I am pleased to announce that my new children's book, Mademoiselle Chic, has been published in Japan by Daiwa Shobo. This picture book is translated by Akiko Kanzaki (who translated my Madame Chic books) and is beautifully illustrated by Akiko Tangi.
The book is only available in Japan, but I hope that one day it will be released in America as well as around the world. The book tells the story of Emma, a little girl who learns from her mother what it means to be chic. (Please note: this is not the same book as Connoisseur Kids, which will be coming out next fall from Chronicle Books.)

Thank you so much to the wonderful Japanese readers who have made my books bestsellers in Japan. I appreciate you so much and I hope one day to visit your beautiful country again.
If you are in Japan and have a copy of Mademoiselle Chic, please send me a picture over social media using the hashtag #jenniferlscott
Arigato! I'll see you tomorrow for a bloopers video.
With love,
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