it needs. I’ve been trying IF for almost three weeks now and although it hasn’t really been long enough for me to see a big difference on my scale, I can certainly tell a difference in how I feel. A lot more energy and just a sense of well-being that I wasn’t feeling before. I’m so glad you shared your experience and look forward to Thursday’s video. Thank you!
Hi Jennifer! I also started intermittent fasting on February 2020. I have lost only 2.5 kgs (5lbs)... but I have only another 5 lbs to go. I have read Delay, Don’t Deny and I definitely had to tweak it to work for me. I’m short and petite... 5’1/2 and 8 hours is a huge window for me. If I want to loose weight I must have a 4 hour eating window: a proper hearty meal and a light healthy snack a few hours later. My eating window is from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm most days. On weekends I’ll have a larger window... 6 or 8 hours. It has been a whole process, but I’m more aware of what my body likes and what it doesn’t. I also homeschool my 4 children during the morning and I’ve felt more concentrated while I’m fasting (having just water and some black coffee). I don’t deny any foods... but if I eat the wrong foods, I”ll feel terribly right away. When I’m having all the healthy stuff I feel great!
-It takes a while to adapt
-It takes a while to know your body and what schedule and foods will work for you
-The first weeks I had a hard time falling asleep
-You can literally feel a “clean body”... so you don’t want to get it dirty with any trash foods
-More energy, concentration
-Better digestion
-Freedom during special celebrations... you can enjoy without guilt
-Bye, bye diet mentality
-Sustainable weight loss...
-Definitely: appetite correction!
Looking forward for your next video on IF!
This was a great video. I just wanted to share my experience with intermittent fasting. I know most people tend to skip breakfast, but this puzzled me because our metabolism follows our circadian rhythm. As a result, our metabolism is faster in the morning and slows down as the day go on as our body switches over to rest and restoration mode in the evening hours. So, I decided to do the opposite of what everyone else seems to be doing and don't eat past 3pm, skipping dinner instead of breakfast. Doing it this way, I've been averaging about a half of a pound a day. I've been doing this for about the last month, and I'm already almost to my goal weight. Anyhow, I just wanted to put this here to share with you, and others, who might not have thought about the circadian rhythm factor of intermittent fasting. This might provide better results for some people. Thank you.
PS - I don't have a YouTube account, so I can't comment there. I don't know how many people will actually see my comment here. Jennifer, if you want, maybe you can pass this knowledge along for others to consider, and look into, as an alternative method for intermittent fasting (you don't need to mention my name).
Have a great day, and a wonderful Christmas!
Ladies, thank you for commenting and sharing your experiences with IF. I hope you will come back for tomorrow's video. I am answering the FAQs I received about the fasting routine.
Charlene- I like Dr. Fung's YouTube channel. He is great!
Claudia- Thank you for sharing your pros and cons. I loved reading your list!
GreenEyed Susan- Thanks for sharing your observation. I agree! I do eat breakfast though... just at 9:30 rather than earlier at 6 like I used to.
Have a great night, ladies!
Good morning, Jennifer and All. I guess I should have been more clear, and not used the words breakfast and dinner. The idea is to have your eating done no later than 3pm. I aim to stop eating by 3pm, but a lot of times, I actually will try to stop eating by 1-2 pm. My body does even better with digestion by this time. As you eat this way, you really begin to notice the time when your body's metabolism begins to slow down. The closer to 3pm I get, the more I notice how much longer it takes my body to digest that last meal of the day. It's actually really interesting to clearly see how your body's/metabolism's circadian rhythm works. I never thought about it at all before, and would just eat because it was "time" to eat.
BTW, it's still an 8 hour feeding window, 7am-3pm. I know this schedule won't work for everyone. I just wanted to share this alternative eating window idea for those who are finding that the more common IF eating window (10am-6pm is what I have seen the most) isn't working for them. It may not be that IF isn't working for them, it may be that a later eating window isn't working best for their metabolism/circadian rhythm. They may find that shifting their eating window to an earlier time is the approach that will get them the results they are looking for.
Jennifer, I'm sorry for all the comments! I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't saying my way is the best/correct way, just something else for others to consider. Also, the concept is still the same, just done with an earlier eating window. Anyhow, thank you for bringing this concept to people's attention. At the very least, the way you've explained it (the best I've seen, actually), it really shows us how our eating habits in the US have become so abnormal that normal eating seems bizarre and restrictive now. :(
We also eat a heartier, earlier breakfast because often we have a day of farm work ahead of us and need the morning fuel. If I can stop eating by evening and not snack that will be a huge help. I feel better when not eating so close to bed and a lighter meal helps for us too. Just takes more will power sometimes to establish that routine.
Thank you for commenting all of this! I haven’t done IF, but having giving birth a couple months ago I want to. I truly believe this info will help me and makes total sense!
- Inge
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