
Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic Pre-Order

11:18 AM 19 Comments
My new book, Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday Elegance, is now available for pre-order. The book comes out October 27, 2015 and I am so excited for you to read it. Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic encourages readers to cultivate poise as a lifelong endeavor and to thoroughly enjoy the process! Here...


My Hostess Horror Story, The Respect of Dressing Well + My Writing Routine

8:50 AM 16 Comments
I am on a strict deadline for my book three edits right now so this blog post will be much shorter than usual. Even though I have a heavy work load I didn't want to leave you without a video. So this week I am sharing some of the great comments of the past two weeks along with some of my own stories (like my very traumatizing...


Dressing Up Daily: Dealing with Attention

6:25 AM 54 Comments
You wake up. It's Wednesday morning. You don't have anything particularly special on the calendar today, just the usual: school run, work, house duties, errands and school pick-up. But something has recently changed and you have decided that instead of wearing your sweat suit or exercise clothes, you are going to wear...


At Home With Madame Chic in Italy & Czech Republic

12:11 PM 10 Comments
I hope you are having a wonderful week! I am happy to announce that At Home With Madame Chic is now available in Italy and the Czech Republic. Here is the beautiful Italian cover from Piemme: L'eleganza del Riordino and the very chic Czech Republic cover from Mlada Fronta: S Madame Chic Doma Thank you to all of...



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