
# gardening # grow your own food

While Everyone Else Has Been Buying Toilet Paper, We've Been Buying THIS

When the pandemic was announced, people started to hoard and stock up on toilet paper. We humans are attached to our modern luxuries (toilet paper is a fairly recent invention... humans have survived for thousands of year without it). Surely, I understand wanting the convenience and comfort of toilet paper, but it seems that there is a critical area that many people are ignoring...

As you know, in my What to Do if You Run Out of Toilet Paper video, there are many alternative options to toilet paper. While toilet paper is not essential to living... eating is. Eating is mandatory and while we may have our pantries stocked with canned goods, we will also want to supplement with fresh organic produce too. How can we do this when the grocery stores are gouged and we are encouraged to stay in our homes? Growing a garden is a solution.

You don't need a large plot of land. In fact, you don't need land at all. Even if all you have is a tiny balcony or doorstep or a window box, you can grow your own food. You can even grow food indoors. As you know, Ben and I are clueless gardeners, yet each year our garden produces abundant produce. If we can do it, you can too. Today, I give you a tour of our early spring garden and the plans we have for it.

I hope you enjoy today's video.

Here are some gardening and other resources for you:
Burpee (buy seeds, plants, and garden supplies here)
Raised garden beds
Growing sacks (for potatoes, onions, etc.) 20 gallon 5-pack
Potato grow bags 3-pack
The Grow Your Own Food Handbook

My sweater is from Mott & Bow code JLS10 for 10% off
My blouse is from NeeSee's Dresses
My necklace Ana Luisa Jewelry Use code Jennifer10 for $10 off
Gingham tablecloth blue
Gingham tablecloth in red


📍I was interviewed by Karen of Our House YouTube channel about homeschooling and The Daily Connoisseur Life.

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Comment of the Week
Blakey writes, "Jennifer, I just thought of you because I was hanging my laundry when there was a knock at the door and lo and behold it was one of the leading candidates for mayor of Miami Beach, where I live. We had a wonderful chat, and I was in one of my favorite dresses, with makeup on, as per your advice of always looking presentable. Who would have thought that at 5 pm on a weekday that would have happened to me? Thanks yet again for your invaluable advice! : )"

Blakey, I loved your testimony. Yes, we never know when looking presentable will come in handy, which is why we should look presentable always. I'm glad you had a good experience!

Thank you for watching. I would love to know how your family is preparing right now. Do you grow your own food? Have you had success with gardening? Or failures? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog. See you soon!

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FTC: Today's video is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.


Melanie said...

Thanks for this post. Like minds! I've been making a plan for my backyard. I really want our family to be more self-sufficient and it is also a great learning opportunity for the kids. And thanks for all the links...research, research, research!

Ellanne1 said...

Check out clickandgrow.com for indoor countertop gardening possibilities. My son and daughter-in-law have the larger, three-light "garden" and have grown a variety of things. My daughter and son-in-law, who have less counter space, have the two-light Click & Grow. Both are enjoying trying the various plant (and flower) offerings, from lettuce to rosemary to basil to pansies.
Janet Schmoll

Melanie said...

Jennifer, I forgot to ask in my first comment. Do you know where indoor lemon trees (or any citrus trees for that matter) can be purchased? I'm having much difficulty locating a place. Thank you!

Aussie Connoisseur said...

This has been my main focus. I have almost finished harvesting and storing Summer fruits and vegetables and just planted up the Winter garden. If people have the space they should focus on the calorie dense vegetables such as pumpkin (I think you call these Winter squash in the US), sweet potatoes, potatoes. Onions are great as they are the foundation for many meals and good for the lungs. If you don't have much space I would focus on Asian greens, herbs and salad veg so at the very least you have something fresh and nutritious on your plate each day.

I truly hope that when this is over everyone will continue to grow vegetables and possibly also grow some fruit and keep chickens. Food self-reliance is becoming ever more crucial in our troubled world and growing food at your back door has a major impact on climate change due to reducing carbon miles. It also saves you so much money and gives a wonderful feeling of resilience to know that whether it's a pandemic, job loss or some other challenge, you can still have healthy food.

Take care everyone,


Shannon Bardwell said...

Love the garden even in its baby stages. While we wait I contacted the local wholesale produce provider. They normally sell exclusively to restaurants but under the circumstances they are willing to break cases open and sell what you need. The "picker" had gloves and I could be sure no one had picked up my cantaloupe and sniffed it before returning it to the pile. Prices were reasonable and the selections plentiful. My family was so excited to see bananas! The family-owned produce provider was grateful as well. Shared the information with neighbors, friends, and church family. Offered to pick up orders and deliver if they couldn't get out. I'm wearing a lawn mowing mask and disposable gloves. Perhaps someone will find this beneficial until the gardens come in. Blessings.

Kylie said...


Thanks for this inspiring video! I've been hesitant to start my own garden, but now with 2 young daughters (and one more on the way) it seems like a great family experience! My 3-year-old has even started drawing out her own garden plans. :)

We're most excited about strawberries! Question: do you use netting on your strawberries (to keep birds, squirrels out)? Planning on using raised beds like you.

~Kylie Palmiter