I'm coming to you with YouTube news and an announcement in today's video.
New YouTube Regulations
You might have heard about all of the changes going on with YouTube. Many channels that are created for children are going to see major changes according to the new COPPA laws. Also, as of December 10th, YouTube has the right to terminate any channels that are not commercially viable.
My content is not directed toward children, so I believe The Daily Connoisseur is safe from all of the COPPA regulations, but the second article I share above states that channels under 100,000 subscribers are not considered commercially viable by YouTube and can potentially be terminated.
We are currently at 70,000 subscribers (which is so amazing!), but sadly we are still at risk of being deleted.
Thankfully I have this blog and if anything happens to my channel, I can remain in communication with you here. I just wanted to inform you of this potential circumstance in the event that it happens.
Channel Memberships
The second announcement is a much happier one. YouTube has enabled the Memberships tab for certain content creators. Memberships is similar to Patreon, but you stay on the YouTube platform. It's for people who would like to support their favorite creators and get perks and benefits as well.
My Membership currently has three tiers: The Classic Connoisseur, The Chic Connoisseur, and The Elegant Connoisseur.
👑 Classic Connoisseurs will get one livestream a month as well as bonus videos (these will be introspective videos).
👑 Chic Connoisseurs will get everything from the previous tier, and also get their name in the credits of one popular video a month + all future eCourses for free.
👑 Elegant Connoisseurs will get everything in the previous tiers, plus seasonal mail from me + their picture or business logo in the credits of one popular video a month, plus a "shout-out". This is also a great way to get exposure for your business, or channel.
The lowest tier is only $1.99 a month and they go up from there. You can cancel at any time.
All members get custom badges next to their names in the comment section and I even had custom Marie Antoinette emojis made for our livestream chats.
Nothing will change on my main YouTube channel... everything will remain the same. The Memberships Tab is for super fans and people who would like more introspective content.
You can learn more about Memberships by clicking here or by clicking the JOIN button next to the subscribe button on my YouTube channel.
Whether you join memberships or not, I appreciate your support of my channel. Your contribution makes this community beautiful!
I'll see you on Thursday for a brand new 3 Articles on Dress. See you then!
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FTC: This post is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate.
1 comment:
Dear Jennifer,
I have been a classic connoisseur for one hour and already I feel more poised an classy.
Thank you for all the work and effort you put into blog and channel!
All the best from Germany,
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