I recently posted a rare selfie on Instagram at the end of a long day.
I was trying to capture the glory of my messy hair but it wasn't showing up in the photo. I still had to clean the kitchen and (naturally) the baby did not want to go to sleep, so I decided to film a real night-in-the-life video for you.
People on YouTube and Instagram paint such a perfect picture most of the time. I want to show you what I tend to look like after a long day with four kids.
Yes, I'm very tired and yes, the work seems to never end. But every single second is worth it. I find that contentment is all about my attitude and perspective.
Featured in the video
The cloths I'm using to clean the kitchen are e-cloths. I reviewed them on Natural Home with Jennifer this past weekend. (Use code JENNIFERGIFT for 25% off- valid until December 15th).
The book I'm listening to on Audible is Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie. I love the Tommy and Tuppence series...
On my nails: Vendetta by Londontown (Code JenniferS gives 25% off)
I hope that today's video speaks to someone who is feeling overwhelmed and needs some encouragement.
📍Lessons from Madame Chic is now available in Mongolia from publisher, Monsudar.
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On Instagram
Lessons from Madame Chic in Japan...
Comment of the Week
Regarding my review of Bend Soap natural deodorant on YouTube, Janet writes, "Thank you so much for this review. I am allergic to baking soda and want to use a natural deodorant and I was so happy when you mentioned I can get one without it. I just love your videos and want you to know what a wonderful effect you are having on young women. Thank you for all your hard work. You have a lovely family."
Hi Janet, I'm so happy the review was helpful to you. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them!
I would love to hear from you. What do you look like after a long day? How do you cope with your heavy load of responsibilities? Are you in a season of life with young children? Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week.
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It is good to let people know that all the pictures that are posted on social media are not the true picture of life. My concern is that younger people are becoming more depressed and I think it has a lot to do with social media ( former school teacher speaking here).
Thanks for posting Jennifer!
Omg...Your little guy is so cute! Thanks for posting the imperfect that we all have in our lives.
This is a great video. I think so many women get caught up in the “ comparison” game. When in fact no one can walk in anothers shoes. I was amazed at all you accomplished with one arm! Amazing. And what a sweet contended boy you had “ helping” keep you company!
Love the video. You still look beautiful as does your precious baby. Motherhood is the highest vocation; one not given it’s due respect. Thanks for sharing. It’s the every day moments that make up life ❤️
This is one of my favorite vlogs that you’ve done. It felt very real, honest and peaceful. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of reality and not only showing us perfection. ♥️
Hi Jennifer! I love this video. Thank you for keeping it real. It is so important to embrace those everyday moments and always be grateful. I definitely try hard to keep it real on social media and not always post my highlight reel. Your little man is so precious. Glad to know I am not the only one with crazy hair at the end of a long day. Goodnight.
Great video and your little guy is such a cutie pie! Am I going to be the first to mention that you totally straightened up the kitchen with one hand??! lol
This is the most beautiful video. Your comment about how you treasure this time spoke right to my core. For me, I struggle not simply just to grow in transparency, but to know that my toil is not in vain. That in the midst of messes and confusion in parenting, it is worth it. Our children belong to the Lord. We belong to the Lord. When I believe this and believe he is good, I am enabled to treasure these moments.
Really got a useful blog to read today,keep posting more like this.
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Oh, man. My hair looked exactly like that most days when my girls were small. It’s not easy, but so worth it to just embrace the season and realize it’s only one chapter in our lives...
Hi Jennifer, thanks so much for posting this video/blog, I think it’s one of my favorites of yours. I just wanted to thank you for showing such an honest and dignified portrayal of motherhood; in this culture that celebrates the crass and vulgar you are such an inspiration to me. I have seven children, and after my last was born I found myself living in exercise /grungy clothes all the time, with messy hair and no makeup because I was just focusing on surviving day to day. I realized after awhile that unkempt and harried was not the way I wanted my children to remember me so I now have a capsule wardrobe of nice presentable clothes that I actually wear, and get up well before my family to get dressed. My days are going so much better now, and I know that if I’m happy with my days I will be happy with my years. Anyway, even though we’ve never met I feel like you’re a kindred spirit and appreciate your blog, books and YouTube channel so much. God Bless.
Hi Jennifer! I am a long time reader/youtube follower, but I have never commented before, but wanted to say thank you for sharing this video. I just had my first baby who is 4-weeks old now, and I am looking forward to your upcoming book, but I also wanted to tell you that this video gave me hope! I am just figuring things out with my little one, and in these early days I'm feeling lucky if I've showered, and with spit up and not being sure how to put the baby down, I'm definitely not looking presentable most of the time! I know that a first baby is a big shift, so I'm trying to take it easy on myself, but I was feeling weighed down. After watching your video I felt hope! You reminded me that this is a precious time, and with your one armed cleaning I was feeling inspired that I too would figure out a new way of getting things done. I would love more inspiration and advice from you about adjusting to life with a baby! Thanks again for your video.
Ladies, your comments have meant so much to me. I never imagined this video would speak to so many people and strike the chord that it did. Thank you for your warm comments and for sharing how this moment in time spoke to you. I love that we are all able to encourage each other in our daily life. God bless you all.
Jennifer, I just have to say that this is one of my favorite videos, because it shows what a wonderful and loving mother you are and I'm sure many of us wish we'd had someone like you who tenderly cares for and guides her little ones. I think you look beautiful at the end of the day. Work is good for you, apparently, and it shows. Hope your little boy got tired eventually and you savored that bath and audiobook. Here's a quote that speaks to what you shared on your video about the importance of the little things: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault
Please could you mention the music playing in the background of this video. Thank you not only for your advice, but also for the effort you put into all aspects of your blog, including the music which adds so much to the atmosphere of calmness you bring to your
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