Decorate along with my family today for Christmas.
The best part about holiday decorating is how excited the children get. We like to turn on the music, bust out the candy canes and get decorating.
We start out strong with everyone pitching in...

...and then, of course, the help dwindles away and it's just me putting up our decorations... but I don't mind.

I love bringing out our treasures this time of year. The floral Christmas wreath I made from last year is still holding up...

We aren't attending The Nutcracker ballet like we normally do this year because of baby boy, so I'm really enjoying these Clara and Nutcracker decorations, which remind me of that wonderful Christmas ballet...

We made our homemade dried citrus ornaments again this year. To make them, thinly slice your favorite citrus. Place on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper and bake on 200 degrees F for 4 to 6 hours. Hang with hooks or ribbon.

I love decorating with pomegranates this time of year, whether real or faux...

I purchased this beautiful Kay Burkhart Santa from a shop in Santa Monica several years ago.

This was the snowball hydrangea candelabrum I featured in my table decorating video...

We had a great time decorating the house this year. I hope you enjoy today's video.
📍Lessons from Madame Chic is now available in Mongolia from publisher, Monsudar.
📍I'm working on an exciting eCourse for the new year, in the meantime, check out my two courses, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living and Create Your Own Ten-Item Wardrobe.
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Lessons from Madame Chic in Mongolia...
Comment of the Week
Today's comment is actually a letter I received through my author website. Maria from Poland writes, "Hi Jennifer, I would like to send you greetings and words of thanks from Poland. I have read your first published book Lessons from Madame Chic some 5 years ago and have followed your vlog and next projects ever since. I have watched numerous vlogs, but yours is the only one that sunk in to my weekly routine. I think I have probably watched your every episode and I am always happy to see your new posts. The reasons I have found your books and vlog special are numerous. First, you analyze and put into simple words habits and style that I have seen, but it was difficult to put into practice myself. I see many characteristics of your Paris host madame Chic in for example my grandmother, but while I admired her greatly I could never really measure up and thanks to your books and observations I was able to understand what what makes a person stylish and confident and how to maintain a home that is always orderly. I also enjoy seeing a little sneak a peek to an American-British lifestyle and get reassurance from seeing more people sharing the values of faith and among others commitment to natural products. Keep up what you're doing and thank you again for being an inspiration. Maria"
Maria, your letter gave me so much encouragement. It's wonderful to know that my work reaches across the world in such a positive way. I'm wishing you a very happy holiday season!
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I would love to know your holiday decorating style. Are you modern? Traditional? Classic? Does the family help you decorate? Or do you go solo? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog. See you on Thursday for a pillow review and a marriage conundrum!
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Beautiful! Did you buy or make the pomegranate arrangement? It's beautiful! The orange slice decorations are so delicate and pretty too.
Thank you, Karen! I purchased the pomegranate arrangement at a store in Santa Monica that is no longer there. It was a bit pricey, but it's such a beautiful piece and has lasted so well over the years. The orange slices are so easy to make. I make them every year! Best wishes, Jennifer
Jennifer, I am enjoying your blogs. Yours is the only blog I follow except "how Jen does it" which is inspiring and I intend to try some of her ideas and recipes (thank you for that link). But you are relaxing, a gift I enjoy opening each time you post. So "do-able. So many values that I strive for. Your books - I have them all.
Just wanted to say thank you, please don't ever get discouraged. And by the way, your new tree topper is gorgeous. Looks like the one my MIL gave me years ago - is yours real silver glitter like mine? I set mine on a small wreath of pinecones and sparkly berries on my dining table.
Wish we were neighbors.
God bless you
Absolutely beautiful decorations! I'm actually impressed with how long everyone stays for decorating. In this house, husband and son will get the decorations down and then it's all on me. I generally don't mind - it's the putting it all away again after the season is over that stresses me out.
I loved that rendition of O Holy Night!
Deborah, thank you so much. Your comment means a lot to me! Our tree topper is from Hobby Lobby. It's actually a gold star. It's hard to tell because I shot the image at night. God bless you too.
Gigi, thank you! I agree... putting the decorations away is the worst part. No one wants to help with that :)
beautiful decorations.........
What a beautiful Christmas decorating video and your family is so full of love, kindness and gentle humor. I adored the way your husband, Mr. Connoisseur, did the happy dance and greeted us in the video with different decorations and then your children did, too. So sweet. Your home looks lovely and I, too, love the pomegranate tree and your music was so special. I may try making the orange slices today as I make your taco casserole. It will be a Daily Connoisseur day in my kitchen and well worth it! May God bless you.
Thank you so much, Vicki and Christmas Facebook Cover!
Much love,
Hey Jennifer! Your home looks so lovely all decorated for Christmas. I love the braids in your girls’ hair; my daughter’s hair doesn’t hold a braid that well. The music in the background is beautiful as well. We normally all decorate together in my house, except my husband does the lights on the tree and outside by himself, that can get difficult! It is fun re-discovering all of our past ornaments. We enjoy Christmas music in the background and sip eggnog too. I am making your three chicken freezer meals tomorrow to get ahead of this busy time of year. I couldn’t help it, I also ordered the same candelabra from nearly natural as you. It is so pretty and will go great with all seasons. The dining table looks magical when the candles are lit. Thanks Jennifer!!
Hi Christine, Thank you! I hope that you enjoy the chicken freezer meals. We pulled one of them out this week and it was delicious. I know you'll love the flower arrangement too. I seriously love mine! ~Jennifer
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