8. Housekeeping aint’ no joke On page 107 Hannah, the housekeeper declares, “Housekeeping ain’t no joke”. Do you want to see the note I wrote down when I read this? Here it is: HAHAHA TRUE! Long term, sustainable housekeeping is serious business. It’s hard. It never relents. There is so much truth in Hannah's observation. It's important for everyone in the household to grasp this funny, plain-spoken truth.
9. Housekeeping should not lay on the shoulders of only one person. “The comfort of all depends on each doing her share faithfully.” (p. 112 Chapter 11 Experiments) Whether you hire help, or have a family chore system, or both, the homemaker should be aided in housekeeping. It should never fall on one person's shoulders. Ashley Buffa, a member of the Chic Society has a
Smart Kid Chore System, if you need help in this area.
10. We need to reframe our thoughts about hard work. “Work is a blessed solace” p. 156 In chapter 16, “Letters” , we learn that we should take comfort in our work. It gives us "solace". On page 150 the sentiment is reiterated as work is described as a “panacea for most afflictions”.
11. Don’t miss the homeliest tasks People who hire everything out miss the homeliest tasks (p. 220) This tip refers to people who hire everything out, including interior decorating. Unless the homemaker makes a conscious choice to put personal touches in the home, those homes are missing the beautifying “homeliest” tasks.
12. If homemaking isn’t done regularly, nothing else goes well. On page 236, Hannah shares further truths about homemaking. If we don't get it done regularly, everything is disturbed. That's why a scheduled routine that is consistently adhered to is so crucial to overall success.
13. Make the best of what you have (p. 237) This is a theme we explored often in the Little House books. We need to make the best of what we have until we can upgrade. That upgrade might never come... or take years to come. So we need to find contentment now.
14. A homemaker’s happiest kingdom is home (p. 358) Meg and John had a bit of a rocky start to their marriage and home life, but Meg comes to the conclusion that her home is the happiest kingdom and should be treated as such. We could all benefit from this very royal mindset.
15. A Homemaker’s Spirit lingers in the home (p. 389) Beth's spirit lingers on in the homemaking, proving that a homemaker's spirit remains in the home, long after they are gone. What legacy will you leave?
⚜️ What I'm Wearing
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⚜️ The Chic Society Thank you to The Chic Society for bringing us today's video. The Chic Society is the private membership group I have on YouTube. Remember, subscribing is free to all, but joining The Chic Society gives you access to my exclusive members-only vodcast, which is published every Friday. I also do one livestream a month or do a Zoom call where we can all visit together. We even have a penpal program! Membership is only $1.99 a month. There are also two upper tiers who get recognition in a monthly video. You are seeing those upper tiers below:
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Living in loveliness - Carli Thom
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On Instagram
Vienna B writes, "“How can I help you?”My oldest was going through a trying moment and I asked him that….he burst into tears. Sometimes, a true caring interaction is all we need to get us through."
Thank you for sharing that, Vienna. It makes sense because we love to hear people say that to us.
I hope you all found part 2 enjoyable. Thank you for watching! I would love to read your insights and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week!
NEW* Join The Chic Society on YouTube and become a member of The Daily Connoisseur.
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1 comment:
Thank you for this beautiful two-part series about Little Women! I read the book this year but did not catch all those lovely lessons. You are a constant inspiration to me. Thank you for all you do!
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