

Madame Chic in Australia, The Art of Packing and 10 Item Wardrobe Update

5:53 AM 14 Comments
Madame Chic Down Under One of the fun things about having Lessons from Madame Chic available in other countries are the different book covers. Here we have the cover for Australia and New Zealand, which will be published by HarperCollins Australia and released on November 6, 2012. I just love its vibrancy. Isn't it fun?...


Author Website, Tinted Moisturizer and 10 Item Wardrobes

4:44 PM 11 Comments
Author Website Before this post begins I would like to share with you my newly designed author website: www.jenniferlscott.com On the new site you will be able to easily access news and events related to the book and blog, check out my latest videos and leave guestbook comments. You can also sign up for a seasonal...



On Penmanship

4:44 PM 18 Comments
I have a confession to make... My handwriting is atrocious. I used to have lovely handwriting when I was in high school. It must have been all of those handwritten papers. But when I went to college the computer became my main mode for writing and has remained so ever since. And yes, as a professional writer I write...


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